Aaron Hernandez Killing Odin
Lloyd Has
The Appearance Of A Hollywood Illuminati Sacrifice
May 15. 2017

Aaron Hernandez
Former New England Patriots football player,
Aaron Hernandez, committed suicide last month while serving
life in prison for murder. Due to an obscure Massachusetts state law in
America, Hernandez's record for murdering aspiring football player,
Odin Lloyd, was expunged. Despite the fact Hernandez was convicted of
the killing, Massachusetts law states if a convict dies
before exhausting all court appeals, their record must be
expunged. Therefore, Hernandez legally died an innocent man in
the eyes of the law, but in the real world he is guilty,
particularly in the court of public opinion.
All wrongful death claims against Hernandez
will be null and void due to his suicide expunging his
criminal record. An alleged suicide note left by Hernandez,
proclaimed to his fiancée and the mother of his child,
"You're rich." This is likely due to the fact financial
claims against his estate can be erased in light of his
death and record being questionably expunged.
Hernandez killing of Odin was strange. Some
claim it was to shut him up about Hernandez allegedly being
bisexual. However, his lawyer stated Hernandez was not
bisexual. Such a claim leaking out would not have destroyed
Hernandez's career as a football player. It would not be something
he would feel the need to kill him over.

Jenkins-Hernandez (left), the couple's daughter Avielle
Hernandez (center) and Aaron Hernandez (right) in court
weeks prior to his suicide
Information released by prison authorities
and the press after Hernandez's
suicide reveal "Illuminati" symbols were written in blood on
the wall of his prison cell and floor (There Was No Gay Suicide Letter In Aaron Hernandez Death But
There Was Illuminati Images On The Ground And Drawings In Blood
On The Wall).
This gives the appearance Hernandez was in
the Illuminati and sacrificed Odin. Members of the
so-called Hollywood "Illuminati" believe in killing others as a
"sacrifice" to the devil, in exchange for wealth and fame.
They also engage in animal sacrifices (Secret Video Shows Angelina Jolie Talking About Joining The
Illuminati And Making Satanic Animal Sacrifices).
Others have tried to kill their friends, as Hernandez did,
to get into the cult for fame and wealth (Virginia
Rapper Shoots His Best Friend In The Head As An Illuminati
Sacrifice In Order To Be Famous In Hollywood).
The "Illuminati" cult also promise career
promotion, endorsements, fame and wealth, in exchange for
joining their sick sect, worshipping the devil and promoting
their deranged organization to the public, which brings
money into their twisted financial endeavors. However, it is a deception, as people who murder others
always pay a price for it. Hernandez's fame and wealth was
short lived, as his unlawful and unethical conduct cost him everything and sent him to an early
grave in disgrace.
So many members of the "Illuminati" end up
drug addicts as a method of trying to self-medicate and
forget the sick things they are exposed to in the cult that
renders them violent paranoid schizophrenics. The so-called
"Illuminati" are evil and even sacrifice innocent people who have
a similar name and look to them or the person they hate, who is too
difficult to kill directly or through commissioned acts of
violence. They do this believing that it will be a substitute
death to the devil that will lead to the same thing
happening to their enemy and bring them more life (longer
life), fame and wealth.
Anyone who joins this so-called "Illuminati"
is going to pay a terrible price for it within courts of law
and in the court of public opinion. The fame and wealth
will be short lived and replaced by terrible legal
consequences, lasting public disgrace and financial ruin. It
is not worth the risk and damage. The public needs to stay
away from this cult.
I wish I could state it is all conspiracy
theories, but I've broken a
number of exclusives regarding them that later
proved true and correct and can attest there are some very
sick people in the entertainment industry, ensconced in
clandestine cults such as Kabbalah and Scientology, who are
practicing this heinous madness and harming innocent people.
I have been approached by them with this madness and I also
know of incidents where they approach singers, actors and
athletes, who were taken aback and began talking about the
sick things this cult is doing.

Odin Lloyd
The FBI is partly to blame for this mess. They've
allowed this "Illuminati" which is nothing but a deranged
law breaking cult to take root in America and spread their
madness to burgeoning celebrities they target in other
nations for exploitation. They have approached aspiring
stars and athletes in America and other nations such as
Britain, with the crazy line, "we are the illuminati
organization" promising them career favors, promotions,
endorsements, publicity and wealth, in exchange for joining
the cult. However, the celebrities who join the cult end up
hitting rock bottom, via mental illness, drug problems,
financial issues and legal woes that are growing worse.
This so-called "Illuminati" are trash who
don't know their place, as they have arrogantly and inexplicably
gotten involved into all sorts of things, from sports to
politics, in what is going to bring America down, as they
are mentally insane and plotting terrible things. What are
those bunch of imbeciles doing meddling in government. Based
on what is being said behind the scenes in Hollywood, their
"Illuminati" want to take over the government and have been
steadily bribing politicians to do so.
This cult are also a bunch of nutjobs who
insanely believe there too many people on earth, branding it
overpopulation and
want millions to die to keep the numbers down. They are
actively and heinously plotting ways to eradicate millions
of people, as they believe they are elite and superior and
nothing must threaten their wealth and survival.
Another problem for the FBI is in not
stopping this cult before their behavior led to grand theft
larceny, murder, voyeurism, computer hacking, phone hacking
and strong arm tactics, the members of the sect
have forged a suicide pact amongst themselves, vowing that they will
commit suicide if they are indicted for the crimes they have
been committing, which warrant life sentences and in some
cases the death penalty, due to their severity.
The FBI can continue to sit on its backside
in acts of corruption, as their misconduct is careening
towards a terrible conclusion. The FBI is going to have
another Jones Town/Ruby Ridge on its hands and end up
dragged through hell in international legislatures, forced
to explain this gross dereliction of duty in why they let a
deranged celebrity cult and their criminal madness take root
in America and spread to other nations, damaging their
Due to corruption and bribery, which the FBI
are famous for (FBI Agent Arrested For Accepting A $200,000 Bribe To Derail A Criminal
Case The FBI Was Supposed To Be Investigating
Another FBI Agent Caught Taking Bribes To Derail Serious Cases)
they looked the other way to something very sick via this
Hollywood cult and as the phrase goes, "The chickens are
going to come home to roost."
Expect to see at a future date, select
federal officials and employees under international
indictment, without congressional objection to extraditions,
out of sheer shame, disgrace and embarrassment, due to the
fall out from that cult and what they have been allowing
them to do, which has harmed and caused the preventable
deaths of Americans and international citizens.
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There Was No Gay Suicide Letter In Aaron Hernandez Death But
There Was Illuminati Images On The Ground And Drawings In Blood
On The Wall
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