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Alex Jones Overnight Removal From Apple, You Tube, Facebook And Spotify As Democrats Gear Up For Midterm Elections Is Being Called Censorship On Social Networking Democrats Attempt To Silence Conservatives Online In Desperate Attempt Ahead Of Midterm Elections August 7. 2018
Alex Jones The social networking websites You Tube and Facebook, among others, have been removing far right conservatives such as Alex Jones (InfoWars.com) and David Knight, among others. Yesterday, companies in California's Silicon Valley such as Apple, You Tube, Facebook and music streaming site Spotify, removed Jones' podcast from their sites. The have labeled his content a violation of the terms of service and "hate speech." Jones' content is still available in on his website. The move has infuriated conservatives on social networking. In a podcast posted yesterday in response to being banned from the aforementioned sites, Jones is under the impression China and U.S. President Donald Trump had something to do with his removal from the aforementioned websites. However, I think it is largely due to Silicon Valley being left leaning (liberals/Democrats). In my humble view, this has to do with the upcoming midterm elections regarding, control of the U.S. Congress. The midterm elections in America are set to take place on November 6, 2018. Democrats are desperate to regain control of Congress, hoping for a majority win in both houses, as they are getting crushed by Trump, who is vigorously fighting them back on every issue and openly defying their demands. Trump has also improved the U.S. economy regarding job gains, leading to a 50% approval rating with the American public, according to a poll conducted by Rasmussen. The Republicans in Congress are desperate to hold on to their majority as well. During the 2016 presidential election, the Democrats underestimated Donald Trump's popularity. They saw him as an unpolished longshot with a base they looked down their noses at, labeling them "Hillbillies" (or according to corrupt, undemocratic, autocratic FBI official Peter Stzrok "smelly" "ignorant" "Hillbillies"). However, Trump won the required 270 electoral votes, collecting 306, making it impossible for rival, Hillary Clinton, to become President of the United States. Trump also pulled in 62,979,636 popular votes, with rival Clinton winning 65,844,610. However, Trump stated Clinton cheated, due to voting irregularities in states such as Michigan (Hillary Clinton Accused Of Voter Fraud In Detroit After Machines Register More Votes For Her Than Registered Voters and Mass Voter Fraud Aided Hillary Clinton With The Popular Vote In The 2016 Election). And the popular vote does not determine the president when the other party has won the most electoral votes.
Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine It was one of the worst nights of Hillary Clinton's life. Clinton was so distraught and catatonic, requiring sedation, she did not come out to make a concession speech that night. It is customary for the side that does not win the election to make a concession speech on election night. Clinton and her camp have been vowing revenge regarding the loss of her long held dream of becoming president. They have been attacking conservatives such as Jones, who played a role in costing her votes. Jones completely exposed Clinton during the presidential campaign (Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Campaign Team Are Devil Worshippers (Video)). Jones' InfoWars apps became one of the most popular online, beating the New York Times, ABC, BBC, WSJ, NPR, CNBC, CBS, USA Today, Reuters and Huffington Post, among others. Clinton got some revenge for her loss and the Democrats are trying to silence a man who helped swing the 2016 presidential election. While I do not agree with a number of things Jones has stated regarding mass murder hoaxes, at the end of the day he is entitled to his opinion and trying to silence him is censorship. It sends the world the message that America does not have the free speech the Constitution states and people can be silenced for having a differing social, religious or political opinion. No one has proven that Jones incited violence or called for anyone's death. However, I read of a lawsuit and dispute regarding Jones calling the grisly, heinous Sandy Hook massacre an elaborate hoax on his radio show, regarding the 2012 mass murder of 20 kids and 7 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School, by mentally deranged, demonic 20-year-old Adam Lanza, who turned the gun on himself. Jones has been accused of stating Sandy Hook is a hoax and encouraging people to investigate it for themselves. Two of the parents of one of the 7-year-old deceased victims stated they have been harassed and threatened, forcing them to move several times, for which they blame Jones and his show. The case is currently in court. Apple stated Jones committed the terms of service violations of "bullying" and "hate speech." As Apple did not publicly cite specific examples regarding Jones "hate speech" and "bullying" and I've only watched two episodes of his show Info Wars in 2016, in the lead up to the presidential election, I cannot properly comment on the specifics of the matter. However, the Sandy Hook hoax claims and the bereaved parents who state they have been bullied and repeatedly harassed out of town, could count as a "terms of service" violation. The question is what proof does Jones or anyone else have that Sandy Hook was a hoax. Without proof, you run the risk of hurting the bereaved. Jones also called the October 1, 2017 mass shooting at a Las Vegas concert, which left an astonishing 58 people dead and 851 injured, a hoax labeling it "phony" (the Route 91 Harvest music festival). That was not a hoax. People really died and others were maimed in the deranged, vile mass shooting. Troublingly, the shooter, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, who killed himself after murdering innocent people, was a CIA operative. There should have been serious congressional hearings on the matter. Jones also called the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High mass shooting in Parkland, Florida a hoax, but it actually happened. 17 people were killed, 13 of them underage students. The Parkland shooting was real, perpetrated by demonic, satanic stalker, Nikolas Cruz. He committed mass murder on February 14, 2018 (Valentine's Day) and as previously mentioned on the site, psychologists have stated in published papers that stalkers lash out against innocent victims on holidays and birthdays. This summer, my friend's son and his step-sister graduated from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High. However, months prior they were present during the mass shooting perpetrated by Cruz. She saw bullets whizzing by and had to run to safety. My friend's son and some of his classmates were huddled in a closet for 3-hours in another area of the school, until police went from room to room retrieving the students and teachers. Cruz was later caught and is now on trial, stating he heard demonic voices telling him to kill others. He foolishly listened to those demonic voices in his head and ruined many lives in the fatal mass shooting.
A writer for Alex Jones' Info Wars tweets about his accounts being suspended on social networking Ironically, in some social networking sites banning Jones, it gave him even more publicity and it has driven more people to his site, searching to see what the controversy is all about. The banning also presents a double standard, as violent left wing (liberal) groups openly brandishing guns and plotting acts of violence are still on You Tube, Facebook and other social media sites, proving Jones' removal is political and due to the upcoming election.
Left to right: former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller and former President Barack Obama Conservatives expected an extension of the Barack Obama presidency if Clinton was elected and voted for Trump instead. Obama treated conservatives and Christians terribly during his time as president, going to extraordinary lengths to be evil and abusive. I saw Obama's abuses firsthand, when he unlawful meddled in Google, whom I used to have a blog with, ordering the once politically neutral company to be socially and financially abusive to Christians, via pulling ads from Blogger blogs if they criticized his royal highness Obama. I broke that story first, then other conservatives came forward with evidence as well, illustrating they were being financially and socially targeted on by Google over their Blogger sites, for lawfully criticizing Obama's political policies. What an egotistical, thin skinned, megalomaniac of a man. Silly us for thinking America is a nation with free speech because the Constitution says so.
Tweet about violence espousing, far left liberal groups not being banned on social networking I also broke the story on Obama unconscionably and illegally using the IRS to financially abuse Christians and conservatives, because once again, I experienced it. 2-years-later my claims were proven true via news reports and also made its way into Congress via acrimonious hearings (News Report: The IRS Targeted Christians and IRS Says Sorry For Targeting Conservatives As Obama Denies All Knowledge Of Misconduct). Obama also discriminated against Christians, regarding jobs in his administration, as was revealed in an email leak about his unlawful behavior while in office (Wikileaks Email Leak Reveals President Barack Obama Blacklisted Christians From Jobs In His Administration). I thought it was despicable that any president would go that far, as many people earn and depend on their yearly tax refund. What a horrible thing to do. It was evil, hateful and dishonorable of Obama. It showed a great lack of character and class. I would never dream of doing such an underhanded, sniveling, contemptible thing to another person, yet he did to many Christians. No U.S. president had ever treated Christians so badly in the history of the nation and it helped to cost Clinton the presidency.
Tweet on InfoWars being one of the most popular apps Clinton also shot herself in the foot, due to provoking Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom she had dealings with as U.S. Secretary of State under former President Obama (Russian President Vladimir Putin Says Nuclear War Against America Will Happen If Hillary Clinton Is Elected President Of The United States (Video)). Putin and his cabinet used social networking to expose dirt they had on Clinton, which was lawful, as he and his government have a right to express their opinions. However, hacking the DNC and Clinton was not lawful under U.S. law (12 Russian Military Officers Indicted For Hacking Into DNC And Hillary Clinton Computers (Video)). The Democrats vociferously complained about Russian interference in the election, but the sad fact of the matter is the FBI and especially the CIA routinely interfere in foreign elections. They have done so in Britain, Europe, South America, the Caribbean and the Middle East, among other places, in well documented international incidents attributed to the CIA. Obama did so most recently, unlawfully tampering with the Israeli elections. Therefore, world governments had no sympathy for Clinton losing under allegations of Russian interference, having been on the receiving end of it from the CIA, who do so in trying to dictate global policy. Some Americans do not realize it, but the CIA is why the international community has been apathetic regarding claims of Russian interference. The moral of the story is when you get into political office, be decent with everyone. Try to help everyone you can, as any constituency would expect from a good, honest, fair-minded leader. Don't make your time in office be about misusing your voter entrusted authority to punish rivals for their lawful political views, as it will come back to you and your party. RELATED ARTICLES |
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