Barack Obama, Michelle Obama
And Hillary Clinton Slammed
For Their 'No Comment' On Harvey Weinstein Finally Issue
Obamas Previously Stated Sexual Predator Harvey
Weinstein Is 'Wonderful'
October 12. 2017

Sasha Obama, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and Malia
For the past 5-years I have publicly
questioned on this website how former U.S. President Barack
Obama, could constantly support and promote sexist,
misogynistic, brutish, evil, depraved Hollywood movie
producer, Harvey Weinstein (here
here and
here and
here). For years I flat out stated on this site that
Weinstein is sexually depraved and financial fraudster
engaging in serious criminal activity. Yet, Obama had
Weinstein in the White House over a dozen times during that
5-year-period, as reflected in logbooks. Weinstein was a
constant fixture at the Obama White House. The Obamas
publicly praised the vile lout Weinstein as "a wonderful
human being" and "great friend."
Over the past week, Weinstein was exposed by
the New York Times and New York magazine as a sexual
predator and in the latter as a rapist (Harvey Weinstein's Fall From Grace As Sexual Harassment And
Charity Fraud Claims Surface
Harvey Weinstein Labeled A Rapist Confirming Previous Site
Based on their own admissions, Obama also
spoke to Weinstein on a frequent basis, seeking advice. I
find it highly questionable that a head of state would
constantly seek the advice of a movie producer and a
debauched, dishonest, sexually deviant one at that. A
president or prime minister should consult with economists,
doctors, scientists, professors, politicians, generals,
structural engineers and civil servants, among other
applicable career professionals.

Harvey Weinstein sporting a herpes sore
Constantly seeking out the counsel of a
crazy, rapist Hollywood movie producer,
who is in a murderous cult, is quite disturbing
(then again,
Obama's Hollywood presidency was suspect). Weinstein
has only ever been a movie producer and it does not qualify
one to dispense advice to a head of state responsible for
governing a nation.
The fact of the matter is the Obamas turned
a blind eye to Weinstein's crimes, as he donated huge sums
of money and threw multi-million dollar fundraisers for
them. Site stats reveal many offices of the Obama
Administration (and members of Congress) frequently read
this website while he was in office (the feds are still
reading it, as are members of Congress, among others in the
government). Therefore, they knew the whole time Weinstein
was (and is) a complete criminal.
Over the past few days, when asked for
comment by the press, the Obamas and failed presidential
candidate, Hillary Clinton, who are three close friends of
Weinstein, stated "no comment." After the public slammed the
Obamas and Clinton on social networking, each issued a
statement 5-days later.

Hillary Clinton (right) and Cyrus Vance (left) the New
York District Attorney who corruptly threw out a criminal
case against Harvey Weinstein that contained credible
evidence he sexually assaulted a model. Vance was given a
$10,000 donation by Weinstein's lawyer (New
York District Attorney Cyrus Vance Looked The Other Way To
Harvey Weinstein's Crimes In 2015 Due To Pressure From The
FBI And Obama White House And A Bribe).
Barack Obama stated, "Michelle and I have
been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein.
Any many who demeans and degrades women in such a fashion
needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of
wealth or status. We should celebrate the courage of women
who have come forward to tell these painful stories. And we
all need to build a culture — including by empowering our
girls and teaching our boys decency and respect — so we can
make such behavior less prevalent in the future."
Hillary Clinton finally broke her silence
regarding campaign donor Weinstein, "I'm shocked and
appalled by the revelations. The behavior described by women
coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and the
support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind
of behavior."
What still baffles me is how the Obama sent
their daughter, Malia, to work for Weinstein. They knew what
he is like. I publicly denounced the idea from day one. Look
at all the famous women Weinstein has attacked. He thinks
he's some hotshot and can have any woman he wants without
her consent. Why did they think it was acceptable that Malia
be in that "toxic work environment" which is how it was
described by women who worked for Weinstein.
To send your daughter to work for a sexual
predator and she was half dressed at times, which concerned
me in light of where she worked (Weinstein Company), was not
a great idea. Women should be able to wear whatever they
want, but around a swine like Weinstein, it is cause for
concern. He behaves badly as it is when a woman is fully
It was stated this week that Weinstein also
used Malia as bait to advertise for internships, seeking
more young females to work for him. Weinstein used Malia in
a bid at giving an air of legitimization to his terrible
behavior towards young women. Weinstein is so sick and
devious. However, there are others in Hollywood just like
The worse part is, this terrible behavior
some are exhibiting in Hollywood regarding the casting
couch, which I have slammed on this website for years, is
completely unnecessary to making good films, TV shows and or
music. The sexual harassment, sexual assaults and rapes that
have occurred are pure arrogance and ego in an industry that
has completely lowered the bar for decency in the work
place. This demonic level of evil, extreme sexism, misogyny,
outright sexual assault and retaliatory behavior is
Michelle Obama In 2013: Harvey Weinstein Is ‘A
Wonderful Human Being’
October 6, 2017 By The Federalist Staff - At
a film workshop for students from across the country in
2013, then-first lady Michelle Obama praised Harvey
Weinstein as a “wonderful human being.” Weinstein has come
under fire after The New York Times reported the Miramax
head has been paying women to keep quiet about sexual
assault allegations against him for decades. The film mogul
has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Democrats
for years. CNN reports that Weinstein has made more than 185
donations to Democratic candidates and liberal organizations
totaling more than $350,000.
Four years ago, Michelle Obama praised
Weinstein at a White House event. “I want to start by
thanking Harvey Weinstein for organizing this amazing day,”
she said at the beginning of her remarks. “Harvey. This is
possible because of Harvey. He is a wonderful human being, a
good friend and just a powerhouse. And the fact that he and
his team took the time to make this happen for all of you
should say something not about me or about this place, but
about you. Everybody — we are here because of you.” Malia
Obama, the eldest daughter of Michelle and former president
Barack Obama, worked as an intern for Weinstein this year...
As Democrats denounce Weinstein, Clintons and Obama
stay mum
Updated 9:15 AM ET, Tue October 10, 2017 -
Democrats under pressure to disavow Weinstein. The Clintons
and Obama did not immediately respond to the report on
long-time Democratic Party donor Harvey Weinstein. Aides to
Clinton have questioned why former secretary of state
Hillary Clinton has not addressed the issue.
Washington (CNN)Many Democratic office
holders were quick to repudiate disgraced Hollywood
executive Harvey Weinstein following a bombshell report
detailing decades of alleged sexual harassment.
But former Democratic Presidents Barack Obama and Bill
Clinton, as well as former Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton -- all of whom have longstanding ties to Weinstein,
a major Democratic Party fundraiser -- have not publicly
addressed the accusations.
Representatives for the Clintons have not
responded to comment for this story, and Obama's office
declined to comment. Clinton did not mention Weinstein
during an appearance Monday night at the University of
California, Davis, as part of her book tour, her first
public appearance since the story broke. Kaine on Weinstein:
'Any leader should condemn this'...
President Obama Is ‘Disgusted’ by Harvey Weinstein
Sexual Harassment Claims
1 day ago - President Barack Obama said in a
statement on Tuesday, October 10, that he is “disgusted” by
the claims of sexual assault and harassment surrounding film
producer Harvey Weinstein.
Biggest Celebrity Cheating Scandals Ever! “Michelle and I
have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey
Weinstein,” the former president said to Us Weekly. “Any
many who demeans and degrades women in such a fashion needs
to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth
or status.”...
The former Secretary of State released a
statement on Tuesday about Weinstein saying, she was
“shocked and appalled by the revelations.” “The behavior
described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated,” she
said. “Their courage and the support of others is critical
in helping to stop this kind of behavior.”...
Harvey Weinstein is now a big problem for Democrats
Updated 12:31 PM ET, Fri October 6, 2017 -
Washington (CNN)Thursday's New York Times report detailing
decades of inappropriate sexual conduct toward women by
Miramax head Harvey Weinstein puts Democrats in a very
uncomfortable position. Weinstein has, for years and years,
been a major -- and high profile -- Democratic donor and
fundraiser. He has doled out hundreds of thousands -- and
helped raise millions -- for Democratic candidates up and
down the ballot. According to the Center for Responsive
Politics, Weinstein had made 185 individual donations to a
variety of Democratic candidate and liberal-aligned
organizations dating back to the early 1990s.
He's also hosted a series of fundraisers at
his various homes around the country over the years. In
2013, he hosted then-President Barack Obama for a fundraiser
at his New York City apartment. In 2012, Obama did a
fundraiser for his re-election bid at Weinstein's home in
Connecticut. During the 2016 campaign, Weinstein held a
fundraiser for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign at
his New York City apartment and another with fashion mogul
Anna Wintour...
But there's more to this story than simply
issuing statements condemning Weinstein or returning his
now-tainted money. These paragraphs from the Times story
gets to that broader point: "In interviews, some of the
former employees who said they had troubling experiences
with Mr. Weinstein asked a common question: How could
allegations repeating the same pattern — young women, a
powerful male producer, even some of the same hotels — have
accumulated for almost three decades?
"'It wasn't a secret to the inner circle,'
said Kathy DeClesis, Bob Weinstein's assistant in the early
1990s. She supervised a young woman who left the company
abruptly after an encounter with Harvey Weinstein and who
later received a settlement, according to several former
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Harvey Weinstein Is No Different From Appalling Industry Men
Like Jay Z And LA Reid Who Sexually Harass Women While
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Harvey Weinstein's Fall From Grace As Sexual Harassment And
Charity Fraud Claims Surface
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