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Beyonce's Dad Paying Child Support For New Son

February 17. 2010

In news regarding unscrupulous music manager, Matthew Knowles, that will no doubt be painful to his daughter, singer Beyonce and her mother, Tina Knowles, who is divorcing him over repeated adultery claims, actress and mistress, Alexsandra Wright, has given birth to a baby boy, not girl, as was initially reported by many outlets, named Nixon Knowles (If he has Matthew's gene pool, he's going to be a real Nixon, alright).

Matthew and Tina Knowles

Matthew has started paying child support, under court order and is scheduled to take a paternity test shortly. A Los Angeles judge ordered him to pay $20,000 for January 2010 and $8,200 per month, to Wright, who would not have given him the time of day, if it were not for his family's notoriety and ill-gotten cash flow, as Knowles has no redeeming qualities.

Alexsandra Wright

Ironically, several weeks ago, it was reported on several music news sites, Matthew Knowles asked Jay-Z, the husband of his daughter, Beyonce, to have his name affixed to the couple's last name, to reflect both, as he had no son to carry on his crooked name.



Beyonce's Dad Liked It, Not Gonna Put a Ring on It, Still Has to Pay "Bills, Bills, Bills"

February 17, 2010 10:08 AM - NEW YORK (CBS) A Los Angeles judge has ordered Beyonce's father, Mathew Knowles, to pay temporary child support even though he may not be the baby's daddy, says TMZ. A whopping $20,750 in child support will be coming the mother's way for the month of January alone.

Alexsandra Wright, mother of baby Nixon who was born Feb. 4, claims she had an 18-month relationship with the singer's father, says TMZ.

Her lawyer, Neal Hersh, went to court Wednesday to ask for child support and the judge ordered Knowles to pay $8,200 a month, according to TMZ. Knowles must also pay 100% of uninsured medical costs.

A DNA test will take place March 1, says the site, to determine if Knowles is baby Nixon's father.
According to TMZ, Knowles has not flat out denied he is the father. Surprisingly, he gave Wright $10,000 in January to cover uninsured medical costs and other expenses.




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