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Biden Administration Exposed Again For Inflating Job Numbers During Terrible Economy Confirming Previous Site Claims (Video)

July 6. 2024


Previously on the site in the November 5, 2023 article "President Joe Biden Caught Lying About Job Creation After Downward Revision Removes 700,000 Jobs He Lied About Creating Confirming Previous Site Claims" I exposed the fact that President Joe Biden has been lying about his job creation numbers.

The Biden administration has been inflating job numbers in America to cover up the President's terrible economy that has caused Americans an enormous amount of financial, mental and emotional suffering. People can't pay their bills and buy food, because of the idiocy of the Biden administration's policies.

This week another downward revision was done to the job numbers Biden previously touted in trying to portray an image of success. The downward revision removed 111,000 from the figures Biden claimed he created in jobs. What a fraud.

Rather than find proper solutions to the nation's problems, the Biden administration, which is illegally run by former U.S. President, Barack Obama, has been trying to hide the truth regarding their horrible failures. They know they are not what is best for the country (as they don't know what they are doing), but are digging their heels in at all costs.

They don't care about America or the world. They only care about their bank accounts, which are very full beyond anything a politician in their situations could lawfully earn. They've also stashed a fortune abroad in violation of U.S. law.


President Joe Biden Caught Lying About Job Creation After Downward Revision Removes 700,000 Jobs He Lied About Creating Confirming Previous Site Claims

Banks Shed 60,000 Jobs In The Fallout Of U.S. Bank Failures Under President Joe Biden

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