Bobbi Kristina
Brown On Life Support Due To Overdose Confirming Previous Site
Statements From 2012
February 3. 2015
Bobbi Kristina Brown
21-year-old Bobbi Kristina Brown, the daughter of the late
singing legend, Whitney Houston, was found unresponsive, face
down in her bathtub, by her estranged husband, Nick Gordon. This
was the same manner in which her mother was found 3-years ago,
when she passed away from a drug use and drowning. Brown's
husband tried to revive her via CPR, after finding her
unconscious in the bathtub.
Gordon's friend, Max Lomas, a known drug dealer was present
and called paramedics to the Alpharetta home she once shared
with her mother. Lomas was arrested on January 14, 2105 for
drugging his girlfriend to prevent her from leaving him. Police
also found a saleable amount of narcotic drugs, drug
paraphernalia, illegal prescription meds and an unlicensed gun.
Basically, Lomax is one of Bobbi and Nick's drug dealers.
Bobbi Kristina Brown and Nick Gordon
Emergency responders were able to successfully resuscitate
Brown, as a paramedic reported to emergency services that he
heard gurgling noises. Brown was transported to North Fulton
Hospital in Atlanta and placed on a ventilator and in a
medically induced coma, to relieve brain edema (swelling). Brain
swelling can lead to death and in emergency cases fluid is
drained from the brain to alleviate intracranial pressure.
Hypoxia (oxygen deprivation) wreaks havoc on the body. After 10
minutes of submersion in water, the patient does not recover. It
takes less than half that time for irreversible brain damage to
Submerging a person in water without oxygen is the equivalent
of the process of erasing a computer hard drive - the longer it
continues, the more data (brain function) is lost. Authorities
did not divulge how long Brown was oxygen deprived in the
bathtub, but the mere fact she was unresponsive and Gordon was
unable to revive her indicates she was oxygen deprived for
several minutes. The drugs caused her to black out, water enter
her lungs and the lack of oxygen damage her internal organs.

Nick Gordon and Bobbi Kristina
Brown, much like her mother, Houston, who died on February
11, 2012, had a habit of taking prescription drugs (muscle
relaxers and mood stabilizers) and illegal narcotics in hot
baths, as a form of relaxation, which is very dangerous. One can
easily lose consciousness under those circumstances and drown.
Brown has done this before as well, but did not black out. It is
a recipe for disaster.
Being submerged in warm or hot water, as opposed to cold, in
a manner that impedes breathing, decreases the chances of
survival and a full recovery. Cold tends to preserve the organs
and bodily functions a short while longer than hot water, which
accelerates deterioration. Taking prescription or illegal drugs
in quick proximity to having a bath can make one so relaxed, one

Bobbi Kristina Brown, Whitney Houston
and Bobby Brown
A year and a half before Houston died, the Judiciary Report
stated she would overdose if she did not get help (see:
Houston On The Brink and
Whitney Houston Is The Latest Hollywood Star To Die Under Tragic
Beginning in 2012, the Judiciary Report repeatedly published
articles warning that Bobbi Kristina would overdose as well if
she did not get help. In looking through the site's archive to
write this article, I am reminded that I wrote that warning so
many times in so many articles, but no one got her any help and
now she's "fighting for her life" with little brain activity
(see all the past Judiciary Report articles from 2012 warning
Bobbi would overdose in the "PREVIOUS ARTICLES" section below).
Some outlets are reporting she is brain dead and the family has
been advised on funeral arrangements. This all could have been
prevented. Sadly, history has repeated itself.

Whitney Houston and Bobbi Kristina
Brown shortly before the singer's death
Brown was in a significant amount of emotional pain. Her
mother was her whole world and in many ways her identity. She
was severely depressed over her mother's death and upset at
martial problems she began experiencing regarding Gordon's
highly unreasonable behavior. Prior to Brown marrying Gordon,
the Judiciary Report twice stated she should have a relationship
with him (see:
Would Whitney Houston Have Wanted Her Daughter To Date
Her Adopted Son and
Whitney Houston's Daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown Is Said
To Be Engaged To Adopted Brother Against Grandmother's Wishes
Bobbi Kristina Brown Getting Engaged To Her Informally
Adopted Brother Is Not The Best Way To Start Her Career
Cissy Houston Was Right To Challenge Her Daughter
Whitney Houston's Will And Here's Why).
On March 19, 2012 the site also stated "If
Nick Gordon Marries Bobbi Kristin Brown And Something Happens To
Her Will He Get Everything" and that's exactly what
has happened 3-years later, as Bobbi Kristina lays on life
support. Ironically, on March 5, 2011 the Judiciary Report
stated, "You are fighting for your life." 3-years later, Bobbi
Kristina's family released a statement this past weekend stating
she is, "Fighting for her life."
Gordon began cheating on Brown even before they were married
in a pattern of behavior that did not abate. Gordon is a
spendthrift, who is abusive and ungrateful. Houston took him
into her home when he was age 12 and gave him a life of
privilege. After Houston passed away, Brown kept him in that
lifestyle as well. Only for him to cheat on and abuse her, while
spending her money. Since the time they got married, Gordon has
physically fought Brown's family, who filed a restraining order
against him. He has brandished guns and crashed Brown's cars
three times.

Last photo Bobbi Kristina Brown posted
to social networking
Gordon is wild, unfaithful and violent. He has
repeatedly made Brown cry, much like her father did regarding
her mother. She married a man who is like her dad and it has
brought her a significant amount of distress and emotional pain.
There is also some jealousy, as Gordon was attempting to start a
music career at the same time as Bobbi Kristina. A person going
through severe depression due to bereavement, did not need the
additional pain of an unfaithful, abusive partner. It is more
incentive for an addict to sink further into illegal drug use.
Another item the Judiciary Report warned against was Brown
trying to become her mother. Bobbi Kristina kept saying she is
just like her mother, even when discussing negative things like
drugs and embraced the habits that led to her mother's demise.
At the end of the day this is not what her mother wanted for

Bobbi Kristina Brown's home
Bobbi Kristina needed her own identity, but was overwhelmed
by her mother's name and legacy. As discussed in a
previous article on the Judiciary Report, people gave Bobbi Kristina a
hard time for not looking and singing like her mom. However, her
dad was a good looking man in his hay day before drugs and
alcohol started to impact his looks. He's not unattractive now,
but drugs, alcohol and hard living with various groupies took
their toll on him. Brown was also a good singer and an even
better dancer when he was still performing. Bobbi Kristina had
talent too. She was nice looking and could sing. She was a
diamond in the rough.
That's one of the problems with drugs, if you don't get your
life together, it can claim it, wiping out all your dreams. I
implore anyone reading this who has a drug problem to go to
rehab and seriously work on your sobriety. Many people who
overdose don't expect it, as it just happens. Some people get a
bad batch of drugs or things reach a point where their body says
no more after chronic abuse. Others suffer tragic secondary
events that led to death while inebriated.
Bobby Brown Worried About Drug Rumors
Regarding His Daughter With Whitney Houston
May 22. 2012
Both Bobby and Bobbi need extensive rehab to
stay on the path of sobriety or they shall pass early as Houston
did months ago. There's no way to pretty it up.
Whitney Houston's Daughter Devastated
At Coroner's Pronouncement Her Mom Died With Cocaine In Her
March 24. 2012
19-year-old Bobbi Kristina Brown, was spotted in public with
boyfriend brother, Nick Gordon, looking very sad and upset this
past Thursday, when it was announced her mom, Whitney Houston,
died of a cocaine overdose and cardiac episode last month.
48-year-old Houston was found submerged in the bathtub of her
Beverly Hilton hotel suite.
Once again, Bobbi Kristina and her dad, Houston's ex-husband,
Bobby Brown, who are both addicted to drugs and struggle with
alcoholism, need to embrace sobriety and stick with it, as their
very lives depend on it. You're not too young to die of an
overdose...Both Browns need to view sobriety as a life or death
situation and keep in mind that their next hit, could be their
very last. It's not worth dying over, as they have much to live
Reports Indicate Whitney
Houston's Daughter Disappeared After Her Funeral To Do Drugs
She Could Overdose If This Continues
February 20. 2012
On February 13, 2012, the Judiciary Report warned, "Bobbi
Kristina Brown and her dad also struggle with hard drug and
alcohol abuse and need to view Houston's death in part as a wake
up call, lest they pass prematurely as well." Sadly, reports
published yesterday indicate, Bobbi Kristina Brown, the
18-year-old daughter of the late award winning singer, Whitney
Houston, disappeared after her funeral on Saturday, February 18,
2012, for several hours, to do drugs. It is not surprising, as
addicts often turn to drugs during crisis, in an effort to numb
the pain, but this is dangerous, as it can lead to overdose.
Prayer and intensive rehab are best.
Bobbi Kristina was very close to her mom and went everywhere
with her. Therefore, it is understandable that this loss would
hit her very hard. However, she must move forward with her life.
Her mother loved her and would want her to overcome her
addictions and make the most of her life. She would not want her
to self-destruct. Bobbi Kristina also needs to think
about her grandmother, Cissy Houston, who does not need to lose
her as well. Drugs are a terrible thing…
Coroner Confirms Peaches Geldof Died
Of Heroin Overdose
July 25. 2014
As stated on Twitter the day she died, socialite Peaches
Geldof, died of a drug overdose at the age of 25. This week, a
coroner’s report has confirmed this tragic fact. Geldof left
behind a husband and two small children. She died much in the
same way her late mother, Paula Yates did, from a heroin
For instance, Bobbi Kristina Brown, the daughter of the late
singer, Whitney Houston, received $10,000 per month in allowance
since age 12. Today she is hooked on drugs and in serious danger
of dying early from an overdose if she does not get help.
Whitney Houston's Ex-Husband Bobby
Brown Arrested For Driving Under The Influence In California
March 26. 2012
Since legendary vocalist Whitney Houston died of a drug
overdose last month, the Judiciary Report has issued pleas to
her daughter, 18-year-old Bobbi Kristina Brown and her
ex-husband, Bobbi Brown, to get sober in rehab to kick their
addiction to drugs and alcohol. Even as recently as this past
Saturday, March 24, 2012, the Judiciary Report published another
article in this regard (Whitney
Houston's Daughter Devastated At Coroner's Pronouncement Her Mom
Died With Cocaine In Her System).
Today it was announced, Bobby Brown has been arrested for
Driving Under The Influence and detained in California for this
offence. If they continue along this path they are going to die
early. They are tempting death with these addictions in
decisions they will regret.
Bobbi Kristina Brown Feuding With Her
Grandmother Cissy Houston In Acts Whitney Houston Would Not
Approve Of
October 17. 2012
According to Radar Online, Bobbi Kristina Brown, the daughter
of the late singer, Whitney Houston, is feuding with her
grandmother, Cissy Houston, over "adopted brother" and
boyfriend, Nick Gordon. While I am sorry for their loss, I can't
help but think Whitney Houston would not want her family
fighting like this, nor would she approve of her daughter's
downward spiral.
I have it on very good authority that 19-year-old Bobbi
Kristina is a full fledged drug addict and alcoholic. She has
publicly stated she is just like her mother and it is obvious
she is embracing Houston's vices as well, when her mom would
want better for her. At the rate Bobbi Kristina is going, they
are going to end up burying her prematurely over wild living
that is not worth her life.
She and her dad, R&B singer, Bobby Brown are in danger of
death. They need not take it lightly. A year and a half before
it happened, I was the first to state Whitney would overdose and
die, due to what she was doing to herself via addiction, in a
serious habit that God knows could not be sustained without
disastrous results (i.e. death).
Bobbi Kristina needs
intensive rehab, new friends that are sober and living right and
to embrace the understanding that tomorrow is not promised. What
good will your dreams of becoming a singer and actress be, if
you die because of your addictions. I'm sure your dad and
grandmother do not want to attend your funeral, nor would your
mom want you to die young.
People die at different ages. Just because you are young,
doesn't mean you will live to be old. You can't take that for
granted or believe long life to be a given or entitlement.
Sometimes accidents happen and people die young, but don't
encourage death with bad choices such as addiction. This is a
wake up call. Don't ignore it like your mom did, as death
doesn't differentiate. It comes for us all - some earlier than
others due to drug and alcohol addiction.
Bobbi Kristina Brown Must Have A Death
Wish Meeting In Three Accidents In The Past Few Months
November 29. 2012
The Judiciary Report has repeatedly reiterated its concern
Brown is going to die young due to decisions she is making. If
she does get clean and sober via rehab, she is moving closer to
a sad and early end that her mom would not want for her.
Whitney Houston's Daughter Betrayed By
Ex-Boyfriend That Sold Cocaine Photos
March 5. 2011
Two days ago, photos were disseminated online of Whitney
Houston and Bobby Brown's 18-year-old daughter, Bobbi Kristina
Brown, snorting lines of cocaine through a straw. Initially,
some bloggers were given incentives by PR representatives, to
deny it was even Brown in the photos, but the Judiciary Report
knew better and stated it as fact.
One day later, Houston's daughter admitted she is the young
woman featured in the photo snorting cocaine, but claims it was
a set up and not what it looks like. Sadly, it is what it looks
like. The photos were sold to the National Enquirer by Brown's
ex-boyfriend, Zach Jafarzadeh. It was an unkind thing to do.
Regarding, Brown's explanation, there's no sense in lying
about it. The best thing to do is get into a reputable rehab
facility. Some people knock it, but it has worked for many. Even
if you fall of the proverbial wagon, get sober again. Fight for
your sobriety, as you are fighting for your life. It's better
than abusing drugs and alcohol all the time.
Another item of concern is Houston snorted more than one line
of cocaine in some of the photos, which is particularly
troubling, as that level of drug use makes her a candidate for
an overdose. She's got to rein in that problem. She's too young,
with too much to live for, to play with her life via abusing
drugs and alcohol. If an intervention is not staged, this is not
going to end well. |