Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson Released
From Hospital After Nearly Dying And Being Placed In Intensive Care
With The Coronavirus (Video)April 13. 2020
Britain's prime minister, Boris Johnson, 55, was
released from the hospital yesterday, after a severe bout with
coronavirus nearly cost him his life. For 2-weeks there was a move
to downplay his illness. However, Johnson released a video
yesterday, where he admitted thing got so bad he could have died.
Johnson stated, "Things could have gone either way."
In previous articles on the site I did state that
Johnson had to be in dire condition to be placed in the intensive
care unit (Reports Confirm Obesity And
Compromised Immune System Linked To Severity Of Coronavirus Infections
As Previously Stated On The Site and
Britain’s Prime Minister Boris
Johnson Hospitalized In Intensive Care Due To Worsening Coronavirus

Boris Johonson
It is very ironic that Johnson and politicians in
his party have repeatedly criticized and under-funded the NHS, yet
they are the very ones who ended up saving his life. There are many
lessons to be learned from this story.
Side Bar: It's amazing. The NHS gave
Boris medical care that brought him through the coronavirus.
However, it's a shame they couldn't cure his hair (LOL). He still came out
of the hospital with that hairdo (shakes head and throws hands up).
Reports Confirm Obesity And
Compromised Immune System Linked To Severity Of Coronavirus Infections
As Previously Stated On The Site
Boris Johnson's Catalogue Of Errors
And Poor Choices Has Left Britain Vulnerable During The Coronavirus
Outbreak (Video)
Boris Johnson's Pregnant Mistress
Carrie Symonds Is Refusing To Be Tested For Coronavirus After Displaying
New York Times Publishes Article On
Boris Johnson Detailing Government Covering Up The Illnesses Of Prime
Britain’s Prime Minister Boris
Johnson Hospitalized In Intensive Care Due To Worsening Coronavirus
Scientists Confirm 8 Coronavirus
Strains Are Circling The Globe (Covid-19)