"Blackout" Bombs
Britney Boycott Successful
November 7. 2007

Britney Spears
Britney Spears' new album, Blackout, has debuted
at #2 on the charts with an utterly underwhelming 290,000 copies sold in its
first week of release. For an entertainer that usually sells upwards of 700,000
copies in the the first week of sales, this truly marked a horrible moment in
her career. It is the worst opening week sales of her now fallen career.
The opening sales are too low to sustain any
kind of decent numbers in the coming weeks, which will in effect, churn out and
cement a flop when the smoke clears.
Thank you to all of you that participated in the
Britney boycott I requested on October 13, 2007 in the article
Britney’s Bad Break for Spears and her
label, Jive/Sony/BMG, infringing my copyrights, as mentioned in the
aforementioned link. It was also mentioned
in my
UN Human Rights Abuse complaint.
While Jive/Sony/BMG did pull the two copyright
infringing songs, "Get Back" and "State Of Grace," shortly after I posted the
Britney’s Bad Break calling for the
boycott, the damage was already done as far as I'm concerned. Google searches
revealed, the lyrics and music for the infringing songs in question “Get Back”
and “State Of Grace” was disseminated onto roughly 2 million web sites. That's a
massive infringement.
And for those of you
cynics that would wish to reason away the boycott’s effectiveness answer me

1. If you wish to
attribute it to poor sales in the industry, then why did the Eagles sell a hefty
700,000 copies in one week, with next to no promo, beating Britney to the number
#1. Like I wrote last month
talent transcends age.
Eagles: Oh
snap! I'm #1 - "It's Britney, *itch" "It's Eagle, Witch":

2. If you wish to
attribute it to lack of publicity and promo – in the weeks leading up to the
release, Britney received more publicity than anyone on the planet. She also
received good reviews from publications like People magazine. She also did a widely
listened to radio interview with Ryan Seacrest.
Once again, thanks to all who participated in
the boycott. It is greatly appreciated. Please keep it going until they desist
illegally using my copyrighted works, that were all in existence and under
domestic and international protection, before they were infringed, and legally
make amends for what they have done. Thank you.