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Cheney v Obama May 21. 2009 Video: Face Off: Obama vs. Cheney RT
In a showdown that defies explanation, time restraints or a statute of limitations, former vice president Dick Cheney has attacked sitting president Barack Obama, in another speech showdown, stating the latter has made the country less safe with his policies. Oh please! Not to point out what should be the obvious, but if I remember correctly, 9/11 happened under your watch, Mr. Cheney. One cannot claim a great national security record when such a tragedy happens during one's tenure. You're welcome.
Barack Obama Maybe if you and Bush II didn't corrupt the Supreme Court to steal the election from Al Gore, none of this would have happened. How can tens of millions of people in a nation of 300,000,000 take the time to vote, only for a high court to install who they wanted, for reasons known to them. That is astounding. There should have been a revote for the states in question, as the Supreme Court has shown they have bad judgment. You wanna know what really made the country less safe, starting a phony war in the Middle East to steal copious amounts of oil. Due to your oil obsession and that of Haliburton, who has been to this site since its inception, over one million people are dead, both civilians and soldiers and America has more enemies than it's ever had in its entire history.
And don't blame it on Republicanism, either, Mr. Cheney, because when Reagan was president, America was at the height of its popularity in the world. Everybody wanted to come here. But between you and George W. Bush and the mutual madness that sprang from both, tourists and immigrants are forgoing America, according to published reports. I hope financial raping America and Iraq was worth the heartache, sorrow, death, chaos and hardship you two have caused. Now you and Bush II can unjustly retire with the untold wealth your families and associates have made, while a frantic government struggles to keep a nation from completely collapsing.
Dick Cheney You did not serve your nation. You served yourself, your wallet and that of your cronies. You should at least have the decency to bow out. The nation should not be seeing you more than the actual vice president, Joe Biden. The buzzer has sounded. Your (vice) presidency is over. Trying to be a revisionist at this point in time is both in vain and quite redundant. While, I do not agree with Obama on several things, you should at least thank him for going around the world as a representative of the U.S. government, shaking hands with enemies you and Bush II senselessly made, also greatly endangering this nation. A Thrilla Near the Hilla Friday, May 22, 2009 - Dick Cheney came out swinging. He had been forced to delay his speech attacking President Obama by 48 minutes yesterday morning because the cable networks were carrying a dueling speech by Obama himself. "Well, good morning, or perhaps good afternoon," the former vice president growled when he finally took the podium at the American Enterprise Institute. "It's pretty clear the president served in the Senate and not in the House of Representatives, because, of course, in the House, we have the five-minute rule." Cheney then gave his speech -- at 36 minutes, nearly as long as Obama's. No matter: It was not Cheney's logic but his prodigious anger that was on display yesterday. It was the political world's equivalent of Ali-Frazier, a televised smackdown between the president, giving a speech about terrorism at the National Archives, and the former vice president, jabbing back across town at AEI. In the blue corner stood Obama, smiling and cerebral. "I want to solve these problems, and I want to solve them together as Americans," he said soothingly. "And we will be ill served by some of the fear-mongering that emerges whenever we discuss this issue." In the red corner stood Cheney, scowling, and, well, fear-mongering: "To bring the worst of the worst terrorists inside the United States would be cause for great danger. . . . It is recklessness cloaked in righteousness and would make the American people less safe. . . . The terrorists see just what they were hoping for: our unity gone, our resolve shaken, our leaders distracted. In short, they see weakness and opportunity."... |
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