Congress Needs
To Enact Legislative Guidelines Regarding Police Brutality
November 2. 2015

The way to solve the current problems is via Congress and the
federal government addressing the police brutality occurring in
America, by establishing new, clear-cut federal guidelines/laws,
that provide stiff penalties for officers who cross the line.
For example, the 16-year-old girl, who was battered by a cop for
not getting out of her seat at school, could have been removed
from class via the officer using his right arm to lift her up by
her left arm, then escorted her out of the classroom [South Carolina Police Officer With History Of Abuse Chokes, Slams
And Throws 16-Year-Old Black Girl Across Classroom Committing
Assault On A Minor (Video)]. Putting a child in a chokehold,
slamming her to the ground, then tossing her across the room,
before jumping on her back and cuffing her, was assault (South
Carolina Cop Who Choked, Body Slammed And Threw 16-Year-Old
School Girl Fired From His Job).
In cases where subjects of petty crime are fleeing, an
officer should not have the right to run after and shoot the
person in the head or back/torso, as it often results in death.
Unless you are trying to catch a very dangerous serial killer or
mass murderer, who poses an imminent danger to the public, you
should not be shooting at the person several times as they run
away. The average person cannot recover from being shot several
times. Once again, if you shoot someone several times, you are
likely going to kill them.
If you cannot successful shoot the individual in the leg once
to slow them down or stop them (avoiding the femoral artery
which can lead to rapid exsanguination and death), you should
not aim for the head or torso. Case in point, African-American
man, Walter Scott, was shot in the back several times and died,
after running away from a cop over a minor traffic stop (Michael Slager Indicted For Shooting Unarmed Black Man Walter Scott
8 Times In The Back As He Ran Away).
Scott ran away (not towards) officer, Michael Slager, who
began running after him. Slager shot Scott in the back 8 times,
then tried to plant a gun next to his body (to set up the lie
Scott had grabbed his gun and attacked him when he had not). The
officer even pushed mortally wounded Scott's face into the
ground to impede breathing, lessening his chance of survival.
Scott had committed no major crime. He did not deserve to die
over a broken taillight on his car. It is insulting and
ridiculous that he died for such a minor offense.
Another issue that has resulted in preventable injuries is
police officers beating or shooting suspects after they have
been cuffed and subdued (Deputy Sheriff Charged With Manslaughter In The Shooting Death Of
Black Man Who Was Already Handcuffed On The Ground). This is
not appropriate and constitutes assault. Videos online show some
police officers kicking and punching people already in handcuffs
and subdued. Other incidents include driving police vehicles
erratically causing injury to occupants who are handcuffed
(referred to as "waffling").
Michael Slager And The North Charleston Police Department In South
Carolina Have A History Of Brutality Against Black Men Prior To The
Illegal Killing Of Walter Scott
Footage Released Of Tennis Star James Blake Being Wrongly Tackled
And Body Slammed By New York Police Before Being Arrested For Crime
He Did Not Commit (Video)
Officer Who Shot And Killed 12-Year-Old Black Boy Was Initially
Rejected From The Police Force As 'Mentally Unprepared' And 'Weepy'
With Poor Shooting Performance (Video)
Top Forensic Pathologist Michael Baden States There Was No Evidence
Of A Struggle Between Mike Brown And Police And He Should Not Have
Been Shot So Many Times
New York Police Officers Put Pregnant Black Woman In A Chokehold And
Called Her Husband A 'Nig*er' (Videos Of NYPD Attacks On Pregnant
Women Of Color)
South Carolina Police Officer With History Of Abuse Chokes, Slams
And Throws 16-Year-Old Black Girl Across Classroom Committing
Assault On A Minor (Video)
CNN Reports
The National Guard In Ferguson Threw Gasoline On The Fire Of Racial
Tensions During Mike Brown Protests By Calling Black Protesters N*ggers
Wilson Resigns From His Job As A Police Officer In Ferguson And Will
Not Receive Severance Pay In The Killing Of Teen Mike Brown (Video)
Tennis Player James Blake Tackled, Slammed To The Ground And
Arrested By New York Police Department In A Case Of Mistaken
Identity (Video)
Shocking Video Released Of Police Officer Engaging In Excessive
Force Against 14-Year-Old Black Girl In Texas Resulting In
Suspension (Video)
Cop Tases Woman For Filming Him Engaging In Police Brutality, Calls
Her A 'Dumb B***h' And Lies Stating She Tried To Run Him Over
Carolina Police Officer Charged With Murder For Shooting A Fleeing Black
Man In The Back 8 Times Then Framing Him For Theft
Riots Erupt In Baltimore Over Freddie Gray Killing By Cops
Reiterating The Need For A Federal Law Regarding Police Brutality
Protests Erupt Over New York Grand Jury's Decision Not To Indict
Police In The Choking Death Of Black Man Eric Garner (Video)
Brave Man Who Filmed Police Officer Michael Slager Framing And Murdering
Walter Scott Speaks Up On What He Saw (Video)
Deputy Sheriff Charged With Manslaughter In The Shooting Death Of
Black Man Who Was Already Handcuffed On The Ground
And His Wife Arrested In Separate Incidents After Filming The
Killing Of Eric Garner By New York Police Officer (Video)
Protests Erupt As Police Officer Not Charged For Shooting Unarmed
Mentally Ill Black Man 14 Times For Sleeping In A Park
Footage Released Of Walter Scott Fleeing In Fear From Murderous Police
Officer Michael Slager (Video)
Michael Slager Indicted For Shooting Unarmed Black Man Walter Scott
8 Times In The Back As He Ran Away
South Carolina Cop Who Choked, Body Slammed And Threw
16-Year-Old School Girl Fired From His Job
Texas Police Officer Apologizes For Excessive Force Against
14-Year-Old Black Girl At Pool Party
Eric Harris Is The Latest Unarmed Black Man Shot And Killed By Police
The Walter Scott Murder Is A Reminder Police Officers Need Body Cameras
6 Police Officers Charged With The Death Of Freddie Gray (Video) |