Congresswoman Jackie Speier Asks The
FBI If Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Was One Of Their
Informants But He Was Actually In The CIA
March 3. 2020

U.S. Congresswoman Jackie Speier has been asking
questions about pedophile Jeffrey Epstein
Congresswoman Jackie Speier formally
asked the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) if the
late pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein was an informant for the
agency. The exchange occurred during a hearing on
Capitol Hill that is detailedd in a government report.
After all, the FBI has and does pay
taxpayer money to pedophiles (The FBI Slammed In Inspector
General's Report For Spending $42,000,000 Per Year In Taxpayer Money
Paying Informants Including A Pedophile).
However, as previously stated on this
site, Epstein was a known CIA informant, as disclosed by
the Miami Herald newspaper over a decade ago, when the
pedophile was spared any real prison time in a great
miscarriage of justice (Prince Andrew's Close Ties To Rapists Jeffrey Epstein And Harvey
Weinstein Laid Bare). Epstein served 13-months in jail, rather
than years in prison, for his pedophilic crimes. The FBI
is the CIA's sister agency.

FBI Director Christopher Wray has been engaging in
criminal activity at the agency, as exposed by websites
such as this one and U.S. Inspector General reports.
The Miami Herald wrote regarding U.S.
attorney, Alexander Acosta and the corruption of the
Epstein criminal case, "Acosta agreed, despite a federal
law to the contrary, that the deal would be kept from
the victims." When exposed to public scrutiny, Acosta
stated to the Miami Herald at the time that he was told
Epstein "belonged to intelligence" and it was
"above his pay grade" and to "leave it alone" (Prince Andrew's Close Ties To Rapists Jeffrey Epstein And Harvey
Weinstein Laid Bare).
The CIA knew Epstein was a pedophile and
the extent of his crimes against children. However they
looked the other way to it. This is after all the same
CIA who staged a coup in Nicaragua where children were
beheaded (Social Networking Users Trend The
Term #AbolishTheCIA).
According to the Miami Herald former
U.S. President Bill Clinton got Epstein out of serious
prison time, stating he is a CIA informant/asset. Hmm, I
wonder why (Former U.S. President Bill Clinton Photographed With The Staff Of
Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein In His Home).

Michael Hayden was the CIA Director when the
Epstein case was corrupted in Florida. Hayden was also
in office when the NSA spying scandal I broke first on
this site later entered the mainstream press, and he
tried to defend its violations of the U.S. Constitution
(NSA Admits Employees Illegally Spied On Love Interests And
Significant Others Confirming Site’s Previous Claims
Rules The NSA Illegally Spied On Americans Confirming The Site's
Previous Claims (Video)
NSA Workers Admit To Reading The Emails And Listening To The
Calls Of Americans In Violation Of The Law)
Epstein was the CIA's tool used to
control the British royal family and it was done via
blackmail, concerning Prince Andrew victim described
pedophilic orgies with underage girls. A sex
trafficking victim, Virginia Roberts, stated Epstein
secretly took photos of rich and famous people
(including Prince Andrew) in compromising situations.
Epstein's control over Prince Andrew granted him (and
the CIA)
unprecedented access to royal homes and government
Much like hacker and mistress Jennifer
Arcuri was the CIA's tool used to control former London
mayor turned Prime Minister of Britain,
Boris Johnson whom she implicated in crime.
Johnson was seduced and also
illegally gave his hacker mistress
£126,000 in taxpayer money.
This is in addition Johnson giving her
an illegal £700,000 government loan she did not qualify
for in any measure. This is something Arcuri (and the
CIA) have over Johnson's head. Let's not even talk about
what the FBI has over Johnson's head, which pales in
comparison to the Arcuri case.

Jeffrey Epstein snapped photo of Prince Andrew,
17-year-old Virginia Roberts and Ghislaine Maxwell
The CIA is a human rights abusing
organization (Social Networking Users Trend The
Term #AbolishTheCIA). The FBI is also a human rights abusing
organization (Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From
George Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth
Billions For Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human
Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead).
The FBI also turns a blind eye in
permitting innocent people to be harmed and even killed
(Boston Marathon bombers,
Pulse night club mass murderer
and the
Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooter,
among many others, in incidents that left innocent
people dead).
Both agencies, who work in tandem with
each other, have done a lot of evil and terrible things
to innocent people. Word to the wise, Congress should
not leave their security up to the FBI or CIA.
Democratic congresswoman reportedly asks DOJ if
Epstein was FBI informant
February 29, 2020 | 2:26pm | Updated - A
California Democrat gave credence to a wild Jeffrey
Epstein theory on Capitol Hill this week, asking a top
Justice Department official whether the serial predator
was an undercover FBI informant, a report said.
Rep. Jackie Speier reportedly asked John
Demers, the assistant attorney general of the national
security division, the way off topic question at a House
Intelligence Committee briefing on the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act, set to expire in several
weeks, the Daily Beast reported.
She introduced her inquiry by noting the
obvious — it was not on the agenda, the outlet reported.
Demers answered that he had no knowledge of Epstein
working for the agency, noting that he works for
Justice, not the FBI, according to the report...
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Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead
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Defrauded Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In
Copyrights And Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin
Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It
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The CIA And FBI Are Spying On People In Their Homes Via Hacking
Smart TVs And Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating System
Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site Claims
Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of American Taxpayer Money
Breaking The Law In America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of
Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing Egregious Human Rights
Prince Andrew's Close Ties To Rapists Jeffrey Epstein And Harvey
Weinstein Laid Bare
Evidence Collected In Raid Reveals Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Is A Flight
Risk (Video)