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Diddy Accused Of Witness Tampering In Threatening And Harassing Music Producer Lil Rod And His 8-Year-Old Daughter Over Damaging Lawsuit

March 27. 2024


Last month music producer Lil Rod sued the life out of rap music mogul Diddy for sexual assault, drugging, and non-payment of royalties (Lawsuit Filed Against Diddy For Sexually Assaulting Male Producer Of His Album, Hiring Underage Sex Workers, Participating In Orgies With Underage Girls And His Son Justin Combs, Secretly Recording People Having Sex, And Bragging About Shooting People Then Getting Away With It Like He Did In New York Night Club In 1999). The lawsuit kicked off a massive scandal that social networking has feasted on for the past several weeks. Diddy, angered and humiliated, did his usual and began firing off severe threats.

Lil Rod and Diddy working out on his yacht

Lil Rod's legal team are now reporting Diddy has been threatening and harassing Lil Rod, his 8-year-old daughter, and the child's mother, which is disgraceful. Diddy is playing with fire, as that constitutes witness tampering. Notorious pedophile, R. Kelly, and his manager did the same thing to victims he was accused of raping, and the government added it to his criminal charges (and that of his manager).

Rapper Tupac was killed 27-years ago after receiving death threats. Police now have a man in custody who stated Diddy paid him $1,000,000 to kill Tupac.

Diddy is just making things worse for himself in court and the court of public opinion. What kind of madness is that to threaten an 8-year-old. It makes him look extremely evil. However, Diddy and those in the Hollywood cult he belongs to think the law doesn't apply to them.



March 27, 2024 - The world of hip-hop is no stranger to drama, and the latest saga involving rap mogul Diddy, also known as Sean Combs, and up-and-coming artist Lil Rod has captured headlines for all the wrong reasons. Allegations have surfaced suggesting that Diddy may have gone to extreme lengths, purportedly dispatching his agents to harass Lil Rod’s daughter following a lawsuit between the two artists.

The feud between Diddy and Lil Rod traces back to a legal battle initiated by Lil Rod, whose real name is Rodney Williams. Lil Rod alleges copyright infringement and breach of contract against Diddy’s record label, Bad Boy Records. Lil Rod claims that Diddy’s label unlawfully used his music without proper compensation or credit. As tensions escalated in the courtroom, the situation took a dark turn when accusations emerged of harassment targeted at Lil Rod’s family, particularly his daughter.

According to reports, Lil Rod’s legal team has accused Diddy of orchestrating a campaign of intimidation against them, claiming that individuals affiliated with Diddy’s camp have been harassing and threatening Lil Rod’s daughter. These alleged actions have intensified the already contentious legal battle between the two parties.



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