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Diddy's Drug Mule Named In Lawsuit Arrested Several Weeks Later When The Feds Raided The Rap Mogul (Video)

March 27. 2024

Wow, several weeks ago music producer Lil Rod exposed massive criminal behavior by rapper mogul, Diddy, alleging sex trafficking, child sex trafficking, sexual assault, assault, drugging, unlawful drug use, illegal gun possession, and voyeurism, among other items (Lawsuit Filed Against Diddy For Sexually Assaulting Male Producer Of His Album, Hiring Underage Sex Workers, Participating In Orgies With Underage Girls And His Son Justin Combs, Secretly Recording People Having Sex, And Bragging About Shooting People Then Getting Away With It Like He Did In New York Night Club In 1999). You'd think Diddy and the people who remained in his circle and employ (that haven't fled after the lawsuit) would clean up their act. Not so. This is the type of arrogance going on in Hollywood as they all believe they are above the law.

When the Feds in the form of Homeland Security performed synchronized raids on Diddy's mansions in Miami and Los Angeles, they also apprehended his drug mule (who also procured illegal guns for him), Brendan Paul, at the airport in Opa Locka (Miami), with illegal drugs such as cocaine. Paul was mentioned in Lil Rod's lawsuit last month, which labeled him a drug mule who obtained illegal guns for Diddy as well.

Brendan Paul

In the weeks since Lil Rod filed his lawsuit, arrogant Diddy and company, continued their flagrant misconduct, which gave the Feds a bird's eye view of the crimes. They already had evidence before the raid, which was to find items that would be the icing on the cake in a criminal case (computers, jump drives, external hard drives, photos, documents regarding illegal financial transactions, DNA).

The Miami Herald reported their sources indicate Lil Rod's lawsuit triggered the raids and he is the government's main witness. Diddy's chief of staff, Ethiopia Habtemariam, has now flipped and agreed to testify against him. Habtemariam testified in court documents, "I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth herein, which are known by me to be true and correct, and, if called upon to testify as a witness, I could and would competently testify thereto." Habtemariam has seen a significant amount of criminal activity from Diddy and others in his circle.

Diddy and the main culprit behind the criminal activity in that circle, child sex trafficker Madonna

Brendan Paul's arrest was to get him to flip on Diddy as well. To make matters worse the Feds seized Diddy's phone at the airport as he tried to flee to the Caribbean. They have taken the phones of many criminals before criminal charges were filed to use it against them (such as former Subway spokesman, Jared, who was later sentenced to prison for being a pedophile abusing kids).


Who is Diddy’s Alleged 'Drug Mule' Arrested During Monday's Federal Raids?

Wed, March 27, 2024, 10:17 AM EDT - While Sean “Diddy” Combs’ avoided arrest during Monday’s raid by federal agents on his Los Angeles and Miami homes, his alleged “drug mule” wasn’t so lucky. Brendan Paul was arrested at Miami Opa Locka Executive Airport around the same time of the raids, according to Rolling Stone. He was charged with felony counts of possession of cocaine and possession of a controlled substance.

Paul was arrested and charged after Diddy’s private plane was intercepted by federal agents at the airport. The substances with which he was found were not connected to Diddy. Paul’s assumed role as Diddy’s “drug mule” is a result of Rodney “Lil Rod” Jones’ February lawsuit in which Jones claims that Combs threatened, drugged, and sexually harassed him...



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