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Diddy's Ex-Girlfriend Misa Hylton Releases Security Footage Of Raid On His Bel Air Mansion Showing Feds Pointing Guns At Their Son Who Is Implicated In His Crimes (Video)

April 2. 2024

Misa Hylton, the ex-girlfriend of rap mogul, Sean "Diddy" Combs, has spoken out about the raid on his Holmby Hills mansion in Los Angeles. Diddy began dating Misa when she was underage and he an adult (which doesn't look good on him now considering he is being criminally investigated for sex trafficking minors). Misa became pregnant with their child, Justin Combs. Since that time Diddy sired six more children (that we know about).

Misa is angry that her son, Justin, 30, and his half-brother, Christian, 26, were at home during the Homeland Security raid on Diddy's property, and were detained at gunpoint, which she labels excessive force. Misa is stating this occurred due to race. Yes, there is still racism in Amreica. However, both Diddy's homes were raided and their son, Justin, as well as his brother Christian, are mentioned in the Rodney "Lil Rod" Jones Jr lawsuit that triggered the Homeland Security case, as having engaged in procuring underage girls for their dad's infamous parties. They are implicated in Diddy's crimes, which is serious. The allegations against Diddy also includes illegal gun trafficking.

The allegations against Diddy are also being made by black people. Diddy has a history of being abusive, violent and thieving. The lawsuits filed against him, including the one that initially opened this scandal, were filed by several black women. Lil Rod is a black man who was treated very badly by Diddy. Furthermore, Christian's mother, the late Kim Porter, was terribly abused by Diddy, who broke her nose and repeatedly beat her on numerous occasions. It is even alleged in the industry Diddy had Kim killed to stop her from writing a tell all which ironically would bring out what we are seeing now, and worse.

Diddy and his son Justin Combs

Diddy was publicly accused of commissioning the death of Suge Knight's bodyguard, Big Jake Robles. Diddy was accused of commissioning the death of Suge's recording artist, the late rapper, Tupac Shakur. Diddy has been publicly accused of violently attacking assistants. Therefore, Diddy is not a wallflower who couldn't hurt a fly. Diddy has unlawfully done a lot of people very wrong, in order to indulge his sick sexual fantasies and to live a luxurious lifestyle, while behaving like a gangster.

Now he has implicated your child in serious criminal behavior - sex trafficking minors. This is no joke. The trouble that could emanate from this for your son is life changing in a very bad way. You yourself told Diddy off on social networking months ago, because Justin was drunk driving and crashed his car. Diddy is no saint. It's time to take a look a Diddy and the destructiveness that he has brought to your life and that of your child. Diddy has set a horrible example for his kids and now as they say, "The chickens are coming home to roost."

Side Bar: If Diddy's legal strategy is pulling the race card, when all his accusers are black, he's in trouble.

Side Bar #2: To claim excessive force due to race when white men such as Roger Stone (Donald Trump advisor) was subjected to the same is not going to be an easy sell in this case.


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