Drunk Talk Show Host
Wendy Williams Was Found Passed Out And Rushed To
The Hospital
March 27. 2019

Wendy Williams
Talk show host Wendy Williams was found drunk and
was rushed to hospital yesterday, one day after the mistress of her
violent, abusive husband, Kevin Hunter, gave birth to a baby. Many
are speculating the child was fathered by Kevin, who also bought his
mistress a $700,000 house and huge diamond ring out of Wendy‘s
money. Hunter has been living with his mistress, a few miles down
the road, on and off, and on Wendy’s dime.
2-years ago I broke the story on this site that
Wendy has a drug problem (Gossip Talk Show Host Wendy Williams On Air Health Crisis
Denotes Medical Problems). I referenced her cocaine
use. Last week Williams confirmed it on her show, in trying to head
off an exposé on her drug and alcohol addiction that was to be
published by a tabloid newspaper (the National Enquirer). People
thought she was clean and sober, but she has been in the grips of
addiction for years.

Sharina Hudson and Wendy Williams'
husband Kevin Hunter have been conducting an affair
I also broke the story that Hunter has been
cheating on Williams
Swirling Around Entertainment Industry That Wendy Williams Having An
Affair With A Younger Man
- October 22, 2016). A year later, the Daily Mail
newspaper in London went public with the same claim and
posted photos of the mistress and the house she lives in
with Kevin part time .
Wendy constantly dispenses gold digger type advice
to women who watch her show, regarding taking as much money as they
can in the relationship and not letting men exploit them. Yet she
doesn’t take her own advice when it comes to her husband, who is
using up her money on a mistress and luxury living. I will state
this though, Kevin's behavior is terribly wrong. He has treated his
wife very poorly. His outrageous misconduct has driven her to drugs,
drinking and depression. He needs to stop being abusive and
unfaithful to his wife.
Wendy Williams Found Drunk and Rushed to
Hospital After Checking Out of Sober Living House: Report
10 hours ago People - Wendy Williams’ health has
taken a downward turn. One week after revealing to fans that she had
been staying in a sober living house, the Wendy Williams Show host
has reportedly been hospitalized. Williams, 54, was found drunk
after checking herself out of the sober living house on Monday and
was taken to a hospital to sober up, according to Daily Mail.
The outlet reports that at the hospital, Williams
was given a banana bag, which is a bag of IV fluids used as a
treatment for vitamin and electrolyte deficiencies in patients with
chronic alcohol use. The bag often contains thiamine, folic acid,
magnesium and sulfate. A representative for Williams did not
immediately respond to PEOPLE’s request for comment...
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Rumors Swirling Around Entertainment Industry That Wendy
Williams Having An Affair With A Younger Man
Gossip Talk Show Host Wendy Williams On Air Health Crisis
Denotes Medical Problems (Video)
Wendy Williams Husband Is Still Cheating On Her Confirming
Previous Site Claims (Photos)
Wendy Williams Says She Is Standing By Her Cheating Husband
Kevin Hunter (Video)
Talk Show Host Wendy Williams Is Being Abused By Her Husband Kevin
Cannon Threatening To Take Wendy Williams Job