Please pardon the inconvenience, but the commissioned hacker from the copyright
infringement case
click here
has been hacking this article and trying to turn it into gibberish, to prevent
you from reading it, evidenced by the fact that the local copy of the site is
correct while the online copy is not. It further exhibits the level of
dishonesty and illegality they are working under. I will continue to replace the
page when necessary.
The FBI Are Copyright Infringers
August 9, 2007
Director the corrupt Robert Mueller

UPDATE: Shortly after this article was published, Fox dropped the show
before it aired.
In a move that will surprise
and disappoint some, it appears the FBI are copyright infringers. A year ago I
copyrighted a film called “FBI.” In addition to that project, prior to
that, in 2003, 2004 and 2005, I copyrighted several real time,
character driven type projects about the FBI.
Yesterday, August 8, 2007, The
FBI announced its involvement in a show called THE FBI that bears
striking similarities to my older copyrights.
My copyright from a year ago
is about a lead character FBI agent named Jeff. The new project the FBI
and Imagine/Disney announced yesterday is about a lead character FBI agent named
The FBI apparently pitched the
infringing script as well, to a company, Imagine/Disney that is a defendant in
the 2005 copyright infringement lawsuit I filed
click here for which I also
filed a complaint with the FBI
in 2005.
My copyright from a year ago
is about a real time, modern, character driven FBI, unlike anything that has
been done before, with an emphasis on technology, cyber crime and intelligence.
The new project the FBI and Imagine/Disney announced yesterday is about the
EXACT SAME THING. Only I already copyrighted mine long before the knock off
announced yesterday.
The FBI is also in possession
of copies of my Copyrighted Catalog. I filed a formal complaint with the FBI in
September of 2005 regarding Madonna and her cohorts in Hollywood willfully
infringing my years old Copyrighted Catalog containing 9,000 songs, 300 movie
scripts and short stories, 15 book manuscripts, 200 music video treatments, 500
photographs, 150 photo treatments, a perfume line and clothing line.
When Robert Mueller, head of
the FBI, shirked his duties regarding the formal complaint I sent, as he was
also found to have done in the Mark Foley scandal, for which the press condemned
the FBI, I called the local Miami FBI to enquire about what happened to the
complaint I sent Mueller that delivery confirmation recorded Mueller’s office
signing for
click here.
The Miami FBI asked me for a
copy of my copyrights so they could “compare them” to the infringing works
Madonna and her cronies in Hollywood illegally made from them. I complied and
gave it to them.
I further mailed two
additional packages via tracked mail that the Miami FBI signed for, regarding
newer infringements Madonna continued to commit and what copyrights of mine they
came from by the copyright office registration number/certificates.
I have the mailing receipts
and other irrefutable proof regarding this as well. And I challenge them to
refute it. I have all the records and proof to prove it.
I was interviewed by two Miami
FBI agents regarding the case – agent J. Christopher Kapcyznski on Thursday
November 3, 2005, at the Miami FBI Field Office located at 16320 NW 2nd Avenue,
Miami, Florida 33169 and agent Cathy Mary Koontz on Monday, November 7, 2005.
Not to mention, the DOJ/FBI
are regular visitors to my web sites racking up thousands of web hits according
to the site statistics. Taking into consideration what’s been happening and
what’s just happened yesterday, it doesn’t look good on the agency.
The FBI has agents – no, not
just that kind. They now have talent agents. The FBI is being represented by the
William Morris Agency in this bizarre, disgraceful deal.
Have you ever heard of such a
thing. A law enforcement agency being repped by a talent agency. What a circus.
I can’t get my head around that one.
I wonder if they realize how
messed up, vain, debasing and superficial it looks. It also gives the impression
that you are more interested in your proverbial close up than catching
terrorists, to knowingly be apart of a fictional infringing TV show, at a time
the nation is in crisis and neck deep in terrorist threats. It shows where your
priorities are to your shame and your agenda as well. How crooked.
If I were head of state in any
country and the primary law enforcement agency decided they were going to do a
fictional TV show that wasn’t Cops which actually catches criminals, I would
tear them a new one.
Because that’s not what
they’re supposed to be there for. That’s not what the taxpayers pay their
salaries for. It’s a law enforcement agency, not a talent agency, not a film
production company or a circus. It is disgraceful.
Since I reported the criminal
copyright infringement and civil rights violation case to the FBI in 2005, they
have dragged their feet, in clear site of many, allowing Madonna and her cohorts
in Hollywood to continue to steal from 20 plus years of my labor that is my
Copyrighted Catalog, though they were properly and formally informed of the
ongoing infringements and violations on four occasions.
This incident makes it
abundantly clear that the FBI would rather see 20 years of my labor illegally go
to Hollywood, than me, who actually wrote it, which is sick on so many levels it
defies comprehension.
However, it is standard Robert
Mueller corruption. I am not the only member of the public he has done corrupt
things of this nature to, which constitutes fraud.
So many people in the domestic
and international community keep asking why the FBI is allowing her to continue
to do these things, that they themselves witnessed with their own eyes as well.
Private investigators I spoke to kept asking, “Why didn’t the FBI remove the
(illegal) wiretaps?”
Well, this latest development
illustrates they had their reasons, motivated by self-interest, for letting the
criminal mischief in the case continue, now didn’t they.
This is why I have been so
critical of the FBI on my sites since last summer. They know of the terrible
infringements that are defrauding me and the severity of the human rights abuses
that are being committed in this case, that many have witnessed, the same type
present in the Anthony Pellicano case, who is Madonna’s lawyer’s private
investigator, in violation of the US Code and Constitution,
the law of the land,
but opt to look the other way.
This latest incident of
criminal copyright infringement regarding this new FBI project is the final
piece of the puzzle as to why they did it, and have been criminally negligent in
pursuing this case, where there is so much overwhelming, concrete evidence, a
lot of which has been witnessed by the public as it happened, that it is
undeniable what’s transpired.
Then again, any law
enforcement agency that can frame 4 innocent men for murder with a judge and the
press now slamming the agency’s conduct, look the other way to a grown man who
is an elected official sexually harassing underage boys in Congress of all
places, is beyond redemption. How treacherous and corrupt can one law
enforcement agency get.
Recently, a judge referred to
the FBI’s conduct in their above-mentioned frame up of the four innocent men,
who wrongfully spent decades in jail, two of them dying there, as, “Intentional
misconduct, subornation of perjury, conspiracy, the framing of innocent men. The
FBI's conduct was intentional, it was outrageous, it caused plaintiffs
immeasurable and unbearable pain and the FBI must be held accountable”
I hope all you who read the
site and link it, see for yourselves firsthand what the FBI is really like and
what you are truly dealing with. They are not to be trusted. They are
treacherous and corrupt.
The things I have written
about them have proven to be true one by one, from the Patriot Act abuses that I
was the first to break in an article in my
December 2006 internet based Sound Off Column,
which inspector general Glenn Fine later found to be true, 3 months later and
was made public in his report to Congress in March 2007 - to items about
the taxpayer fund wasting FBI computer system that has yet to surface and when
it does, will be 3 years, 5 years behind technology.
This latest incident, along
with the proof and infringement comparisons, will be duly noted in my book
Justice and Truth and will be in the film of the same name as well.
This incident is also
reminiscent of one I wrote about on
July 2 2007, where Madonna's
Maverick Films criminally stole a movie treatment from my Copyrighted Catalog
and turned it into an odd television show called The RICHES. My movie synopsis
copyrighted 3 years ago is about a crooked man that goes to live in suburbia
with a family called The RICHS. Madonna’s company’s 2007 rip off show is about a
crooked family named the RICHES, who move to suburbia.
I am asking you to boycott both infringing shows, “The
FBI” and “The Riches.” Thank you.
Fox, Imagine on 'FBI' case
Nellie Andreeva
8, 2007
After exploring the world of the CIA with "24," Fox and Imagine Television have
teamed for a new drama about the FBI, which has received a series commitment
from the network.
Tentatively titled "The FBI," the series is
a pet project of Imagine Entertainment principal Brian Grazer, who personally
pitched it to Fox Entertainment president Kevin Reilly. It is being done with
the cooperation of the FBI, including permission to use the agency's name in the
"We were looking to find someone that would do an FBI show based on real events,
cases and characters that looked a little bit more like the real FBI than the
shows that are on now, because reality is a lot more interesting than fiction,"
said John Miller, assistant director public affairs at the FBI and former ABC
"We sought to reverse-engineer the process -- to start with what the FBI really
does as opposed to people coming up with an interesting television show and
hammering us into it," Miller said.
He met with a number of producers until hitting it off
with Grazer, who had been thinking about doing a series about public
servants who put their lives on the line since producing the 1991 firefighter
feature "Backdraft."
Unlike "24," "FBI" will not be serialized, Grazer said.
"It will be strongly character driven, and the
procedural part of it will be secondary to the characters," he said.
"While '24' is heightened reality, this would be realistic series that would
have the intensity and realism of a
Ridley Scott movie."
Taylor, who toured the FBI facilities and poured through cases, is executive
producing with Grazer and David Nevins. 20th Century Fox TV is producing.
Taylor and the FBI are repped by WMA.