FBI Boss Exposed As A Predator
Sexually Assaulting And Harassing Women
April 21. 2021

Former FBI Section Chief James Hendricks
I've stated for years the Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has a number of
employees engaging in sex crimes. Then stories began
surfacing in the mainstream press exposing the same
regarding the agency.
FBI Agents Making Sex Tapes, Paying Strippers And Leaking National
Secrets and
Female FBI Agent Accused Of Sexual Harassment
In India and
FBI Agent Indicted For Helping Anthony Pellicano
and FBI Agent Busted
Masturbating At Work and
FBI Agents And Sex
among others. Please also see the exclusives
page of the site for over 400 stories I've broken on this site that later
proved 100% true.
More recently, the FBI was slammed in the mainstream
press for unlawful sexual conduct (The FBI Exposed In The Mainstream
Press Over The Sexual Assault And Harassment Of Women At The Corrupt Law
Enforcement Agency).
More has been revealed regarding one
of the cases in that matter. FBI boss James
Hendricks was a sexual predator who sexually
assaulted and harassed women at the agency. He was
head of the FBI's field office in Albany, New York.
Rather than solving crime, he was committing them on
the job, in sexually forcing himself on women.
The Associated Press reported
Hendricks was a, "'Skilled predator' who leered at
women in the workplace, touched them inappropriately
and asked one to have sex in a conference room,
according to a newly released federal report
obtained by The Associated Press."
In keeping with their practice of
protecting criminals, the FBI/DOJ redacted
Hendricks' name from a report detailing his sexually
criminal conduct. The Associated Press stated, "The
details of Hendricks’ sexual harassment — outlined
in a 52-page report obtained under the Freedom of
Information Act — have not previously been reported.
The OIG blacked out Hendricks’ name in the report,
but he was identified by law enforcement officials
familiar with his case."
The Associated Press further
revealed, "Another woman told investigators that
Hendricks pressured her into having a sexual
relationship, and that he had been known to be
vindictive and 'push out' people who crossed him.
'He was in a powerful position,” the report says,
'and she worried about what he would do if she did
not respond to his advances.'"
This is a part of the reason why the
domestic and global public ceases to trust the
FBI/DOJ. They are constantly covering for high
profile criminals and co-workers, who by all legal
descriptions of their behavior, should be behind
Hendricks was never brought to
justice. The FBI/DOJ covered up his crimes and
permitted him to retire with a full pension on
taxpayer money, after years of breaking the law on
the job. By any decent person's standards that is
I've stated it repeated on this
site- the FBI breaks more laws than the criminals
they are supposed to catch. However, they don't
care. The FBI fully operates under the belief they
are above the law. They greedily take $9 billion per
year in taxpayer money, then fool around on the job,
corrupt cases and take bribes.
FBI Agent Arrested For Accepting A $200,000 Bribe To Derail A
Criminal Case The FBI Was Supposed To Be Investigating
Another FBI Agent Caught Taking Bribes To Derail Serious Cases
50 instances of FBI agents accepting bribes. and
The FBI Criminally Covered The Fact From Congress That Disgraced Deputy
Director Andrew McCabe Spent $70,000 In Taxpayer Money On A Table For
Then when their criminal misconduct
is reported in the press, they act like they are the
victims. Much like Hendricks in whining on his
crappy little blog that he is a victim, as he's been
publicly outed by the Associated Press on committing
sex crimes. It is a severe form of mental illness to
commit crimes against others then act like the
The Associated Press also reports
Hendricks was "section chief" of the FBI's "Weapons
of Mass Destruction Directorate" which world history
holds as a complete laughing stock, sham and lie,
after former president, George W. Bush's fraudulent,
failed Iraq war that destabilized the Middle East.
It's quite telling how FBI section
chiefs keep committing serious criminal misconduct (An FBI Agent Orchestrated The
January 6 Riots On The Capitol Building In Washington Confirming
Previous Site Claims).
Be careful of the FBI. They are
dangerous, treacherous, untrustworthy, evil and
sniveling liars. They are also
dirty slave traders. They are no good. The
agency is a force for evil. The FBI is headed
towards disaster in America and the world, as
they've been committing a massive list of crimes all
over the international community and making very
powerful enemies in the process. They are going to
end up taking America down under the agency's
unhinged behavior, if Congress fails to stop them.
'Skilled predator' FBI boss harassed eight
women, federal authorities say
James Hendricks quietly retired last year
after the Office of Inspector General concluded he
sexually harassed eight female subordinates.
April 13, 2021, 12:12 PM EDT - One
woman carried a ruler at FBI headquarters so she
could smack James Hendricks’ hands when he reached
for her legs and breasts. Another went home shaken
after he tugged on her ear and kissed her cheek
during a closed-door meeting.
And when Hendricks went on to lead
the FBI’s field office in Albany, New York, in 2018,
colleagues described him as a “skilled predator” who
leered at women in the workplace, touched them
inappropriately and asked one to have sex in a
conference room, according to a newly released
federal report obtained by The Associated Press.
Hendricks quietly retired last year
as a special agent in charge after the Office of
Inspector General — the Justice Department's
internal watchdog — concluded he sexually harassed
eight female subordinates in one of the FBI’s most
egregious known cases of sexual misconduct.
Hendricks was among several senior
FBI officials highlighted in an AP investigation
last year that found a pattern of supervisors
avoiding discipline — and retiring with full
benefits — even after claims of sexual misconduct
against them were substantiated...
The details of Hendricks’ sexual
harassment — outlined in a 52-page report obtained
under the Freedom of Information Act — have not
previously been reported. The OIG blacked out
Hendricks’ name in the report, but he was identified
by law enforcement officials familiar with his
FBI Lawyer Who Fabricated Evidence To Fraudulently
Obtain Warrant To Spy On Former President Donald
Trump Gets A Slap On The Wrist In Avoiding Prison
The FBI Slammed For Lying About UK Prosecutor To Get
Him Fired Leading To Him Winning Employment Case
Over Wrongful Termination
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI
File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case
(Congressional Documents)
The FBI Caught Lying By The
Mainstream Press About The Capitol Building Riots Confirming Previous
Site Claims
Letter From Police Officer Reveals
The FBI Killed Malcolm X (Videos)