FBI Computer System Delayed Again
Delivery Date Of System Pushed Back Again
August 6, 2007
The FBI's No Show Computer System Is Turning Out To Be As
Effective In Fighting Terrorism As The One Martha Stewart Baked:

...That's A Stunning Cake By The Way. At Least She Hasn't Lost Her
Didn’t the FBI state their over budget, money unaccounted for computer system
was to be up and running by 2009:
The FBI issued a solicitation this week to begin
developing an integrated, electronic information management system, estimating
that it should be fully implemented by 2009.
Now, it’s
been pushed back again for the one millionth time, according to a recent
interview on the FBI's web site that listed the delivery date as 2011:
"The four-phase project with contractor Lockheed
Martin is scheduled to wrap up in 2011" - FBI.gov

Just as long as you are serious, timely and expeditious in protecting the
nation from terrorism and other crimes, why not push it back to 2020 (no, not
the show, the year). I mean, what’s at stake…oh yea, that’s right, national security. So keep
missing those deadlines…

FBI Director Funds Misdirector Robert Mueller
Side Bar: why does he always look so confused and
constipated at the same time when he is forced to appeared in Congress. What
part of "perjury" "illegal spying" "disgrace" "where did the money go" "special
investigator" and "how much did you know and when did you know it" do you not