FBI Computer System In
Trouble Again
December 22. 2008

FBI director Robert Mueller looking dazed and confused
Wow, after all the admonishments and scathing articles, the FBI’s computer
system is “late and over budget” again. I first wrote about it in
June 2006 and
July 2006 (and several times after that as well), suggesting an
alternative to the long, financially unwise way they were attacking the problem.
They would have had a system up and running in 1 month, following the method
I suggested online and at a fraction of the cost to taxpayers. However, believing they make Bill Gates and Steve Jobs look computer
illiterate, they did it their way and the problem has wasted even more taxpayer
money than before.
So far $1 billion in taxpayer money has been used, much of it misappropriated
and the FBI still has no real computer system (or proper receipts). From the time the project was started to when it is estimated it will be
completed, the FBI's computer system and software will be behind technology.
One of the DOJ/FBI's many visits to this website:

FBI computer system: late and over budget
WASHINGTON (AP) — An FBI computer system to manage
investigative case files will be finished late and over budget, a Justice
Department audit reported Friday.
Three years ago, the FBI scrapped a botched $170
million project to build a paperless case management system. Now, the Justice
Department's inspector general is raising concerns about the FBI's new system,
dubbed Sentinel, over whether its construction is being properly supervised.
Originally, Sentinel was expected to cost $425
million and be completed by December 2009. The inspector general's audit
reported Friday that it will now cost $451 million and be finished by June 2010.
* The report can be found at: