The FBI, NSA And CIA Hiding Illegal Files
Regarding The Late Princess Diana
November 28. 2018

Princess Diana
The FBI, CIA and NSA have been keeping illegal
files on the late Princess Diana, who died in a tragic car
crash. The files are hidden from the public. A recent request
was made to the NSA under the Freedom of Information Act for the
release of the files and the agency incriminatingly refused to
make them public. The Express newspaper in London stated, “When
pressed under the Freedom of Information Act, the NSA
acknowledged there were 182 documents running to 1,056 pages
which concerned Diana in the possession of US intelligence
The NSA responded, “Any information that NSA
holds that references Princess Diana is purely incidental to its
collection…their disclosure could reasonably be expected to
cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security.” The
NSA further stated, “The National Security Agency does not
target British citizens and any information that NSA holds that
references Princess Diana is purely incidental to its
The files have been requested, as items in the
public domain state former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and
the royal family were not lawfully allowed to spy on Diana.
However, they could get the FBI, CIA and NSA to do so.
Technically, it was not lawful for the FBI, CIA and NSA to spy
on her either. However, when did the FBI, CIA or NSA ever follow
the law.
It has been my experience that when the FBI, CIA
or NSA hide files, it is due to the sheer level of illegality,
evil and unethical behavior contained therein, regarding their
unlawful behavior towards an innocent target. It’s the same way
the FBI has hidden their files on Martin Luther King Jr for
decades, as Congress failed to have them released, which looks
really weak.
Congress is above their Frankenstein known as
the FBI in rank. You can’t claim transparency in government and
hide serious files of national importance. What the FBI did to
King in former director J. Edgar Hoover having him murdered, was
so heinous and sick, they know the nation and the world would
despise and loathe them all the more than they do now, if the
details were made public.
Just so, many people believe Princess Diana was
murdered, when a Fiat Uno deliberately clipped the vehicle she
was traveled in. A documentary has been made on it and a number
of interviews conducted revealing she was murdered. Diana was a
beautiful woman loved by the public. She was the best royal in
British history. She didn't deserve that death.
Diana SPIED on before crash: US has secret files full of
Royal Family’s DARKEST secrets
Published 25th November 2018 - PRINCESS Diana
was spied on by US officials in the run-up to her fatal car
crash - who have 1,000 pages of top secret info on her and
members of the Royal family. The National Security Agency
admitted shortly after Diana’s death to holding a file on the
late Princess.
Repeated attempts by Mohamed al-Fayed – dad to
Diana’s lover Dodi who also died in the crash – to have the
documents made public have failed. Fayed even claimed the files
might contain satellite images of Paris on the night his son and
Diana died…
secret tape, recorded by her voice coach in
1992, revealed the Princess wanted to “give it all up” to live
with Manakee. Manakee was killed in May 1987 when the Suzuki
motorbike he was riding crashed into a Ford Fiesta, driven by
17-year-old Nicola Chopp, who had passed her driving test just
six weeks earlier.