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Florida Judge Uses The N-Word In Court And Gives Black People Much Longer Jail Sentences Than Whites Forced To Resign August 25. 2018
Judge Stephen Millan Miami Circuit Court judge Stephen Millan could not contain his hatred and sheer contempt for black people and let it spill over into his work in court. The judge arrogantly and openly referred to black people as "moolie" in court, which is an Italian slur that is the equivalent of saying "nig*er." Millan also referred to black people as "thugs" during sessions in court. How vile. Millan's conduct constitutes unlawful hate speech and coming from a judge of all people and in court. Who does he think he is to take taxpayer money and say such things. He was clearly raised the wrong way, with no class, decency or integrity. This is what disturbs me about some judges. They think they own the court system when they are public servants living off taxpayer money. A review of his cases exposed the fact Millan abused his discretion as a judge by routinely giving black people jail sentences that are three times as long as those he handed out to white offenders in court. That is disgusting and corrupt. The law should be the same for everyone. Race should never play a factor. At a time when people are openly and repeatedly stating on social networking sites accessed by billions around the world, that the U.S. justice system is "rigged" Millan shows his backside in engaging in brazen acts of corruption and racism for all to see. Millan's conduct is more undeniable proof of what people are stating regarding the court system being corrupt. Millan's arrogance in thinking he could get away with this says it all about judges like him, who have no respect for the law, decency and the public's rights. To target people of color from the bench, brings disgrace on the judiciary and confirms everyone's worst fears in this regard. His arrogance is astonishing. It is also very stupid, because it led to him facing a judicial review. The Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission recommended that he be suspended for 30-days and face a $5,000 fine, which is a joke. That's a slap on the wrist for serious misconduct. An racist like that should not be on the bench. It is slavery era type corruption. What's equally alarming is rather than instantly removing him from the bench, due to serious allegations of misconduct, Millan was transferred to the court's juvenile division, to unleash his corrupt brand of racist judicial misconduct on troubled kids, while his behavior was under review by the commission. What kind of evil is this. Millan's conduct is extremely evil and abusive. He should be ashamed of himself, but a man with such arrogance and hatred in his heart is shameless. Due to public backlash after news segments aired on his disgraceful behavior, Millan resigned. He did so in the middle of the commission's ethics probe and it is just as well. People would not have any confidence appearing before him in court. They would correctly be of the belief they would not get a fair trial and would formally cite his past behavior that was exposed, as the basis for their concerns about judicial bias and corruption. One of the fundamentals of the court system is the government's constantly expressed ability to give the public a fair trial. Men like Millan have shown many of us what we already knew in that it is not true. The members of the public who would have to appear in court before him would not get a fair trial with Millan on the bench, who is a disgrace and blight on the court system. The question is how many more like him are on the bench. How long before their conduct is addressed, because things cannot continue as they are in the court system. Many people have written of the bias they have experienced in the U.S. court system. I get many emails at this site to that effect all the time, regarding people complaining of provable judicial corruption. The cases detailed in emails are astonishing. I have absolutely no faith in the U.S. court system and based on my experience regarding civil matters it is the most corrupt in the world. I have seen too much corruption and sheer evil come out of it to believe it is an entity for good and justice. STORY SOURCE Miami judge who used an obscure racial slur resigns from the bench July 13, 2018 02:55 PM - Updated July 13, 2018 08:04 PM - The Miami judge who called a black defendant a racial slur has resigned after he faced a forced removal from the bench. Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Stephen Millan submitted his letter of resignation this week, more than one month after the Florida Supreme Court rejected a proposed 30-day suspension and a $5,000 fine for the misconduct. According to a report released earlier this year by the Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission, Millan was in his chambers talking with a defense lawyer in 2016 when he called the criminal-court defendant a “moolie.” The slur is a shortened version of “mulignan” — a Sicilian slur used to describe black people or somebody with a dark complexion, according to the commission’s report on the case. The word “literally translates as ‘eggplant,”’ the report said. The following year, the commission said, Millan also referred to relatives and supporters of a black defendant as “thugs.”... |
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