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Furor Over Obama's 9/11 Mosque Comments August 16. 2010 U.S. President Barack Obama: I think a mosque in a building that saw the wing of an airliner full of innocent people, graze its roof before bursting into flames, is a great idea. U.S. President Barack Obama has enraged Americans over his comments promoting a mega-mosque, being built in the vicinity of the September 11th terrorist attack site in New York, where the World Trade Center once stood. Obama's insensitive comments, came last week during a Muslim Ramadan dinner, the President held at the White House. President Obama, is clearly America's first Muslim President, evidenced by his brazen anti-Christian deeds and sentiments. For further reference, see Obama's canceling of the White House's decades old, Christian based, National Day Of Prayer - whilst he performs positive acts and issues flattering quotes regarding Islam. Now that he is in office, Obama can barely contain his contempt for Christianity, a religion he used to get elected. This coupled with the fact he continues to hide the original copy of his birth certificate, with many stating he was born in a Muslim led, African country, is a slap in the face of Americans, which smacks of dishonesty on his part. Obama professes to be a Christian for votes, but is behaving like a Muslim, using Sharia Law for guidance, which is ironic, as the Bible prohibits deceit and other religions, stating there is only one God and His name is Jehovah. The Koran does not permit dishonesty either, yet Obama is wallowing in it. Wow, a Muslim U.S. President with his finger on the nuclear trigger, pushing for a 9/11 mosque that is set to debut on September 11, 2011. Who is he trying to fool. Even Muslims in other parts of the world acknowledge the 9/11 mosque is a way to thumb their noses at America (See the Kansas City Star's article: Building a mosque at Ground Zero is distasteful). Building a mosque at Ground Zero is distasteful). Wow, a Muslim U.S. President with his finger on the nuclear trigger, pushing for a 9/11 mosque that is set to debut on September 11, 2011. Who is he trying to fool. Even Muslims in other parts of the world acknowledge the 9/11 mosque is a way to thumb their noses at America (See the Kansas City Star's article: Building a mosque at Ground Zero is distasteful).According to a recently released poll, a whopping 70% of Americans oppose the idea of a mosque being built near the September 11th site. The loved ones of the 3,000 people that died during the terrorist attack at the World Trade Center, also overwhelmingly oppose the idea and their wishes should be respected. Once again, this is not a freedom of religion issue, but one of national security. It has also been stated, "Islam builds mosques at the sites of victories and conquests." Germany has smartly shuttered the mosque the 9/11 hijackers frequented before the attack. Yet Obama is promoting this massive security risk in Manhattan. The Imam responsible for the $100,000,000 Manhattan mosque project, his espoused terrorist views, publicly insulting and spitting on the dead of the September 11th attacks. According to the aforementioned Kansas City Star article, the source of the money to fund the 9/11 mosque is also under intense scrutiny. RELATED ARTICLE STORY SOURCE Obama Backs Rights of Muslims on Center Near Ground ZeroObama Pushes Back on Mosque Controversy3 Republicans Criticize Obama's Endorsement of Mosque |
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