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Hillary Clinton Parkinson's Confirmed By An Accomplished Neurologist (Video) September 14. 2016
Dr. Ted Noel, a Florida neurologist of 32-years has confirmed Hillary Clinton is suffering from Parkinson's. He is one of many doctors going on record stating Clinton has Parkinson's. Noel has released a series of videos explaining Clinton's symptoms. This supports items leaked by the Wikileaks website in August revealing Clinton instructed her staff to research the best medication for Parkinson's sufferers. The wnd.com website is also reporting, "Hillary Clinton has stage-three Parkinson's disease and suffers from seizures, according to three sources who have had a personal relationship with the Democratic Party presidential nominee." This concurs with what the Judiciary Report has stated for weeks, Clinton's seizures emanate from the traumatic brain injury she sustained due to a blood clot on her brain, as well as concussions that occurred after hitting her head on various surfaces during blackouts and fainting spells (Hillary Clinton Collapses On Campaign Trail Just As The Judiciary Report Predicted Days Prior (Video) ). It is an established fact that people who experience traumatic brain injury tend to have seizures. A blood clot is classified as a brain injury in the form of a hematoma. Hitting her head after fainting/blackouts led to Parkinson's, presenting a host of other neurological problems, the most dangerous for a candidate, being dementia. It is very disturbing that the Clinton campaign has gone to such drastic lengths to conceal what is a serious set of illnesses. The mere fact they cannot be honest about something so serious as Clinton's health, is proof they would not be honest about anything else if elected. It takes a lot to launch such a drastic and deceitful cover up. The cover-up regarding Clinton's health is looking completely crazy.
Hillary Clinton's body going rigid during seizure on September 11, 2016 There is talk of placing vice president Joe Biden or Clinton's running mate, Tim Kaine, in her stead as the democrats nominee for president, due to her significant health problems. However, Americans didn't vote for either one to be the nominee. Bernie Sanders received 15,000,000 votes directly from the American people, who wanted him to represent the Democrats in the 2016 presidential election. Side Bar: Some people in the mainstream press have dismissed claims about Clinton's poor health as "conspiracy theories" and in repeatedly doing so over the past few months, have damaged their credibility. You have select mainstream journalists and political pundits who support Clinton, illogically referring to what is medical science as "conspiracy theories" and it is highly offensive. In trying to get a very ill candidate elected president, they've thrown their credibility and common sense out the window, rubbishing hundreds of years of medicine and science, which is shameful and irresponsible. Doctors and scientists look at people who are unwell and based on the symptoms they exhibit, as well as medical testing, hypothesize what is wrong with them. When the body is unwell, it gives off certain signs, signals and symptoms. For example, yellowing of the eyes is an indicator of jaundice, a symptom of hepatitis b. Moles on the body that change shape, size and color and are accompanied by itching and pain are a symptom and indicator of skin cancer. Clinton is giving off signs of Parkinson's, dementia and epilepsy, yet the mainstream press has consistently tried to dismiss it as "conspiracy theories." I tell you this, if said journalists went to their doctors feeling very ill and their physicians told them "it's just a conspiracy theory that you're sick" they would be branded unprofessional quacks who shouldn't be practicing medicine. Just like some of you are behaving in an unprofessional manner not suited to journalism. I know a lot about politics. Grew up in that environment (my dad has been very politically active since before I was born and is well connected). I've also written about global politics online on two websites, breaking stories and accurately so for over a decade. World leaders, especially men, will not take Clinton seriously due to her health problems, among other things. They see serious sickness as weakness and something to pounce on and exploit. Clinton herself engaged in this behavior as Secretary of State in illegally snooping in the health records of Argentina's former President, Cristina Kirchner and leaking items in attempts at discrediting her (hey, you reap what you sow, Hillary, as now what you did to Kirchner is now being done to you regarding your medical records). Once again, the Democrats should have let Bernie Sanders be the nominee. After all, he earned it. Isn't that right Ms. Wasserman-Schultz. STORY SOURCE Rapid Cognitive Deterioration With Parkinsonian Symptoms and Seizures William C. Koller, MD, PhD | Disclosures | January 06, 2004 - A patient recently presented with an unusually rapid cognitive deterioration along with parkinsonian-like motor symptoms. Towards the end he also exhibited frequent seizure activity; coma and death followed. Organic work-up was extensive and unremarkable, except for seizure activity on the EEG. My diagnosis was Lewy body-type dementia; on autopsy, however, the findings were unremarkable. What observations do you have about this patient? Jesus Ortiz, MD Response from William C. Koller, MD, PhD: This patient presented with a rapidly progressive cognitive impairment in addition to parkinsonian features. Because pathological findings were irrelevant or nonspecific, a wide variety of diseases that could be considered as possible diagnoses may be ruled out. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is the most common rapidly progressive dementia and may present with parkinsonism, seizures, and coma. Myoclonus are only present in 70% of cases, and the EEG pattern of periodic sharp wave complexes is seen in 44%. Nevertheless, neuropathological findings typically show the presence of spongiform changes. Dementias associated with parkinsonism include dementia with Lewy body disease (DLBD), progressive supranuclear palsy, and corticobasal degeneration. These are usually slowly progressive diseases, and again the pathology is fairly characteristic. Among this group, DLBD is an interesting diagnosis to consider because occasionally it may present as an acute or subacute dementia with a disease progression that is sometimes shorter than 1 year; this may result in a misdiagnosis of CJD. I would consider separately frontotemporal dementias because sometimes they may present with no distinctive histologic findings. The progression of these diseases, however, is usually slow. Of note, the clinical picture of frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17) includes dementia, parkinsonism, epilepsy, and rapid progression with a wide range of clinical and neuropathological features observed in different families. FTDP-17 resembles the case we are discussing, although data about family history are lacking. Other acute or subacute dementias to mention are paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis and Hashimoto's encephalopathy (HE), an underdiagnosed condition. The clinical features are: subacute onset of dementia; confusion or psychiatric disturbances; mild, akineto-rigid signs, partial or generalized seizures; stroke-like episodes; and coma. The presence of antithyroid autoantibodies is necessary for the diagnosis, and typically affects patients when they are euthyroid. HE is a potentially treatable subacute dementia and movement disorder with a favorable response to steroid therapy. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/465836 Seizures and Traumatic Brain Injury One of the problems that can occur after a
traumatic brain injury (TBI) is seizures. Although most
people who have a brain injury will never have a seizure, it
is good to understand what a seizure is and what to do if
you have one. Most seizures happen in the first several days
or weeks after a brain injury. Some may occur months or
years after the injury. About 70-80% of people who have
seizures are helped by medications and can return to most
activities. Rarely, seizures can make you much worse or even
cause death. Seizures happen in 1 of every 10 people who have a TBI that required hospitalization. The seizure usually happens where there is a scar in the brain as a consequence of the injury. During a seizure there is a sudden abnormal electrical disturbance in the brain that results in one or more of the following symptoms: Strange movement of your head, body, arms,
legs, or eyes, such as stiffening or shaking. Symptoms of a seizure happen suddenly, and you are unable to control them. Seizures usually last only a few seconds or minutes, but sometimes continue for 5 to 10 minutes. You may have a bladder or bowel accident or bite your tongue or the inside of your mouth during a seizure. After the seizure, you may be drowsy, weak, confused or have a hard time talking to or understanding others. After a severe seizure, one that lasts longer than 2 minutes, it may be harder for you to stand, walk or take care of yourself for a few days or even longer... Seizures and Head Injury / Brain Injury Unfortunately, seizures may develop immediately after an injury to the brain or may develop in delayed fashion, showing up months or years after the initial trauma. Generally speaking, the risk of post traumatic seizures is related to the severity of the injury- the greater the injury, the higher the risk of developing seizures. Even mild to moderate injuries can result in seizures. There are many kinds of seizures and seizures are not an uncommon condition among persons without head injuries. It is thought that a head injury disrupts the pathways of the brain and that an epileptic seizure can be viewed as a sort of short circuit of the brain's electrical functioning. During the seizure the electrical fields in the brain are overloaded, resulting in seizures. The most commonly seen seizures related to traumatic brain injury are "generalized" seizures, which are also called "Tonic-Clonic" or "Grand Mal" seizures. The classification of different types of seizures is beyond the scope of this website. Persons who have had head trauma are twelve times as likely as the general population to suffer seizures (Willmore, 1992). Patients with acute intra cranial hematomas also have a high rate of epilepsy. While there are contradictory studies, the more recent study (Lee, 1992) showed that of 4,232 persons suffering mild closed head injury, 53% had early post-traumatic epilepsy. Approximately 57% of head injured individuals developed epilepsy within one-year of injury. Longer onset epilepsy beginning more than four years after the trauma occurs in 20% of patients who developed epilepsy. It is estimated that 30% of all individuals suffering head trauma developed post-traumatic seizures and 80% of the time they occur within the first 24-months (Bakay, 1980)... WikiLeaks on Hillary Clinton's health: "It's Parkinson's Disease" Tue, 23 Aug 2016 00:00 UTC - Emails released by Wikileaks show that Hillary Clinton looked into a drug used to treat sleepiness and Parkinson's disease after she apparently began suffering from "decision fatigue" back in 2011. Clinton sent an email to close confidante and advisor Cheryl D. Mills on August 19, 2011 featuring the text of an article entitled Do You Suffer From Decision Fatigue? The article talks about how people in positions of power and influence can suffer from "decision fatigue" that causes them to be "low on mental energy" and prompts the sufferer to "become reckless" and "act impulsively". The article also explains how "decision fatigue" could explain why "ordinarily sensible people get angry at colleagues," which is possibly a nod to Clinton's infamous temper tantrums that have left her staffers in tears. "Wow that is spooky descriptive," wrote Hillary in response to the article. In a separate email sent two months later, Hillary received information from her top foreign policy advisor Jacob Sullivan about a drug called Provigil (Modafinil), which is used to treat "excessive sleepiness in patients with Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and multiple sclerosis," as well as "excessive sleepiness caused by narcolepsy". The fact that the drug is used to treat Parkinson's is interesting in light of what we were told by a Secret Service whistleblower earlier this month, that Hillary has a serious neurological disease. The date of the emails is significant because Hillary's apparent problems with "decision fatigue" were evident before she fell and hit her head in 2012. While the mainstream media continues to dismiss questions over Hillary's health as a "conspiracy theory," more prominent voices are beginning to express the same concerns... RELATED ARTICLES More Questions Arise About Hillary Clinton’s Health Due To New Information And Photos New Reports Indicate Hillary Clinton Is Too Physically Sick To Be President (Videos) |
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