Hollywood Wiretap And Harassment Trial
Reveals Pattern Of Abusing Innocent People
April 2. 2008

The truth has been coming out in the Anthony Pellicano
illegal wiretap, racketeering, harassment and witness tampering trial. Court testimony and subsequent articles over the
last week reveal that one of my main grievances outlined in my United Nations
human rights complaint from September 2007, regarding an
incident where an assailant tried to run me over with a car, while I was on foot
going to use a payphone for some privacy from my illegally wiretapped line, is
one of Anthony Pellicano's methods of harassment.
Pellicano is Madonna's private eye and her
lawyer's as well. An excerpt from my
United Nations human rights complaint:
"This month, on August
9, 2007, shortly after 1 PM someone deliberately tried to run me down with their
car outside a plaza that is across from a mall that I have frequented since I
was a kid, that is now coincidentally located on the same street as Madonna’s
newly established Kabbalah Center in Miami." - September 2007

The payphone incident wasn't the first
time it happened, nor was it the last, but it was the worst and done with
the intent to kill.

Two others have now said in the last week that the
psychopath Pellicano hired and or wanted to hire people to run
wiretap victims with a car. The woman that triggered the FBI case against him,
Los Angeles Times journalist Anita Busch, revealed in the New York Times a week
"Two men in a Mercedes tried to run her
down outside her apartment."- March 2008
Another man who hired him to illegally wiretap an
innocent man, admitted under a plea deal that Anthony Pellicano suggested he pay
him to hire someone to kill the wiretap victim by running
over with a car.
Sender testified. “He would have someone follow him back,
drive him off the road and
bury his body somewhere in the desert...‘you’ve
spent all this money, why don’t you just whack (kill) him?’
” - March 2008
These revelations confirm that this is how
Hollywood operates, utilizing these sick Anthony Pellicano tactics against
innocent people. When the harassment against me commenced in Miami,
Anthony Pellicano was a free man running his criminal enterprise out of Los
Angeles. He taught these Hollywood lawyers and star clients
that this was the way to dispose of problems, also known as innocent people, who
choose to speak out about wrongdoing, go to the FBI or become too much of a
legal burden when your chickens come home to roost.
However, since the time of his incarceration, the
illegal wiretapping and harassment of me in Miami has continued, and been
witnessed by many credible people. All the forms of harassment that have been utilized
against me, which I formally reported to the FBI in 2005, have since been
revealed in his current trial two and a half years later, as Anthony Pellicano
tactics (wiretapping, hackings, break-ins, stalking and attempting to run people
over with cars).
"In 1999,
Mr. Sender invested $1.1 million with Mr. Russo. Later, Mr. Sender sued Mr.
Russo, accusing him of pocketing the money. Mr. Russo dodged process servers for
more than a year, until Mr. Pellicano was brought into the case at the urging of
Mr. Sender’s new lawyer, Bert Fields. (Mr. Sender said he paid Mr. Fields’s firm
about $300,000, but recovered only $25,000 from Mr. Russo.)
Sender testified Tuesday that Mr. Pellicano had wiretapped Mr. Russo for a year
and had played recordings of Mr. Russo’s intercepted phone calls for him 10 or
15 times. But Mr. Pellicano grew sick of listening to Mr. Russo, Mr. Sender
said. And, in a “frightening” moment in the garden of Mr. Sender’s mansion in
Bel-Air, he said, Mr. Pellicano suggested killing Mr. Russo.
Pellicano said that “if I wanted to, I could basically authorize him” to have
Mr. Russo “murdered on the way back from Las Vegas,” Mr. Sender testified. “He
would have someone follow him back,
drive him off the road and
bury his body somewhere in the desert.” Mr.
Sender said he had declined.
cross-examination, Mr. Pellicano, acting as his own lawyer and speaking of
himself in the third person, seemed more concerned with getting his own words
right than with disputing Mr. Sender’s account. He does not face any charges
related to Mr. Sender’s statements.
Mr. Pellicano say, ‘You’ve spent all this money, why don’t you just whack him?’
” Mr. Pellicano asked. “Didn’t Mr. Pellicano say, ‘If you feel so badly about
it, why don’t you just have him killed?’ ” “He might’ve phrased it that way,”
Mr. Sender said.
“I was telling the truth, and no
one was believing me,” she said. “People started questioning
whether I had somehow lost my mind. It’s hard to take, when
you’re telling the truth and people are looking at you sideways
and laughing in your face.”
“Some of it seemed pretty fantastical at first,”
said R. Kinsey Lowe, then a Los Angeles Times editor. “But even paranoid people
do have enemies. And she had a way of getting dirt.”
On Aug. 13, unknown to Ms. Busch, an F.B.I.
informant recorded a suspect saying that the threat on her had not done any good
— she was “back at it.” On Aug. 16, she said,
two men in a Mercedes tried to run her
down outside her apartment.
In October 2002, a man was arrested for the June
threat. A few weeks later, court records show, a Pacific Bell repairman found
“some equipment” on her phone lines; a technician later told her it was a
“It was, literally, watching your career disappear
in front of your eyes, and you can’t do anything about it,” Ms. Busch said. “It
was all I ever wanted to do,” she said of journalism. “I loved it — past tense.
It just wasn’t in me anymore.”
“I don’t really want anybody to know what I’m
doing,” she said. “I’m trying to find a new career to love.”
"I hired Mr. Pellicano because he
told me he could listen in" to the young woman's phone calls, a
shaken George Kalta, 37, told U.S. District Judge Dale S.
Fischer, as he entered his guilty plea. "That was the only
reason I hired Mr. Pellicano."
criminal defense attorney Leslie Abramson, representing Kalta, said outside
court on Friday that Pellicano bragged to her client about listening in on other
people's conversations and about having connections within law enforcement. The
connections included "a contact" in the Los Angeles County district attorney's
office and a police officer who he said could get him a district attorney's memo
for $5,000.
bragged about how he did this [wiretapping] for other clients," Abramson said.
"He said that is why people pay him so much.
"Pellicano Wiretap Witness Admits
Scheme" - Los Angeles Times, March 18, 2006