James Clapper Apologizes To
Congress For Lying Under Oath About The NSA Spying Scandal (Prism)
…Also Known As Perjury
July 4. 2013

James Clapper, Director Of National Intelligence,
looking like he needs a bran muffin
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper apologized to
Congress for lying under oath on April 18, 2013 about his NSA spying on
Americans. He was forced to do so, as weeks after his deceitful
appearance in Congress, brave whistle blower Edward Snowden released
hard evidence of the NSA illegally spying on millions of Americans. It
also confirmed what I have been writing online for several years
regarding the FBI and NSA secretly spying on Americans in criminal
violation of the Constitution.
The spying has disrupted a number of lives. I was made aware of the
unlawful conduct when they began illegally spying on me, most
noticeably in 2005, after I went to the FBI and was interviewed by them
twice, formally complaining about Madonna and her private eye Anthony
Pellicano, a member of the mob, who was arrested four months later on
the very things I complained of verbally and in writing.
After the first tips I gave the FBI worked out, they began illegally
spying on
me for tips in cases, without my consent, by
secretly engaging unlawful wiretaps on my phone lines, later confirmed
by three separate telephone technicians. They also began obtaining copies of all my private
emails and unpublished columns containing exclusives they sought to use
The problem was compounded by the fact I have connections in
political and entertainment industry circles. Items privately and
lawfully discussed over the phone and or by email with them, were being illegally
intercepted by the eavesdropping FBI and NSA and utilized to start cases
against people, whose criminal activity we privately denounced.
Read about it
here, regarding people and companies I privately
discussed over the phone and by email with others, who mysteriously started getting
raided by the FBI shortly after. When it happens over a dozen times (raids
and arrests of those privately spoken about over the phone and via
email) and telephone technicians confirm the government is
wiretapping one’s phones, you pretty much figure out that’s what
they’re doing – illegally turning you into an informant without
your knowledge or consent. Congress never gave them the authority to do
Under the Constitution, as a private citizen, I am allowed to go
public with claims of government wrongdoing, such as having my privacy
invaded via unconstitutional
spying, as I have experienced it. I don’t work for the government,
never have. Therefore, in publishing on my sites the extent of their
illegal spying, no contract, oath or trust was allegedly betrayed in
any fashion, except them betraying my own as a victim of crime they
decided to violate as well in trying to turn me into an
informant/snitch without my knowledge or consent.
Imagine that, they
tried to turn me into a snitch. As far as I’m concerned, I’m too
cute for that. I have never worked for any world government, but if I
ever do, it will be in a formal capacity, up front in a desk job. I’m
not into that cloak and dagger crap the FBI so relishes.
Therefore, I'm thankful to Edward Snowden. He has via data and
files, straight from the NSA, confirmed what I have stated online for
years. The American people need to know what has happened to civil
liberties in the nation at the hands of an overreaching, power grabbing
administration that refuses to rein in its unconstitutional behavior.
America is now a police state and innocent people are being treated
like criminals in being spied on and classed as things they are not,
terrorists or spies, in order for some in power to get away with this
invasive spying illegality before Congress.
I only regret that Snowden didn’t pass the files to Wikileaks and
remained anonymous, as he doesn’t deserve what the administration is
trying to do to his life, all because they broke the law and didn’t
want the public to find out. If he mysteriously dies or is outright
killed, it is my hope every single one of you involved, from the bottom
to the top in Washington, gets kicked out of office. And don’t think
it can’t happen regarding Snowden. President Obama enacted a new rule
that he can kill Americans on U.S. soil or in the international
community and not face prosecution.
National Intelligence Director Apologizes for
Lying to Congress
Director Clapper says a response to the
Intelligence Committee in March was 'clearly erroneous'
July 2, 2013 - Director of National Intelligence James Clapper
testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee April 18, 2013.
Clapper has apologized for lying to the committee during testimony. The director of National Intelligence apologized in June to the
chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee for lying during a
hearing, according to a letter published on the DNI website on Tuesday.
Director James Clapper appeared before the committee in March, where
Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked him specifically if NSA spies on millions
of Americans. Clapper answered, "No." Since then, Edward Snowden reportedly leaked government documents
that unveiled a secretive government program that did precisely what
Wyden suggested in collecting meta data for cell phone and internet
records of hundreds of millions of Americans.
James Clapper is still lying to America
Monday, Jul 1, 2013 12:02 PM EST - A smoking gun shows Director of
National Intelligence James Clapper is a big liar -- and it's not the
first time. "James Clapper Is Still Lying": That would be a
more honest headline for yesterday’s big Washington Post article
about the director of national intelligence’s letter to the U.S.
Clapper, you may recall, unequivocally said "no, sir" in
response to Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asking him: "Does the NSA
collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of
Americans?" Clapper’s response was shown to be a lie by Snowden’s
disclosures, as well as by reports from the Guardian, the Washington
Post, the Associated Press and Bloomberg News (among others). This is
particularly significant, considering lying before Congress prevents
the legislative branch from performing oversight and is therefore a
The FBI Has Been Beating, Torturing And Threatening To Kill American
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