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Jennifer Lopez Cancels Tour After Husband Ben Affleck Leaves Her And Moves Into A Rented Mansion Very Near To His Ex-Wife Jennifer Garner

Lopez Is Embarrassed

June 4. 2024

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck before he left her

Actress and alleged singer, Jennifer Lopez, has cancelled her latest tour after husband, Hollywood actor, Ben Affleck, abruptly left her. Yahoo News reported, "Jennifer Lopez won't be touring this summer after all. Jennifer Lopez has called off her This Is Me … Live Tour at the eleventh hour. The singer wrote in her newsletter that she’s 'completely heartsick and devastated' over the decision, but called it “absolutely necessary.” While she didn’t provide further detail, concert promoter Live Nation said Lopez needs time off to be with her '“children, family and close friends.'"

Affleck left Lopez and the $65 million mansion they recently purchased in Los Angeles. Affleck moved into a $100,000 per month rental home located very close to his ex-wife, Jennifer Garner, and their three children (the house is about a block away from his family). That's very telling. Affleck and Garner share three children (one a preteen and two in their teens).

Every time Affleck and Garner have been photographed by paparazzi over the past couple years, meeting up for events regarding their children, they both look happy and relaxed in each other's company. However, Affleck constantly looks unhappy, stressed and tense around Lopez in paparazzi pics. I do not believe Affleck and Lopez were meant to be. It did not work out the first time and it is not working out the second time. They should not have gotten married.


Jennifer Lopez cancels summer tour amid rumors of Ben Affleck marital strain: 'I am completely heartsick'

"Please know that I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t feel that it was absolutely necessary," Lopez wrote in her newsletter.

Fri, May 31, 2024 at 4:14 PM EDT - Jennifer Lopez won't be touring this summer after all. Jennifer Lopez has called off her This Is Me … Live Tour at the eleventh hour. The singer wrote in her newsletter that she’s “completely heartsick and devastated” over the decision, but called it “absolutely necessary.” While she didn’t provide further detail, concert promoter Live Nation said Lopez needs time off to be with her “children, family and close friends.”

It’s unclear if this has anything to do with Lopez’s relationship status. She and her husband of less than two years, Ben Affleck, have been caught in a web of headlines after it was reported by multiple outlets that they have been living apart. On May 31, Lopez shared the news from concert promoter Live Nation that the North American summer tour, set to kick off in Orlando on June 26, “is canceled” in her newsletter, On the J.Lo. “Jennifer is taking time off to be with her children, family and close friends,” the announcement read, in part...



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