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Jill Biden Threw A Temper Tantrum When Told Her Husband President Joe Biden Is Trailing Rival Donald Trump In Polls In Six Swing States

April 9. 20204

First Lady Jill Biden and mentally impaired husband Joe Biden

The 2024 presidential election is starting to shape up. For dementia stricken President, Joe Biden, it is turning into a massive difficulty. Major polls are showing that Biden is well behind rival, former U.S. President, Donald Trump. Biden has so ruined and decimated the U.S. economy, people are begging for Trump back, as Americans are going bankrupt under Biden's inflation. The inflation in America is horrendous and it has been squarely caused by Biden's foolish political policies.

Not one to handle the truth well, First Lady, Jill Biden, snapped at a television news reporter for stating her husband is behind in key polls. Yahoo News reported, "CBS host Tony Dokoupil began asking the first lady about the polling results before she cut him off to say 'no, he's not losing.' 'No, he's not losing in all the battleground states. He's coming up,' she said before the host could finish asking the question."

The fact of the matter is Biden and company are feverishly working on stealing the election (again). They have companies secretly working with them to do so. Former U.S. President, Barack Obama, has been running the show at the White House since 2021, and wants an illegal fourth term in office, with Biden as his puppet again.

They are making a mockery of the U.S. Constitution and America. Biden who is old and sick, could die in office, then Kamala Harris would be President. She really wants to be President. However, she would turn into a nightmare for Obama, in no longer following his orders, which would be just considering the scam he is pulling.

Either way, all elections should be fair. I don't agree with election fraud. Furthermore, when you steal someone else's place in world history, especially on such a grand scale, God will severely punish you for it. Imagine having to stand before God on Judgment Day having stolen the presidency. That's a very serious sin. What will you tell Him for having done such a despicable thing.


Jill Biden snaps at mention of poll with president trailing Trump in six swing states: 'No, he's not'

Wed, April 3, 2024 at 12:32 PM EDT - is attempting to dismiss recent dismal polling that shows former President Donald Trump is leading her husband President Biden in all but one battleground state. The first lady was asked about the state of Biden's re-election campaign during an appearance on "CBS Mornings" on Wednesday, and was specifically questioned about a recent Wall Street Journal survey that found the Democratic incumbent is trailing former President Trump in six of seven 2024 swing states.

CBS host Tony Dokoupil began asking the first lady about the polling results before she cut him off to say "no, he's not losing." "No, he's not losing in all the battleground states. He's coming up," she said before the host could finish asking the question.


President Biden and first lady Jill Biden arrive for the annual Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, D.C., on Monday. "He's even or doing better," Jill added. "You know what, once people start to focus in, and they see their two choices, it's obvious that Joe will win this election."...



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