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Jon Stewart Rally Draws 800,000 Less People Than Glenn Beck Gathering  

October 31. 2010

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert clowning around with the nation's political affairs

The political rally of Hollywood comedians and Democrats, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, drew an estimated 215,000 people in Washington, D.C. this weekend. Several weeks ago, the political rally by Republican TV personality, Glenn Beck, pulled in over 1,000,000 people. 

Glenn Beck was serious at his rally  

The Judiciary Report wonders if this is any indication of how the voting will go on Tuesday, November 2, 2010, in the U.S. national mid-term elections, to determine who will rule in Congress. Stay tuned...

Side Bar: why does the Democratic Party allow folks like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert to represent them to the public. They are a liability, not an asset in politics.


Stephen Colbert Made A Mockery Of Congress



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