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Judge Sauer For President Judge Takes
June 9. 2007
The whole world saw through paparazzi pics, as Paris Hilton repeatedly violated the law, for several months in a row, after a drunk driving arrest that placed her on probation.
There is proof of misconduct and people began questioning how she got away with it...until she got arrested for the probation violations. The police gave her three chances to do better and she refused. She has no excuse. She left them no choice. She is not the victim.
Paris ordered items that were delivered, preparing to party, after being let out of jail way too early for being allegedly sick and placed on house arrest:
Rather than learning her lesson,
she continues to exhibit the same immaturity and self-pity, that has been one of
her most famous
We all make mistakes, but this is deliberately running amok after having been given many chances to make right, then shirking one's debt to society. Not admirable at all.
All Paris has done is waste taxpayer money and resources, that she should make restitution for, in being so resistant in paying her debt to society, like any other person would have to in her circumstances. Had she not been so arrogant in constantly resisting the court's rightful orders, like showing up to court, when she is the one who broke the law, they would not have had to send for and cuff her. You are not Nelson Mandela, Paris. You did this.
Order violating
The court and jail were more than fair and accommodating, going to great lengths when they didn't have to. They made your sentence fair, feasible and safe. They assigned five guards to protect you and gave you your own cell. Do you know how many inmates wish they had that. However, you are ungrateful and didn't deserve their time and efforts. The man that set the international firestorm in motion with his bad judgment and poor dispensation of the law, Sheriff Lee Baca:
Sheriff Baca (left) Barney Fife (right)
Pictured above is fair-minded Judge Michael T. Sauer Judge Michael T. Sauer, restored a lot of people's faith in the justice system yesterday, in reversing a questionable sheriff's decision in letting Paris Hilton go free very early in her sentence, illustrating that all, rich or poor, can be treated equally under the law and in court, when there is a diligent, law adhering judge.
Sheriff Well, people cry for a lot of reasons. Some people cry when they get their Visa bill, but it's still a fact of life that must be dealt with, now isn't it.
The point is, jail is supposed to stink. It's a correctional facility, with emphasis on the word "correctional." It's to correct bad behavior, by taking away your freedom and restricting your conduct, to make you want to behave, do your time, get out of there, stay on the straight and narrow and never come back. Hence the word "correctional."
What Paris did was in essence, using influence, lawyers and a shrink (psychiatrist), to jump the proverbial fence. It blaringly showed the disparities in the justice system and Judge Michael T. Sauer, corrected it. She also disrespected the court in showing up late to the first hearing. Then after fleeing jail, so to speak, phoning in the appearance, rather than getting to court, as she was instructed to do. This staunch resistance to the law of the land and court orders, when she is in the wrong, looks bad on her. Sheriff "backwater" Baca (left) Chewbacca (right)
Sheriff Baca's conduct kicked off a terrible firestorm of bad publicity, due to him having undone the judge and district attorney's work. People are watching, all over the world, and judging the justice system by these high profile cases they read about. Headlines from mainstream newspapers all over the world and in the country, openly and unfavorably questioned the U.S. justice system's integrity. So much so, that international news agencies sent reporters to camp out outside Hilton's house, as they couldn't believe what was unfolding. They weren't alone. Neither could the American people. Sheriff Baca: but I bought all the copies of Paris' CD! I had to let her go!
It looked as though Hilton bought her way out of jail. TV host David Letterman was said to have made jokes regarding cash bribery. Blog posters also joked, making statements like, "Kathy (Hilton's mother) paid the sheriff" and "So does this mean the sheriff has to give the money back now." It didn't help that her grandfather contributed $1,000 to the campaign of the sheriff that let her out early - way too early. Poor Parents
Her father may be financially rich, but her parents are spiritually poor. They are also poor parents. They raised their kids very badly, and turned out a racist, bratty, home wrecking deviant that has absolved herself of responsibility in life. There is such a thing as tough love. Paris needs it. She needs to learn responsibility, as her actions have seriously harmed others - from relationships and marriages she broke up where children were involved, to people she financially defrauded and or defamed, resulting in court cases and pending legal action. She behaved like a little terror and she learned it from her mother. The mother was promiscuous, now the daughter is promiscuous and picked up a medically incurable STD along the way. The mother was money oriented, now the daughter is money oriented, cutting deals that have done her nothing but harm (pornography and other bad business deals, some of them unlawful). People would have respected her
Instead, she has presented the world with a terribly undignified picture of her, bawling, screaming, crying and trying to flee a short jail sentence at all costs. Doesn't say much for her fortitude and looks very ungraceful. The paparazzi she once shamelessly courted are documenting her downfall and embarrassing public breakdown for all to see:
Public Outrage
On TV show Nancy Grace, several guests in the
legal profession, roundly condemned Sheriff Grace and co. also mocked Paris' friends who embarrassingly blathered on to the press about Paris' hardships like...wait for it...having no moisturizer. Her skin, is like totally dry, like, for sure. Wow, I wonder how Nelson Mandela went with dry skin for 27 years. A headline in Radar magazine read "Paris: I Bought the Law." Al Sharpton strongly condemned Baca's decision and stated she received preferential treatment because of her race and many agreed with him. Many U.S. newspapers and blogs expressed their dismay and disgust as well, at a sheriff riding roughshod over a judge. Talk about reversing the order. Sheriff stepped on PR land mine When Los Angeles Sheriff Lee Baca gave Paris Hilton her "get out of jail" card this week, he bought himself a ticket to the doghouse -- just like a long parade of other scorned public officials who have learned the phrase "politically tone deaf" the hard way. Baca found himself buried under an avalanche of criticism that erupted on blogs and talk radio and in living rooms around the country after his decision to let the errant heiress take a walk from her cold and lonely jail cell. That infuriated Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer, who wanted Hilton to serve her time -- literally -- for a parole violation related to reckless driving. Los Angeles city attorney Rocky Delgadillo also weighed in and demanded Baca be held in contempt. And the contempt didn't stop there: By the time Sauer publicly humiliated Baca in court Friday and sent the bawling heiress back to the slammer, Average Joes and critics were unloading on the sheriff who couldn't shoot straight, politically speaking. "Lee Baca is the most tone deaf politician to come down the pike," said GOP consultant Patrick Dorinson, who said it's clear that the sheriff "has his head screwed on wrong." Dorinson said Baca should have been prepared for fallout because "there was an outcry when (Hilton's) sentence was reduced to 23 days" if she met standards for good behavior in jail. He said the sheriff's decision to cut her loose put him in the "what was he thinking" realm, a place visited by elected officials all the time. "Down the road from where his office is, there's a place called Fantasy Land," Dorinson said. "Maybe that's where he ought to be sheriff." - San Francisco Chronicle Now the negative publicity caused by Baca has reversed because of Sauer: Judge Sauer sends Paris Hilton back to Jail LA Court Judge Michael T. Sauer put the word end to public uproar and the Media frenzy by ordering Paris Hilton back to jail for the full sentence term of 45 days. Paris Hilton broke down in tears, cursing and screaming at Judge Sauer and calling her mother for help. - Online News Paris Hilton judge praised for fairness LOS ANGELES -- The judge who sent Paris Hilton to jail is known for his even-keeled demeanor and fairness as he handles more than 100 cases a day, mostly drunken driving cases involving non-celebrities. Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer has been a judge for 35 years. Earlier, as a lawyer in the city attorney's office, he argued two cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. "I've known Judge Sauer since the early 1970s, and I've been before him just literally thousands of times over the years, and he's always been very even-tempered and calm," said Deputy City Attorney Larry B. Shelley. - the Associated Press We all wanted to see Paris get fabulous comeuppance This is about comeuppance. As Cal linguistics Professor Robin Lakoff says, if you stopped average people on the street, they probably couldn't tell you why she was sent to jail. "But," Lakoff says, "they'd say she ought to stay there." - Seattle Post Intelligencer Baca's Bad Judgment
Baca should have known better, but he is after all, a scientologist and they believe in aliens as a religion. A religion might I add, that newspaper's allege got their government accredited tax status by invasively investigating an Internal Revenue Service agent via a big surveillance campaign, then reportedly blackmailing him. NOTE: coincidentally, Scientology figurehead, actor Tom Cruise, often employed the now incarcerated private investigator Anthony Pellicano, who has been indicted on 110 counts of illegal wiretapping, harassment, witness tampering, identity theft and basic fraud. It is also important to note, Tom Cruise's ex-wife, actress Nicole Kidman, stated to people she believed Tom Cruise was illegally wiretapping her. It was reported that evidence in the court case obtained by the FBI supports that Kidman was indeed being wiretapped by someone, as illegally recorded tapes of her telephone conversations were found and she was interviewed by the federal agency as a result. Paris' Psychotic Break
In jail, a lawyer for another inmate said Paris Hilton was constantly heard, loudly crying and wailing in her cell. Her reaction has been very severe, to what is a light jail sentence, illustrating that there is a greater problem there. Sheriff Baca described Hilton as having "very serious mental problems" and I don't doubt that. On the Ryan Seacrest show, it was referred to as "schizophrenia." Paris is in the Kabbalah cult, as I have mentioned in this Column before. It appears as though she had a psychotic break, similar to what Britney Spears had a few months ago. In my humble estimation, she and several others in the Kabbalah cult are a danger to the public and need to be admitted to a mental facility or jail. Some in the industry know what these people have been getting up to that is in violation of the law. The FBI certainly does. Yet they are allowed to wander about innocent people in society. Just this week, confirmed Kabbalah center member Britney Spears, was accused of throwing a knife at someone's head in a rage, when she didn't get her way before a House Of Blues mini-concert. All that brainwashing and chanting the cult does, which according to psychologists, destroys the mind, coupled with Hilton's well publicized drug use, made for a terrible detox situation in jail. Cult and drug withdrawal is not pretty (As I
wrote in the May 5, 2007 article in this Column titled "Prison
Paris" regarding Hilton's sentence, stating incarceration would " Kabbalah cult members aren't taught to think for themselves, lest they leave. They are brainwashed into doing as the cult says, via constant phone calls and emails. According to experts, the cult tells them what to say, do, eat and wear. Without the presence of cult instruction for days, Hilton cracked up in isolation. She is so reliant on the Kabbalah center that her new situation posed a problem for her. Paris Hilton, like Britney Spears, is mentally ill. They never should have gotten involved in that sick cult. The changes in them since becoming involved with the Kabbalah center are very evident. It is in the public's best interest and that of the FBI, that said agency do a round up and conduct interviews, regarding what these people are being taught in that sick cult. If they opt for the Jim Jones or Heaven's Gate cult approach to things, Congress is going to come down on the FBI like a ton of bricks when it is discovered they have been sitting on substantial, relevant evidence they were given, almost two years ago, of very serious criminal misconduct regarding the Kabbalah Center, that is a danger to the public. The FBI taking the
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