Labour Party Releases Unredacted Documents Illustrating
Plot By Boris Johnson And His Tory Politicians To Sell The NHS In
Trade DealNovember 29. 2019

Jeremy Corbyn
On November 27, 2019, British Labour party
leader, Jeremy Corbyn, released documents to the press revealing
Conservative politicians, such as Theresa May and Boris Johnson, have been engaging in trade talks to sell
the National Health Service (NHS). Last week, on November 24, 2019, I stated on Twitter
Johnson seeks to sell the NHS in a trade deal.
The mere fact the Conservatives discussed the NHS
during trade talks and repeatedly, says they are trying to sell it
(it is worth a significant amount of money). Trade talks are about
buying and selling goods and services. These are not discussions
about charity. It's all about buying and selling in commerce. Anyone
who believes otherwise is in denial. Use your heads. Think about it.
Why would the NHS come up in talks on buying and selling, if someone
was not trying to sell it.

My tweet on November 24, 2019, three days before the Labour
party released unredacted documents illustrating the Conservatives have been
discussing selling the NHS in trade deal. I've been writing about
saving the NHS for well over a year.
I am for a trade deal between Britain and America.
However, I am not in favor of the NHS being a part of it. Britain
has free healthcare for all within its shores. It is underwritten by
taxpayer money. It is one of the great things about Britain. Selling
the NHS would mean Britons would begin getting bills for their
healthcare services. Some would simply stop going to the doctor,
because they can't afford it, which would drive up the mortality
rate in the United Kingdom.
British people are not used to paying to see the
doctor or for medicine. They would not take well to it in any measure.
British people know their rights and are very assertive in
protecting them. They will not take such a development lying down.
It would breed chaos and unrest in Britain, which is preventable by
keeping the NHS out of the trade deal.

Boris Johnson
While Prime Minister Boris Johnson has stated the
NHS is not for sale, the trade talks that have been quietly going on
prove otherwise. Furthermore, Johnson is a proven liar. He cannot be
trusted. Courts in England and Scotland ruled that Johnson lied to
the Queen to shutdown Parliament (British And Scottish Supreme Court Rulings Against Prime Minister Boris
Johnson Correctly Pronounce His Prorogation Of Parliament Illegal).
Anyone that would lie to the Monarch to get their
way, knowing said conduct would create irreparable harm to the
royal's name and that of the country, is a dangerous loose cannon,
who is only looking out for himself and his ego. He should be
ashamed of that. It was disgusting. But the man has no shame.

When he takes a drink he doesn't think. Johnson publicly told
doctors he gave up drinking, but was photographed drinking alcohol.
Johnson lied about Brexit, in an effort to
deceitfully secure the 2016 vote, which has cost Britain a fortune
in money and jobs (over £1 trillion lost and counting). Johnson lied
stating he would build 40 new hospitals. It turns out he plans to
refurbish a few that are already in existence. Johnson also lied in
his previous newspaper column, for which he was fired.
Johnson further lied to his wives in marriage after
marriage, about being faithful, when he was cheating on each one of
them. Johnson also lied about the number of children he has, as
illegitimate offspring have been popping up. It would be extremely
unwise to trust the future of the NHS to that man. Your health and
life are depending on it.

Boris Johnson and one of his mistresses he lied to the British
public about, Jennifer Arcuri. He lied to the public about their
sexual relationship and the fact he gave her nearly £1 million in taxpayer
money she never repaid (Boris Johnson And His Mistress
Refuse To Deny Sexual Relationship Which Resulted In Him Illegally
Giving Her £126,000 In Taxpayer Money And A £700,000 Loan).
The rich Tory politicians don't care and they've
shown you this with massive cuts in their extreme breed of
austerity. They keep showing this lack of compassion for the poor
and middle class, and it is alarming. They are rich enough to pay
for private doctors at a moment's notice. So, they don't care about
the British public having to pay to see doctors. They think everyone
can afford to do so, when many simply cannot find the finances.
Once again,
I've been correct in many things I have stated regarding
Britain and would not try to steer people wrong:
Metropolitan Police Cuts To Leave 8,000 Officers Unemployed (But Can
Be Avoided)
KFC Chicken
Shortage In Britain Leads To Temporary Closure Of 500
Restaurants Indicating An Agricultural Problem As Stated
Previously On The Site
Britain Facing
Another Food Shortage As Predicted On The Site Last Year (CO2)
The British Economy Set To Lose Trillions Confirming Previous Site
Murdoch's News Corp Exposed For Burglaries Into High Profile People's Homes To
Steal Information For Profit
Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping
Demands FBI Investigate Rupert Murdoch For Hacking Rival & Stealing
Their Copyrights
and other matters such as
site exclusives.
Jeremy Corbyn reveals dossier 'proving NHS up for sale'
Labour leader says documents leave Boris Johnson’s denials
on post-Brexit US trade deal ‘in tatters’
Wed 27 Nov 2019 06.21 EST First published on Wed 27
Nov 2019 05.39 EST - Labour has obtained official documents showing
that the US is demanding that the NHS will be “on the table” in
talks on a post-Brexit trade deal, Jeremy Corbyn has said.
The Labour leader said the uncensored papers gave
the lie to Boris Johnson’s claims that the NHS would not be part of
any trade talks, and revealed that the US wanted “total market
access” after the UK leaves the EU.
“The uncensored documents leave Boris Johnson’s
denials in absolute tatters,” he said at a news conference in
London. “We have now got evidence that under Boris Johnson the NHS
is on the table and will be up for sale. He tried to cover it up in
a secret agenda and today it has been exposed.”
Corbyn said the 451 pages of documents covered six
rounds of talks from July 2017 to “just a few months ago”. He said
the meetings took place in Washington and London. “We are talking
here about secret talks for a deal with Donald Trump after Brexit,”
he said...
It’s not just Boris Johnson’s lying. It’s that the media let
him get away with it
The prime minister’s falsehoods are mostly left
unchallenged. If this goes on, the integrity of our politics faces
Mon 18 Nov 2019 13.01 EST Last modified on Mon 18
Nov 2019 16.54 EST - It’s Friday lunchtime and Boris Johnson is in
Oldham. He’s live on Sky News, speaking to supporters in front of
his Tory battle bus. During a speech lasting no more than 10
minutes, viewers learn that he is building 40 new hospitals. Sounds
good. But it’s a lie that has already been exposed by fact-checkers,
including the website Full Fact.
The prime minister tells Sky viewers that “20,000
more police are operating on our streets to fight crime and bring
crime down”. This assertion is misleading in a number of ways.
Recruitment will take place over three years and do no more than
replace the drop in officer numbers seen since the Conservatives
came to power in 2010...
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Johnson Correctly Pronounce His Prorogation Of Parliament Illegal
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Boris Johnson's Mistress Jennifer
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