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Lead FBI Agent On President Trump Russia Investigation Kicked Out Of The FBI And Escorted From The Building June 22. 2018 Congressman Trey Gowdy slammed lead FBI agent, Peter Strzok, for the unethical "political bias" he displayed in text messages, stating “I will stop him” in reference to then-candidate, Donald Trump, becoming president. Strzok made the comments to his girlfriend, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, while showing off about how big and bad he is that he can subvert the law and illegally investigate a presidential candidate, with the intent of destroying his campaign. Page stated, "Trump's not ever going to become president, right? Right!?" to which Strzok responded, "No, No he won't. We'll stop it." FBI employees are permitted to have their own private political views and vote for whomever they choose in elections, but not act with "political bias" at work and go after a presidential candidate in statements, intent and actions, proclaiming he will torpedo the politician's campaign. It is highly questionable. Gowdy stated in Congress regarding Strzok, "The lead FBI agent says he will stop Trump from becoming president. This is two weeks into the investigation he has already prejudged the outcome. And we’re somehow supposed to be believe that that bias was not outcome determined."
Peter Strzok (Daily Mail UK) Strzok was escorted from the FBI building after being fired this week, for his inappropriate conduct. His security clearance has now been revoked. Another alarming aspect of his behavior and those in his circle, is the revelation they stated in text messages that Obama is controlling the investigation into Trump. It is extremely inappropriate under American ethics practices and the law that a sitting president investigates a presidential candidate, especially one of a rival party. It presents a massive conflict of interest. The FBI is not supposed to be political or controlled by any president. It is supposed to be an unbiased law enforcement agency. However, they are more preoccupied with illegal spying and interfering in politics, than solving crime (FBI Makes Deceitful Claim They Could Not Find School Shooter Nikolas Cruz 5-Months Ago With Credible Tip From You Tube Page and The FBI Ignored Second Credible Tip That Florida School Shooter Nikolas Cruz Was Going To Kill Innocent People). America is supposed to be a democracy. If you don't want someone to be president, you go out and vote for the opposing candidate. You don't criminally misuse taxpayer money and resources in unlawful bids at undermining democracy. When the FBI does such things, it gives credence to "deep state" claims online about non-elected individuals secretly running the government in violation of the law and the principles of transparency that exist in a democracy.
Lisa Page (Daily Mail UK) Strzok also stated. "Trump supporters are all poor middle class, uneducated, lazy POS (pieces of sh*t) that think he will magically grant them jobs for doing nothing. They probably didn't watch the debates, aren't fully educated on his policies, and are stupidly wrapped up in his unmerited enthusiasm."
Ironically, contrary to the FBI agent's claims, many of Trump's
supporters are rich people. I will state this, Strzok's sheer
contempt for poor people is disgusting. The FBI made many in
America poor. They claim they knew about the 2008 financial
crisis years before it happened, but did nothing to stop it. The
FBI didn't even alert Congress. I warned the public in 2006 that
a financial crisis was coming via sounding the alarm online in a
series of articles ( Once again, after the crash of 2008, the FBI came forward claiming they knew it was going to happen. Yet, like so many tragedies in America and Britain, the FBI knew in advance and did nothing, leading to the deaths of many innocent people (see "RELATED ARTICLES" below). It's not a good look. Actually, it looks quite sick and evil. The FBI agents conduct is extremely arrogant, illegal and un-democratic. The Inspector General once caught an FBI official telling employees to "let the work pile up" regarding criminal cases, which appeared in an official report, so they can go into Congress and extract billions more in taxpayer dollars for funding. While they let the cases pile up, innocent people died terrible deaths. That is abhorrent. God have mercy on the FBI's souls for all the evil they have done and allowed to be inflicted on America and the world for corrupt purposes. The FBI has done the unthinkable and is godforsaken regarding the evil they've done. Many have died because of them. As stated previously on the site, people I knew died because the FBI acted with criminal negligence and bias in not doing their jobs. I have no respect for the agency. They are evil and malicious (The FBI Visiting Medical Providers Telling Them To Harm Patients For Political Reasons In Criminal Violation Of The Law (Patients Have Been Maimed And Died)). RELATED ARTICLES 19-Year-Old Shoots And Kills 17 People At Florida School FBI Failed To Act On Tip About Abortionist Killer FBI Slammed By Scientists That Seek To Sue FBI Denounced By Parents Of Missing Kids FBI's WMD Department Rebuked By IG |
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