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Live Nation Stock Down 45% Since Madonna The Stock Jinx That Is Madonna
February 5. 2008
Live Nation's stock continues to take a beating since they signed Madonna to a reported 10 year deal. This does not bode well for the company. Back in September of 2007 when I and others slammed the deal, the stock lost 30% of its value shortly after. However, this month, it's down even more, losing 45% of its value since the fraud that is Madonna descended on their company. The shares they gave her as a large portion of her payment in the deal have greatly devalued. She's lost millions. I always knew she wasn't a good businesswoman, as she loves to claim. She stole her way to the top then back down again. Smart businesswomen are original, creative, honest and don't steal everything in sight, because that's called fraud and grand theft. Maybe Live Nation should try what another deceitful entertainment industry company has been doing to prop up its stock in the face of a terrible decline - discretely buy your own stock, fire countless people to make it look like a profit and float false reports of the so-called new ideas you have for the company, that in actuality won't pan out (yes, sarcasm, but with truth). "Madonna's $11 Million Haircut (LYV)" Madonna received 1.17 million shares in Live Nation (LYV), part of a megabucks deal she signed when she joined up with the concert promoter. Now she's registering to sell them. This doesn't mean Madge actually intends to dump the shares -- this is simply boilerplate paperwork that allows her to sell them at her leisure. But the SEC filing does remind us how rough the past few months have been for Live Nation's shareholders. LYV was trading around $21.30 in mid-October, when she finalized her deal. Since then the stock has been pummeled, as investors worry both about the concert business and Live Nation's strategy. It's now at a $11.78, down 45% -- and her $25 million stake in the company is now worth a mere $13.8 million. Better get that next tour underway, pronto. http://www.alleyinsider.com |
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