Madonna's Kabbalah Cult Has The Nudes
Of Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo And Is Holding It Over
His HeadSeptember 14. 2020

Cristiano Ronaldo
Football player, Cristiano Ronaldo,
became a member of Madonna's Kabbalah sect at her
insistence and that of reality star, Kim Kardashian, who
was sent after him sexually to recruit the athlete into
the dangerous Hollywood sect, whose high profile members
have been dying in big numbers. Ronaldo is worth several
hundred million dollars and became a prime target for
exploitation by the Hollywood cult.
They made Ronaldo many big promises of
breaking his career in America as a bigger brand, after
he had already achieved fame on his own in the
international community as one of the world's top
footballers. However, what Madonna's cult did instead
was exploit him for his fame and money as one of the
highest paid athletes in the world.
Madonna began to use Ronaldo to promote
her own sinking name and dead career, after not having
any kind of music or film hit for many years. She now
has Ronaldo promoting her in his interviews as his
advisor, as she is desperate for publicity. How can an
idiot who knows nothing about football (Madonna) be
advising an already successful footballer (Ronaldo).
Madonn is such trash and a complete leech and parasite.
Ronaldo now has a large satanic baphomet
in his living room, as seen in a recent video interview.
Madonna frequently uses baphomets in her weird, flopped
work. The cult has heavily brainwashed Ronaldo
in order to control him, his finances and career,
much like they did baseball player Alex Rodriguez,
to the anger of his innocent family that was torn apart
by the terrible ordeal.
Rodriguez's wife, Cynthia Rodriguez, a
trained psychologist, exposed some of the misconduct
that transpired. In her divorce case with the court,
Cynthia exposed the fact that insane, greedy,
lawbreaking Madonna, tried to brainwash her husband to
control him, as Madonna was romantically interested in
Alex, who did not want her.
The divorce case also exposed the fact
that Madonna had her Kabbalah cult members spying on the
family in their very home 24-hours a day. The family was
also illegally wiretapped and stalked by the cult, who
demanded $20,000,000 of Alex's fortune.

Well here's
another exclusive. I was informed by a very
credible source, who alleges Madonna and her cult that
got Ronaldo into bisexuality, are in illegal possessions
of Ronaldo's nudes, and that he is being blackmailed.
The alleged photos have him in a very delicate,
compromising situation with no clothes on and my very
credible and well-connected source alleges "they are
using it to blackmail him" into do their bidding.
It was also Madonna's idea to send
Cristiano and others whom she lured into her Hollywood
cult under false pretenses, into the Italian football
league, Serie A, which has been detrimental to all their
careers (Ronaldo, Alexis Sanchez and Lukaku, among
several others). All their careers, including that of
Cristiano, have significantly declined due to it.
Once again, Madonna made them false
promises that failed. The Italian league is not what it
once was and has not been big since the 1990s. She had
no business sending them over there, as it is a
downgrade in money and international visibility from
Premier League and La Liga.
Madonna also used her cult member Jay Z
and his unethical Roc Nation sports to lure them to the
Italian league that is in no position to take these
athletes careers to the next level, as they are having
significant financial problems. Neither Madonna or Jay Z
know about football. They have no business trying to
direct these athletes careers they have now firmly
damaged. Not to mention, the athletes are unhappy in
Serie A.
Madonna is currently trying to lure
Kabbalah members Paul Pogba and Jadon Sancho to Italy as
well, which will be detrimental to their careers, as
Serie A has been in a state of decline for 20-years
(which the league readily states in published articles),
has crumbling infrastructure and lacks the funds of the
world's top football (soccer) leagues the Premier
League, La Liga, Bundesliga and League One.
Madonna is Italian and has been
demanding people go to Italy, as it is her culture and
she associates it with "the Illuminati" (an Italian
secret society) which she frequently talks about and
includes brazen references to in music, music videos and
photos, among other things. She's trying to force these
things on people. Madonna even repeatedly sent members
of her cult up to me in Miami, which constitutes
criminal stalking, demanding I go to Italy and spouting
that Kabbalah and Illuminati foolishness at me, which I
have absolutely NO interest in.
Madonna is heavily meddling in the
Premier League in England, criminally targeting over two
dozen high profile footballers, who are worth millions
each. She has been illegally spying on and harassing
them. Madonna's conduct is detrimental to the Premier
League. Madonna's conduct is also very detrimental to
the roughly two dozen Premier League athletes she is
spying on and trying to lure into her sect. Those who
get involved in the cult will see their lives and career
ruined by the sect.
Madonna is spying on people in sick
ways. Much like she's still criminally spying on her
ex-husband in London, England and his new wife and kids,
in a story I broke first that was later confirmed by the
Daily Mail (Newspaper Reports Madonna Has Hired Private Investigator To
Stalk Guy Ritchie, His New Wife And The Couple’s Children
Confirming Previous Site Claims).
Madonna Has Been Forcing Young Entertainers And Athletes Into
Secretly Filmed Sex With People Who Are Not Their Sexual Preference As
Kabbalah Initiations In What Has Left Some Suicidal
Madonna And Jay Z's Illuminati Cult Are Meddling In
Manchester United Again Via Romelu Lukaku After Damaging
Paul Pogba And Alexis Sanchez
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)
Madonna's Deadly Hollywood Cult
Kabbalah Is Targeting British Footballer Jadon Sancho And Other
Professional Athletes
Newspaper Reports Madonna Has Hired
Private Investigator To Stalk Guy Ritchie, His New Wife And The Couple’s
Children Confirming Previous Site Claims
Rapist Harvey Weinstein Has 91 People Under Surveillance
By Private Investigators In Trying To Bully And Silence
His Victims
Harvey Weinstein Exposed For Hiring Private
Investigators To Violate The Privacy Of His Victims Of
Rape And Sexual Assault
Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo Caught
Admitting That He Raped A Woman And His DNA Police Obtained Links Him To
The Crime