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Madwoman Madonna Drinking Her Own Urine Is A Sign Of Severe Mental Illness

December 6. 2019

Vile, hideous Madonna looks demonic

Recently, madwoman pop singer, Madonna, whose career has been in a massive nosedive, bragged in an interview that she drinks her own urine (pee). As stated days ago on the site, consuming human waste in the form of urine or feces is very unhealthy and dangerous.

Drinking pee (Urolagnia) and or eating feces is a serious form of mental illness called Coprophagia, which is associated with schizophrenia. For years I have stated on this site that Madonna's Kabbalah cult insanely believes that schizophrenia is a desirable mental disorder and they strive to induce it in people, via very cruel and sick acts. Madonna's cult has written a book on it called "Inducing Schizophrenia."

In the book "Doctor Know's Guide To Serial Killers: The Best Of The Worst" drinking urine and or eating feces is associated with serial killers, such as Albert Fish, full name Howard Hamilton Albert Fish, who was a very sick voyeur, sadomasochist and thief that stalked, spied on, sexually molested and physically assaulted underage boys. Fish was a racist, who also murdered some of his victims, targeting African-Americans and the mentally disabled,  stating they would not be missed.

Madonna looks like an ugly gremlin

Madonna has all the traits of a psychopath. Madonna was blamed for the death of Award winning British film director, Robert Altman, whom Madonna threatened and harassed into a massive heart attack that killed him. Right before he passed away, Altman blamed Madonna in writing at the hospital, for the massive heart attack that claimed his life shortly after.

Madonna abused her 15-year-old son and to the point he fled her home and took a flight to London, prompting his dad to obtain custody of the minor in England. I fear for the young African children Madonna adopted. I have been hearing very bad things about it in the industry from a credible source. Those kids are not safe in the custody of a psychopath. Madonna was also sued for beating up an 11-year old boy by punching and choking him (Keith Sorrentino). She settled the case for $750,000.

Madonna is a sadomasochist as seen and heard on her album "Justify My Love" and the music videos she released for the disgusting project

Madonna is a racist, nasty, dirty, hard up voyeur that likes to secretly spy on people in their homes (as seen in the Anthony Pellicano criminal trial, regarding her private investigator in unlawful conduct she continues to engage in to this day). Madonna's former manager stated she caught Madonna in sexual activity with her underage cousin. Madonna committed sexual assault on a minor (Madonna Committed Sexual Assault On An Underage Minor).

Madonna is a sick stalker (Newspaper Reports Madonna Has Hired Private Investigator To Stalk Guy Ritchie, His New Wife And The Couple’s Children Confirming Previous Site Claims and Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From George Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead). Yet, due to bribery, this is the woman the FBI has running free and world history will condemn them for it.


Madonna claims to drink cup of urine after post-concert ice bath

Following a concert, Madonna immersed herself in freezing cold water, then sipped from a cup and claimed she was enjoying the health benefits of body waste

PUBLISHED: November 21, 2019 at 1:04 pm | UPDATED: November 22, 2019 at 3:51 am - Earlier this week, Madonna posted a video showing her using both popular and unconventional therapies — including drinking urine — to help her recover from the physical rigors of performing for her Madame X tour.

Madonna, who has concerts this week in Los Angeles, is first seen in the video lowering herself into the ice-filled bath. Wearing a Nike Sports top and bike pants and sporting a large bruise on her right forearm, the 61-year-old singer said immersing oneself in freezing-cold water is the “best treatment for injuries.”

Her bath lasted a minute or two. The “Vogue” singer then showed herself sitting at the edge of the tub, wrapped in a white, fluffy robe and sipping yellow liquid from a white cup. Madonna mischievously identifies the liquid as body waste. “It’s really good to drink urine after you’ve got out of the frozen bath,” Madonna said...




n. sexual interest focused on urine and urination. This may involve watching others urinate, being urinated on during sexual activity, urinating on the partner during sexual activity, or drinking one’s own urine. Also called urophilia. See also urethral eroticism.


Coprophagia in a patient with borderline personality disorder

Background and Objectives: Human coprophagia is a rare phenomenon with severe medical and social consequences. So far, coprophagia has mainly been associated with severe mental retardation, schizophrenia, dementia, and depression. We report a case of coprophagia in a 30-year-old woman with Borderline Personality Disorder (DSM-IV). This case report illustrates the severity of symptoms and maladaptive social consequences of severe personality disorders, comparable to those of patients with schizophrenia. Pharmacological interventions and, particularly intensive psychotherapy might be effective for patients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder displaying severe behavior disorders. The treatment of choice for coprophagia is aversive behavioral intervention.


Background and Objectives: Human coprophagia is a rare phenomenon with severe medical and social consequences. So far, coprophagia has mainly been associated with severe mental retardation, schizophrenia, dementia, and depression. We report a case of coprophagia in a 30-year-old woman with Borderline Personality Disorder (DSM-IV). This case report illustrates the severity of symptoms and maladaptive social consequences of severe personality disorders, comparable to those of patients with schizophrenia. Pharmacological interventions and, particularly intensive psychotherapy might be effective for patients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder displaying severe behavior disorders. The treatment of choice for coprophagia is aversive behavioral intervention.

Key words: Borderline personality disorder; Childhood abuse; Emotional neglect.

Scientific Letter

Human coprophagia is a rare phenomenon. Usually associated with severe psychiatric disorders such as mental retardation, dementia or schizophrenia1,2, we present a case of coprophagia in a 30-year-old woman with Borderline Personality Disorder (DSM-IV). This case report illustrates the severity of symptoms and maladaptive social consequences of severe personality disorders.

Ms. L was admitted because she was exhibiting aggressive and coprophagic behavior. At admission, Ms. L's complete blood count revealed a mild normocytic anemia (Hbg: 11.7 g/dl, MCV: 99.3). Iron studies were as follows: iron: 46 ug/dl (range: 35-180 ug/dl); ferritin: 28 ng/ml (range: 15-150 ng/ml); TIBC: 170 mg/dl (range: 280-380 mg/dl). The patient also presented with low serum protein (5.2 g/l), albumin (3.0 g/l), and glucose (73 mg/dl). Serum folate, Vitamin B12, TSH, parathormone and thyroid hormone were within normal range. She had negative serologies for hepatitis and HIV. CT scan and EEG were normal.

According to the patient, she began to eat her own feces and drink her urine "to save money". Both parents reported having witnessed their daughter eating her feces. During evaluation, Ms. L tended to minimize the situation, exhibiting belle indifference, a rather blasé attitude about her symptoms and their consequences. She did not overtly displayed coprophagia during hospitalization, but once defecated in a litter. General treatment included risperidone up to 9 milligrams a day and supportive psychotherapy...

Human coprophagia is a rare phenomenon with severe medical and social consequences. So far, coprophagia has mainly been associated with severe mental retardation5, schizophrenia1, dementia2, and depression6. Medical disorders related to coprophagia include chronic infestation of intestinal parasites, cerebral tumors, and seizure disorders2. Coprophagia has also been related to nutritional deficits7. The laboratory findings (mild normocytic anemia; iron parameters within the low range of normal level) might have played a role in the development of coprophagia in our patient as a way of re-ingesting essential nutrients. Unfortunately, we lack analyses preceding the episodes of coprophagia. Furthermore, coprophagia might also be explai-ned as a consequence of her disturbed personality profile.

The patient was diagnosed with a Borderline Personality Disorder (DSM-IV) at discharge. The most prominent traits were impulsivity, affective instability, difficulty controlling anger, and suicidal behavior. The patient also endorsed personality traits compatible with other personality disorders, mainly antisocial (i.e., truancy), and histrionic (i.e., belle indifférence). Indeed, comorbidity is the rule among inpatients with Borderline Personality Disorder8.

The case of Ms. L exemplifies that the burden of disease in patients diagnosed with a severe personality disorder may match that of individuals with schizophrenia. Personality disorders are associated with poor quality of life9. Pharmacological interventions and, particularly intensive psychotherapy has proved to be effective for them10. Unfortunately, the severity of personality disturbance and psychiatric symptoms displayed by Ms. L, and her poor interpersonal functioning are poor prognostic factors. In this context, coprophagia might be considered a marker of severity. The treatment of choice of coprophagia is aversive behavioral intervention2. Because coprophagia is such a rare event, there are many aspects of this disturbing behavior that remain obscure. The pathophysiology of coprophagia deserves further research.



Newspaper Reports Madonna Has Hired Private Investigator To Stalk Guy Ritchie, His New Wife And The Couple’s Children Confirming Previous Site Claims

Madonna's Kabbalah Center Opening Shop In Britain Resulted In Innocent People Dying And Being Swindled Out Of Their Money

Madonna’s Underage Son Has Been Drinking And Doing Drugs With Homeless People

Madonna Committed Sexual Assault On An Underage Minor



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