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Male Senator Accuses Rahm Of Bullying Him In Shower

Not As Gay As It Sounds....Read On...

March 8. 2010

U.S. President Barack Obama

Rahm Emanuel, the hothead Chief-of-Staff of U.S. President Barack Obama, has once again been accused of incendiary bullying tactics against people in politics.

Rep. Eric Massa, a democrat from the President's political party in New York, referred to Rahm as "the devil's spawn" who would, "Sell his mother to get a vote. He would strap his children to the front end of a steam locomotive."

A mysterious sex scandal has erupted, pushing out Massa, who is a "no vote," threatening to derail President Obama's health care bill. How ruthless!

Rahm Emanuel

An unclothed Massa states Rahm confronted him butt naked in a steam shower and started poking him in the shower while threatening him. Okay, yea, that sounds gay, but I totally believe he did it. Don't drop the soap!

Side Bar: you know who Rahm reminds me of...David Geffen. Not just because of the Hollywood connection, but the bullying and seeking to end people personally and professionally, which is another Hollywood trait.

Side Bar 2: If Rahm had more muscles and a more pronounced Adam's Apple instead of a regular one...well, he'd be Madonna. Another thing, Madonna and Rahm have in common...a prostate.

Massa: Rahm Emanuel "Would Sell His Own Mother" For Votes

March 08, 2010 - "Rahm Emanuel is son of the devil's spawn, Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY) said. "He is an individual who would sell his mother to get a vote. He would strap his children to the front end of a steam locomotive."

Rep. Massa describes a confrontation with Emanuel in a shower: "I am showering, naked as a jaybird, and here comes Rahm Emanuel, not even with a towel wrapped around his tush, poking his finger in my chest, yelling at me."




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