Mariah Carey's Comeback Songs 'GTFO'
'With You' And 'The Distance' Fizzle And Flop With Jay Z As
October 24. 2018

Mariah Carey
Mariah Carey’s music career has hit the
skids over the past several years. She attempted three
comebacks and they failed. She also suffered a series of
disastrous performances that were very poorly received by
the public. The worst being her 2016 New Years Eve
performance. Carey has been struggling under vocal damage
for the past 15-years, due to her overuse of the whistle
register. It has damaged and depleted her voice.

Carey recently signed with crooked rapper
Jay Z, who was given the job as her manager. Last year I
wrote on this site that
Carey should not sign with Jay Z, as
he is untalented and faking it as a businessman. Jay Z has a
string of lawsuits against him for copyright infringement,
fraud and non-payment of funds. However, she went with him
anyway and her career is paying the price.

Carey’s three new songs the expletive laden
“GTFO” released in September and “With You” and "The
Distance" in October have flopped. Both tracks are heavily
processed and unremarkable, much like her failed single last
year titled “I Don’t.” These songs all sound average and
irritatingly over-processed. Both tracks are taken from
Carey's forthcoming album "Caution" on her oddly named label
Butterfly MC Records, distributed by Epic/Sony Music. These
songs are far below her standard of hits.
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