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Mark Zuckerberg Is Having A Very Sad Honeymoon Due To Facebook's Flop On The Stock Market

June 2. 2012

Mark Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla Chan (Photo Credit: Splash News)

The photos of Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg on his honeymoon in Italy are quite telling. He and his new bride, Priscilla Chan, look depressed. I've never seen a married couple look so sad on their honeymoon. What could be troubling them.

Mark Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla Chan (Photo Credit: Xposure)

Could it be because Facebook's IPO was a disaster, scores of people are suing him and the stock is sagging like Madonna. Yea, that'll do it. Such circumstances would bring just about anyone down. What a sucky way to spend one's honeymoon, moping and looking like one wants to cry. Congrats! Somewhere the Winklevoss twins are laughing.


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