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McCain: Obama's Iraq Plan Calls For Return Visit July 24. 2008
John McCain Republican presidential nominee John McCain stated Obama’s plan for U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq in 18 months, would mean having to go back to the nation at a later date. McCain stated, with his plan, “When I withdraw, we’re done. With Obama we might have to return.” I don’t think the people of Iraq want the occupation now or a repeat visit for that matter. News outlets all over the world, both television and print, are covering stories of the Iraqi people wanting the war to end, as it’s killed 1,000,000 of their people, destroyed their nation’s infrastructure and their peace of mind.
Barack Obama Some reports state the Iraqi people are begging for the days of Saddam again, stating he was bad, but they would rather him, than living and dying in the manner they are now. There are photos all over the internet of school kids getting caught in war crossfire and being killed. Men, women, children, babies and grandmothers are dying in huge numbers, while from the comfort of his office, where he is waited on hand and foot, the worst president in the history of the United States, protests leaving a country he has no right to be in – that the soldiers want out of. Why should all these people die on both sides of the aisle, because of your greed for oil. It’s the wickedest thing I have ever seen in my life.
George Bush Please, be honest, Mr. President. The Bush administration grew very imperialistic in trying to seize an already settled foreign country, because of its vast oil resources. Greed got the best of Bush and Cheney and they lied to everyone to get a foot in the door over there, then did the unthinkable, in the name of oil. Since you want Iraqi oil that badly, Mr. Bush, let the soldiers come back to their families, and you and Mr. Cheney can go illegally fight for the oil yourselves. I've heard Cheney is good with a gun. You sorely neglected the U.S. economy in favor
of stealing Iraqi oil, by any means necessary,
Fools gold indeed. Had you invested the money you squandered on the war, into America, the nation would be way ahead of other countries financially and technologically. But you didn’t. You blew the lead. America has regressed under your presidency. As a result, China, Russia, Dubai, Canada and the E.U. are financially, technologically and scientifically reaching new heights, while America falls behind, thanks to you. That’s because instead of spending their money funding a never ending war and bombs to drop in Iraqi, they dumped the cash into their nations.
Iraq's PM Nouri al Maliki Things have gotten so bad in America with Bush’s out of control spending on the war and other poor ideas, that he’s had to cut funding for the disabled and elderly. That was a new low, Mr. President, but that’s what your presidency has been about. Setting lows. Imagine that, going down in history as Bush will. This is what the history books will reflect: 1. Cost over 3,000
U.S. soldiers their lives. The beauty of influence or so-called
high-powered jobs, is the character to have the grace,
McCain: When I Withdraw, We're Done. With Obama, We Might Have To Return 23 Jul 2008 12:00 pm - WILKES-BARRE, PA -- Barack Obama still won't endorse the surge, and that, says John McCain, is evidence of collosal misjudgment McCain says Obama is reckless -- committed to withdrawing troops even if doing so would set off a civil war If McCain is president and his strategy prevails, "We will come home. We will come home with victory and honor, but we will never have to go back," he said. "So, when Senator Obama says well if we don't succeed, we may have to go back in, we might." |
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