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More Discrepancies Surface In Jett Travolta’s Death January 6. 2008
Video of Kelly Preston and John Travolta slamming pharmaceutical drugs According to the coroner’s report, 16-year-old Jett, son of actor John Travolta and actress Kelly Preston, allegedly died of a seizure. However, reports concerning his death contain many discrepancies, due to the Travolta camp's attorney contradicting himself via an ever-changing story, regarding events surrounding Jett's passing.
The manner in which Jett Travolta (right) held his hand reflects he had a disability The autopsy result states Jett died of a seizure, there was no head trauma or visible blood loss. However, this contradicts the family’s earlier claims via their lawyer and the responding paramedics, that he hit his head in the bathtub, had a knot on his forehead from the injury and there was blood on the floor. Then the story was changed to he hit his head on the bathtub, rather than in it. Now, it’s changed once again, this time stating he was in a toilet enclosure with a door, situated away from the bathtub and hit his head on the wall.
Jett and John Travolta A Kawasaki Syndrome organization, the Vasculitis Foundation, has come forward to respectfully dispel the family’s claim Jett had the disease and it led to his death via seizure. Based on all available medical data, Kawasaki Syndrome does not produce seizures. However, autism does. It is understandable that the Vasculitis Foundation would speak up, as the massive press attention this story has garnered, labeling Jett a suffer of Kawasaki Syndrome, could lead unsuspecting parents to dismiss the disease’s true symptoms in their children, due to the absence of publicized seizures like those of Travolta’s son. This misinformation could result in them not getting proper treatment for their children in time. False information has been released about Kawasaki Syndrome thanks to Scientology and it indeed needs to be cleared up for public safety.
A neurologist, Dr. Peter Carlen, is also disputing the Travolta’s claims regarding Jett having Kawasaki Syndrome, stating his seizures are more symptomatic of someone suffering from autism. Former Scientologist, Tory Christman, stated when the cult ordered her to stop taking her Epilepsy medication, she started having terrible seizures again, so bad she knocked out her front teeth during a seizure. In another incident she ended up in the hospital when the seizures would not stop. She has since left the cult and started taking her medication again, not having a seizure since.
Will Smith, who is a Scientologist, donated over a million dollars to build a school to teach the cult's beliefs to kids. Smith is their new frontman after Tom Cruise's massive fall from grace. Scientology has been posting all over the internet in feedback sections and doing numerous interviews, basically disowning everything they have ever tried to cram down the public’s throat about the so-called ills of pharmaceutical drugs, as though they never said these things and the world imagined it all. Don't insult people's intelligence.
They are openly contradicting claims that came out of their own high profile members’ mouths and that of their chairman, David Miscavige, because what they believe in and espoused, has resulted in the terrible, preventable death of a child. A Scientology representative, Tommy Davis, has been flat out lying to press outlets about items they stated in the past, when there is a mountain of evidence featuring members of the cult decrying and denouncing medicine, psychiatry, autism and ADD, among other things, on video and in print. When will Scientology stop lying? When will they stop with their anti-medicine, anti-psychiatry practices? If they keep this up, we can be certain, Jett will not be the last untimely death to spring from this unsafe, medicine hating, quackery practicing, demented cult. For further reference see www.whyaretheydead.net
Spin the story all you want, the cult has been permanently discredited and the public’s eyes opened to just how dangerous your beliefs are to anyone that dares practice it. The public is not going to forget what happened to this young man, because of you. Oh and please threaten to sue. In trying to haul anyone into court for telling the truth regarding your cult’s quackery, one must be allowed the opportunity to subpoena documents, videos, audio recordings and teaching manuals that go all the way up to the highest levels of Scientology, to defend oneself. Considering what the highest levels of Scientology is about and what is revealed to cult members at that stage, they wouldn't want all that insanity made public knowledge.
John Travolta in "Battlefield Earth" which is a movie based on one of Scientologist L. Ron Hubbard's books
One is also allowed the opportunity to enter into evidence videos of famous Scientologists going mental in public, when condemning pharmaceutical drugs and psychiatry, while promoting the consumption of excessive, unsafe amounts of vitamins, cooking oil and saunas sittings as the cure all to the world’s ills, which is a load of rubbish. According to a responding paramedic, John Travolta’s last words to his son were, “I love you, Jett and I'm sorry.” Very telling. Either way, the Travoltas will have to learn to forgive themselves, as in their hearts, they know the truth. Neurologist questions cause of Jett Travolta's death A prominent Toronto neurologist is raising questions about the cause of the seizures that killed John Travolta's son Jett, who died last Friday while on vacation with his family in the Bahamas. The Travoltas say their son was diagnosed with the blood vessel disorder Kawasaki syndrome when he was two years old. But Dr. Peter Carlen, a neurologist at Toronto Western Hospital, said current medical literature does not say that children who suffer from the syndrome also suffer seizures. An autopsy on the 16-year-old listed the cause of death as "seizure." Reports have suggested Jett may have had autism, a spectrum of disorders that can cause severe impairment in communication. It is believed that he could not speak, one of the symptoms of autism, and rare video footage of the teen has shown him making repetitive hand movements, another hallmark of the condition. According to Carlen, there is also an increased frequency of epilepsy, a seizure disorder, in autistic patients. "Most people with epilepsy require medication," Carlen said. He then went on to say: "Not being on enough medication, or not being on medication, is one of the risk factors for sudden unexplained death from epilepsy." Critics have accused the Travoltas of denying the true nature of their son's illness because of their religion, Scientology. In interviews, both parents have denied their son has autism. Reports have suggested that the Church of Scientology does not recognize autism, which is not the case, according to spokesperson Tommy Davis. "We've never said any such thing," Davis told CTV.ca in a telephone interview from Los Angeles. "We don't recognize or not recognize any physical ailment. It's just not something the Church does. We don't take a position on the classification or diagnoses of physical conditions. That's the province of medicine. And we, the Church, as a religion, we deal with the spirit." ... Jett Travolta Found with Pulse People in the bathroom trying to revive Jett Travolta believe they detected a "faint pulse" during the rescue effort. We've now learned specifics about the circumstances surrounding Jett's death. The bathroom where John Travolta's son was found has a small toilet area with a door. Jett was found in that area with the door closed. Jett had suffered a seizure and struck either the toilet or the wall as he collapsed. He was "bleeding in several areas," including his mouth. He had no cuts but did have bruises on his body. Jett had also been bleeding internally… The tragic last minutes for Jett Travolta FREEPORT, Bahamas - An ambulance driver described a dramatic, tragic scene as rescue workers fought to save 16-year-old Jett Travolta, “Inside Edition” reported yesterday… “Jett, come on, come around!” John Travolta said. Preston, weeping, took the boy’s hand, saying, “Come on, baby, come on, Jett!” Lighburn told “Inside Edition” he heard Travolta say, “God, please help me.” while Preston asked, “Do you think he’ll be OK?”… Travoltas son could have been saved avoiding Scientologys anti-medicine theories, says activist New York, January 5 (ANI): An autism activist says that John Travoltas chronically ill son Jetts death, who is believed to have died after hitting his head on a bathtub following a seizure, could have been avoided had his Scientology practising parents decided not to follow their religion’’s anti-medicine theories... The activist said that the health problems of the teenager, who began suffering from seizures at the age of two, could have been better treated with medicines. Anti-seizure medication could have controlled the attacks, the New York Post quoted the activist, who requested not to be named owing to her friendship with Travolta’’s brother, Joey, as saying. “I believe this is something that was totally avoidable. “There were such clear indications that this kid had autism. It’s bothered me for years. “The irony is not lost that Joey has committed his life to working with autism and disabilities, and his brother, for religious reasons, would let this happen, the activist added… Autism advocates hope Jett Travolta case spurs action …”It is a very private issue and the sad thing is he did lose a son, but it’s an opportunity for them to turn something really tragic into something really positive,” said Evelyn Ain, president of Autism United. Travolta and Preston have dodged autism talk about their son for years, even as Travolta’s brother, Joey Travolta, produced an autism documentary and started an autism advocacy group. Preston has spoken publicly about Jett’s battle with Kawasaki disease, a childhood inflammatory disorder. Jett was diagnosed at age 2. While the disease can cause long-term heart problems, seizures are not a characteristic of the disease, said Dr. Jane Newburger, a cardiologist affiliated with the Kawasaki Disease Program at Children’s Hospital Boston. “The only lasting effect of Kawasaki disease that we know of is in the blood vessels, particularly the ones that supply your heart muscle,” she said. She said there has been no proven link between the disease and carpet cleaners… http://www.bostonherald.com/news/national/general/view.bg?articleid=1143348 Scientology row over Jett Travolta as post mortem reveals he died of seizure A post-mortem examination determined last night that John Travolta’s chronically ill son died of a seizure, as controversy erupted over the Scientologist actor’s handling of the boy’s medical condition… The couple said that Jett suffered from Kawasaki disease, a condition that causes inflammation of small and medium-sized arteries. The disease affects the lymph nodes, skin and the mucous membranes in the mouth, nose and throat. Experts said that the disease was rarely fatal and seldom affected children over the age of 8. The Travoltas have linked their son’s condition to house-cleaning agents. “With my son I was obsessive about cleaning — his space being clean, so we constantly had the carpets cleaned,” Travolta told CNN in 2001. “And I think, between him, the fumes and walking around, maybe picking up pieces or something, he got what is rarely a thing to deal with, but it’s Kawasaki syndrome.” Preston said in 2003 that she had detoxed her son in a programme devised by L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology. “I had a friend of mine, an environmental scientist and a toxicologist, go through our home and tell us exactly what was going on in the home. It wasn’t only the carpet. We had lots of cleansers under the sink.”… Jett Travolta and Kawasaki Disease: Separating Fact From Fiction KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 5 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The recent tragic death of Jett Travolta has raised awareness of Kawasaki Disease, a disease with which he was diagnosed in early childhood. Kawasaki disease is a rare form of vasculitis which usually strikes children under the age of five. The disease occurs more often in boys than girls, and most commonly in children of Asian and Korean descent. Although most children diagnosed with Kawasaki recover with no problems, some patients suffer serious heart problems and joint damage... Tory Christman Affidavit (January 2001) 6. A few months after joining the Sea Organization I realized I needed to re-order the medication I was on for Epilepsy. I was routed to a person they called the Medical Liaison Officer, or the MLO. This was a young man I was told was studying nutrition. He had no actual medical training that I knew of. He informed me that I needed to get off of my medication, and that he would write out a program to get off of it. In Scientology if you have ANY illness it is considered there is something wrong with you, not just physically, but that this is a very bad thing, caused by you being connected to someone who is suppressive to you. At least that was the beginning pitch I heard… Finally one morning in the shower I knocked my front teeth out during a Grand Mal seizure. All during this time my mother was begging me to go back on all of my medication. Being new in Scientology, I assured her Dianetics and Scientology would handle this. Finally, after so many seizures and so much trauma, I realized no matter what these people thought, I wasn't going to live if I kept doing this. At that point I decided to go back on my medication in full, no matter what… After attesting to OT 3, I once again tried to get off of my medication, only to end up in a hospital with status epileptus, or many seizures. I finally went back on all medication, and have stayed on it, and have never had a seizure since. |
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