Movie Studio Fired Pedophile
Bryan Singer From Queen Biopic 'Bohemian Rhapsody' During His
Nervous Breakdown
December 6. 2017

Bryan Singer
Items on social media this past Friday indicated 52-year-old
pedophile movie director,
Bryan Singer, was booted from the Queen biopic "Bohemian
Rhapsody" which is centered on the life of its late lead singer, Freddie
Mercury. This week it was confirmed that Singer is off the biopic, with the
studio releasing a statement indicating he has been fired.
Fox released a statement this week that reads, "Bryan Singer is
no longer the director of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody.’” Singer has been having a massive
nervous breakdown behind the scenes, as he is being exposed online as a
pedophile and one who abused the justice system to get away with molesting
underage boys.
The Harvey Weinstein sexual assault and rape scandal has served
as an unmasking of degenerates in Hollywood. There's more on the way, which has
some people in Hollywood terrified while wondering if they will be the next
criminal to be named and shamed, which inevitably leads to other undesirable
consequences for the offenders.
Bryan Singer fired from Queen biopic ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’
December 4, 2017 | 5:48pm - Fox has fired Bryan Singer as
director of “Bohemian Rhapsody,” three days after his repeated absences from the
set had forced the studio to halt production. “Bryan Singer is no longer the
director of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody,’” the studio said Monday. Fox did not elaborate.
Filming has been taking place in London with “Mr. Robot” star
Rami Malek in the lead role as Freddie Mercury. New Regency and GK Films are the
production companies. The producers are Graham King, Singer and Jim Beach. Denis
O’Sullivan, Arnon Milchan and Jane Rosenthal are the executive producers.
A source said the decision was caused by Singer’s repeated
failure to show up on the set, which forced Fox to shut down the production on
Dec. 1. A new director has not been named. As a result of Singer’s absences, the
cinematographer Thomas Newton Sigel had to step in to direct on some of the days
while Singer was missing. Sources said Malek had complained about what he
perceived as Singer’s lack of professionalism.
Complaints Intensify Regarding Pedophilia Claims Against
Hollywood Director Bryan Singer Who Has A Penchant For Teenage
Male Twins
Pedophile Bryan Singer Off The Queen 'Bohemian Rhapsody' Biopic