Music Industry Website Outs Jay Z On
Falsifying His Album Sales Using Tidal And The Billboard
Charts Reject His Fake Numbers
July 13. 2017

Jay Z accepting platinum plaque he did not
The music industry site Hits Daily Double has
busted Jay Z on falsifying album sales (again). Jay Z used
his failed music streaming site Tidal to inflate his
numbers. Afraid of album sales failure, Jay Z signed a deal
with mobile company Sprint to buy 1,000,000 copies of the
album at cut rate prices, for next to nothing, to distribute
as free downloads to their customers.
Jay Z continues to inflate his streaming
numbers, which Hits Daily Double exposed as fake sales this
week, much like the Judiciary Report has stated in the past.
Hits Daily Double did the math and revealed that for Jay Z's
streaming sales to be what he claims, people using flopped
Tidal would have had to stream the album 1.5 billion times.
Tens of millions of people, streaming the album once an hour
- and we all know that did not happen.
The Recording Industry Association Of America
(RIAA) again gave Jay Z a platinum plaque he did not earn,
based on false, non-existent sales. Therefore, Jay Z
basically bought and cheated his way into a platinum album
again, much like he did when Samsung distributed his
previous release for free. Much like he did when Soundscan
busted him on a scam of paying retailers to run the same
copies of his CD through registers twice. Jay Z's career is
all hype.
It a negative twist for Jay Z, the Billboard
charts have rejected his new album, refusing to include it
on the charts. Jay Z must now release the album in a format
the public can pay money to receive, in order for it to
chart. However, being the fraud he is, Jay Z will once again
submit more falsified streaming numbers to hide the fact his
music career is and has been in the toilet for years,
suffering from low sales.
Wednesday, July 5, 2017 - Jay-Z’s 4:44 has
been certified platinum by the RIAA. The mogul and rap
icon’s acclaimed new Roc Nation set, which has been
available exclusively via Tidal with a Sprint promotion,
apparently did not—despite what you might’ve read
elsewhere—reach this milestone so quickly based on Tidal
We reach this conclusion in part because
those streams have not been reported, and also because
Tidal’s entire subscriber base would have to have streamed
the album once every hour since release to get to 1.5
billion streams, which is platinum SEA. (New trial users
were prevented from accessing the album until that policy
was reportedly reversed on Monday.)
It appears the key was the Sprint campaign,
which enabled new subscribers (and, we’re told, anyone else
with an email address and promo code) to get a free
download. Per RIAA rules, a sale counts toward certification
even if purchased by a business and offered to fans who must
take steps to acquire it. Thus if Sprint purchased a million
copies of 4:44—in a deal quite similar to the Samsung
agreement that catapulted Jay’s Magna Carta Holy Grail to
stratospheric numbers in 2013—that’s instant platinum,
All of which explains why the RIAA’s Cary
Sherman was all ready with that handsome plaque to do a
photo op with Jay on 4th of July weekend. 4:44 is scheduled
to go wide this week.
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