NYP Accuses FBI Director
Mueller Of A Cover Up
November 5. 2007

Robert Mueller
The New York Post accused FBI Director Robert Mueller of
stonewalling. So what else is new. Mueller views stonewalling as
apart of his job, even though the Constitution says otherwise.
A little transparency would be nice.
On a side note, there is a seemingly stalled bill in Congress
regarding FBI criminal negligence that stemmed from the James
Bulger case, where a known criminal that was a paid FBI informant
murdered an innocent man.
It happened on the FBI’s watch, due to the fact
that the agency didn’t bother to warn the local police of the
criminal tendencies of their informant that they were fully aware of. The
family recently won a $3,000,000 award from the courts that
condemned the FBI’s conduct.

Robert Mueller
Washington needs to push that bill through ASAP, as it is
clearly needed. Just last week, there was a report that the FBI
knew of O.J. Simpson’s conduct in Vegas that culminated into his arrest, three weeks before it
happened and didn’t bother to notify the local police once
What happened to that interagency communication with law
enforcement on every level, domestically and internationally, that
the FBI loves to tout on its site? Just for show?
One of these days that famous criminal negligence is going to
cause such massive damage that Congress is
going to break up the FBI over it. How soon they forget 9/11.
Remember that one? FBI headquarters stonewalling that FBI
agent in a field office who wanted to investigate one of the
bombers that Osama dropped at the last minute. The cruel would be bomber that knew the 9/11 plot
in advance and was attending the flight school in anticipation
of that horrible day.
So yea, keep it up with the stonewalling and cover-ups and
see if it doesn’t land you in Congress one day facing prison
sentences, for an incident that renders the nation irreparable
harm as a direct result of your negligence.
November 4, 2007 -- As Brooklyn
District Attorney Charles Hynes pursued the botched murder case
against ex-FBI agent Lindley DeVecchio, he crossed swords with a
formidable foe: the U.S. Justice Department.
The FBI paid for the bulk of
DeVecchio's legal bill - estimates for the tab are as high as
$400,000 - while allegedly harassing and intimidating members of
the DA's Office.
"They were following me, staking
out my house," said investigator Tommy Dades, who conducted the
first interview with key prosecution witness Linda Schiro and
testified during the trial.
"They were going around spreading
rumors, trying to get people to say things about me, to
discredit me," said Dades. "They got away with a lot of stuff."
The FBI withheld key documents
related to DeVecchio's work, turning them over at the last
minute - and only after Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley quizzed FBI
Director Robert Mueller about the stonewalling.
"It was a struggle," said Hynes'
spokesman, Jerry Schmetterer. "Eventually, we got what we
needed, but they made it very difficult." The FBI was uncooperative in making
available three current agents who testified against DeVecchio,
sources at the DA's Office complained.
DeVecchio is known to have powerful
allies at the agency, including the FBI's chief legal counsel,
Valerie Caproni, who helped oversee the former G-man's work when
she was an assistant U.S. attorney in Brooklyn in the late
The case against DeVecchio was
scuttled when mob moll Schiro's testimony proved at odds with
interviews she gave reporters in 1997.
NY Judge: FBI Made
`deal With the Devil'
former FBI agent accused of conspiring in a mob murder spree has been cleared of
the sensational charges, but the vaunted law enforcement agency received a
scathing rebuke from a judge in the process.
In a four-page
decision that brought the trial of ex-agent Lindley DeVecchio to a stunning end
Thursday, state Supreme Court Justice Gustin Reichbach said the FBI violated its
own rules by allowing DeVecchio to court a known killer as an informant for well
over a decade.
"In the face of the
obvious menace posed by organized crime, the FBI was willing ... to make a deal
with the devil," Reichbach said in a hushed Brooklyn courtroom. "At best, the
FBI engaged in a policy of self-deception, not wanting to know the true facts
about this informant-murderer whom they chose to employ."
The judge also
referred to testimony by Linda Schiro, informant Gregory Scarpa's longtime
girlfriend, that Scarpa had assisted the FBI in finding the bodies of slain
civil rights workers in Mississippi. In 1964, she said, Scarpa shoved a gun into
the mouth of a Mississippi Klansman — a threat that persuaded the man to reveal
where the trio's bodies were buried.
"That a thug like
Scarpa would be employed by the federal government to beat witnesses and
threaten them at gunpoint to obtain information ... is a shocking demonstration
of the government's unacceptable willingness to employ criminality to fight
crime," the judge said.