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Obama's Conundrums August 25. 2009
As U.S. President Barack Obama's poll numbers continue to slide, he has found an unlikely ally in former Cuban leader, Fidel Castro. He attributes the opposition to Obama's ideas to racism from the right wing, who dislike the President for being black. Certainly, there are right wing hate groups making active threats on Obama's life, while others utter slurs every chance they get. There are also some Republicans who are racists and unable to adapt to the idea of a black President (hey, be happy he is not using pseudo-words like "misunderestimate"). However, to be fair, as a black person, while he has done some good, I have to state, some of Obama's ideas make me somewhat uneasy for the simple reason I do not believe they will work: 1) $1 trillion in government spending to boost the economy is too much. As the first black President, I do not wish for him to fail, but I'd be a real hypocrite if I stated I approve of all his ideas, knowing full well the aforementioned five are going to be far more trouble than they are worth. A lot of his ideas also suffer from bad economic timing, based on what he walked into as President - it was like stepping into a pile of doodoo Bush left behind (bad economy, bad war, bad diplomacy). Respectfully, you will look back and see what I'm stating is not unsound, as it is simple economics. By God's grace, I have been right before. However, on Obama's current path, he has not gone astray like Bush did, who plumbed the lowest depths of immorality, liked it and stayed there. Fidel Castro says racist right-wingers fight Obama Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:06am EDT - HAVANA (Reuters) - President Barack Obama is trying to make positive changes in the United States, but is being fought at every turn by right-wingers who hate him because he is black, former Cuban leader Fidel Castro said on Tuesday. In an unusually conciliatory column in the state-run media, Castro said Obama had inherited many problems from his predecessor, George W. Bush, and was trying to resolve them. But the "powerful extreme right won't be happy with anything that diminishes their prerogatives in the slightest way." Obama does not want to change the U.S. political and economic system, but "in spite of that, the extreme right hates him for being African-American and fights what the president does to improve the deteriorated image of that country," Castro wrote. "I don't have the slightest doubt that the racist right will do everything possible to wear him down, blocking his program to get him out of the game one way or another, at the least political cost," he said... White House projects bigger deficits, bigger debt Tuesday Aug 25, 9:44 am ET - WASHINGTON – The federal government faces exploding deficits and mounting debt over the next decade, White House officials predicted Tuesday in a fiscal assessment far bleaker than what the Obama administration had estimated just a few months ago. Figures released by the White House budget office foresee a cumulative $9 trillion deficit from 2010-2019, $2 trillion more than the administration estimated in May. Moreover, the figures show the public debt doubling by 2019 and reaching three-quarters the size of the entire national economy. Obama economic adviser Christina Romer predicted unemployment could reach 10 percent this year and begin a slow decline next year. Still, she said, the average unemployment will be 9.3 in 2009 and 9.8 percent in 2010... |
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