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Obama Has Brought Permanent Disgrace On Jurists Like Loretta Lynch And James Comey (Among Others) July 14. 2016
Barack Obama In his immense zeal to get his own way at all cost, President Obama has issued directives that amount to egregious acts of corruption, via commanding people in the government's employ, to fall in line with illegal behavior. In doing so, Obama has brought lasting, permanent disgrace upon jurists such as FBI Director and lawyer, James Comey as well as Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, among others. In reading the many overwhelmingly negative comments on social networking regarding James Comey and Loretta Lynch, who were also humiliated in Congress, one has no choice but to come to the conclusion they are ruined. Their names are gone. Comey and Lynch are two public figures who are now actively being branded "corrupt" bribe takers by countless Americans and international citizens, who are slamming them online over "rigging" the system in not charging presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information. Obama, who is Comey and Lynch's boss, wants Clinton in office based on what she could do for him and their party if she became president. Clinton and her husband, former U.S. President, Bill Clinton, offered Lynch inducements, such as retaining her as Attorney General, as exposed the U.S. Congress this week, if she dropped the case against "Crooked Hillary" as she is now known in the public domain due to a number of political scandals.
Loretta Lynch was excoriated in Congress this week Comey was flat out forced by Obama to look the other way and recommend charges not be filed against Clinton. Comey still had the option of saying no, but he's not very brave and Obama has enough on him to ruin him. Obama is a vindictive, mean spirited person, who likes to bully others and throw around threats (for further reference see his Brexit speech in London, England this past April that completely backfired, after he arrogantly threatened an entire nation of Britons). Is there any wonder this happened: Politico: How The World Fell Out Of Love With Obama. As stated on the site recently, a mainstream newspaper report revealed the Obama Administration, via the FBI, has been secretly planting surveillance items at courthouses, in violation of the law, which is also violating "attorney client privilege" each time a lawyer and his or her client holds a conversation they wrongly assume to be private (The Obama Administration Is Interfering In Civil And Criminal Court Cases In Violation Of The Law Corruptly Ordering Judges How To Rule And Bugging Trees And Rocks At Courthouses). Obama also has FBI and CIA agents going to select court houses in America in cases he is meddling in for nefarious reasons and ordering judges how to rule, which is a violation of the "Separation of Powers" and his oath of office as President of the United States. My question is, once the jurists involved in this misconduct on the orders of the Obama Administration are publicly unmasked, how will they get their names back (I will be including said judges by name in my forthcoming documentary "American Justice System Corruption" as well as including the Hillary Clinton FBI/DOJ scandal that was debated in the U.S. Congress this week). Said judges will be in the same sinking boat as Comey and Lynch, publicly disgraced and humiliated to the nation and the world for corruption, but it is richly deserved, especially when the public finds out what they've been doing (and it's very bad).
James Comey was excoriated in Congress last week Will Obama give the corrupted judges in question the standard, crappy "thank you for your service speech" as their names are publicly ruined, their family members want to change their last names and the public slams them online and votes them out of office for being corrupt. I think that's one of the worst things about the president's behavior. He doesn't give a damn who is disgraced with their personal and professional lives ruined by shameful scandals - as long as he gets his way, that's all that matters. Judges, lawyers and other government workers need to learn from Comey and Lynch's dramatic downfall and public disgrace. Assurances from Obama telling you that you will be alright if you engage in unsavory behavior on his behalf and that of his cronies means nothing. That's an assurance no president can give, especially in modern times where technology makes it easy to reach the masses in seconds. Obama can't turn public opinion in your favor, as his name is not what it once was in America or the world. A president can't protect you from public disgrace and your family becoming utterly ashamed of you and disappointed by your unlawful, corrupt behavior. Obama can't buy your name and reputation back. Only you can preserve your name and shield yourself and your family from utter disgrace and public disfavor by doing the right thing. RELATED ARTICLES British And American Journalists Call President Obama A ‘Hypocrite’ For Meddling In Brexit |
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