November 16. 2023
For years the Judiciary Report has
stated Hollywood actor Will Smith is gay. One of
Smith's best friends, Brother Bilaal, has been
telling all about this time with the actor, which
spanned 40-years. Bilaal stated he walked in on Will
having anal sex with actor Duane Martin.

Duane Martin and Will Smith
I wrote about Will and Duane on September 1, 2022, in
the article "Will Smith Is Getting Tired Of Wife
Jada Pinkett Smith Because Her Looks Are Changing" where
I stated, "During the marriage Jada fell in love with Will's best friend,
Duane Martin
(and so did Will)." That came from the article "Will Smith Became Angry At Wife Jada
Pinkett Smith For Developing Feelings For One Of His Close Friends And
You'll Never Guess Who."
Several months ago I wrote about Will and Duane again (Married Actor Will Smith Accused Of
Paying Actor Duane Martin $1,400,000 For Gay Sex While He Was Married To
Tisha Campbell (Video)). I stand by my articles. I have a
track record of being correct (Site Exclusives).

Duane Martin and Will Smith
Will has not denied having sex with Duane. Will has also
not denied having non-platonic feelings for Duane. Will and his son
Jaden are gay (Jaden is imitating Will). However, where Will has been
hiding his homosexuality, Jaden came right out and said it regarding his
own. As an underage teen, Jaden openly posted about his feelings for
satanist, Tyler the Creator, on Twitter. Tyler did not respond. Clearly
being an adult with an underage boy telling you on social networking he
is in love with you, is problematic, especially considering you know the
minor and said teen stated you are his boyfriend. People on social
networking cringed at the whole thing.

Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith
Bilaal further stated Jada was not sexually satisfied
with Will. Bilaal stated of Will's small package, "If a woman used to
something the size of a baby leg (Tupac) and you come in with a pinky
toe (Will) there's nothing you gon' do to please her." That's one of the
worst insults I've ever read (LOL). What did Will do to this man to make
him turn on him like that.

Jada and Tupac in the 1990s. Jada still
dreaming about Tupac's package...28 whole years
Bilaal also insists he walked in on
Jada having sex with singer/actor, Marc Anthony.
Bilaal stated Will flew into a rage and beat Jada so
bad that she needed reconstructive surgery to her
cheek bones (they have been looking awkwardly puffy
these past few years). In the September 1, 2022
Will Smith Is Getting Tired Of Wife
Jada Pinkett Smith Because Her Looks Are Changing I did
mention Jada's looks changing ("Will is also not
happy as Jada's looks are fading. She has been doing
a lot of plastic surgery and it is damaging her
Bilaal also stated Jada puts people in rehab who do not
need it. He stated this is how it starts off (as was stated about Jada
and Will providing medical help to well endowed singer, August Alsina,
whom Jada began having sex with in the "entanglement").

August Alsina, who is half Will
Smith's age, pictured with Jada Pinkett Smith. The
two had an affair that humiliated Will.
The interview was hosted by Tasha K.
She was sued by Hollywood cultist and rapper, Cardi
B, who won a $4,000,000 judgment. R Kelly sued Tasha
K this month for invading his privacy in prison
(LOL). It's like Tasha K said go big or go home,
regarding going after these celebrities (LOL).
According to a representative Will is considering suing
over the interview (his hesitancy is telling). Jada definitively stated
"we suing." They can try to due Bilaal, as he is the source of the
story. However, how do they prove these events did not occur (or are you
relying on bribing judges like your friends in the Hollywood cult
Kabbalah). Jada knows Marc Anthony. She's also had a lot of surgery.
Will has a detailed history of violence. Footage surfaced of him hitting
two people in separate incidents (in addition to him pimp slapping Chris
Rock on television at the Oscars).
It will be difficult to sue Tasha K over the interview,
as she hosted it. The story did not originate with her (unlike the Cardi
B items that came straight from Tasha's mouth). Courts in America have
ruled that vloggers/bloggers/interviewers who report or re-report items
as third party individuals, are not liable.
Side Bar: Ironically,
Madonna's Kabbalah
cult, which Will is involved in, hacked and
deleted the article "Married Actor Will Smith Accused Of
Paying Actor Duane Martin $1,400,000 For Gay Sex While He Was Married To Tisha Campbell (Video)."
Therefore, I had to put it back online. They are so pathetic, sniveling
and arrogant. Who do they think they are to do such a thing.