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Paris Freed Early For Being Cuckoo Civil Rights Activists Slam Decision, Sheriffs Union Upset, Bloggers Disgusted & Public Outraged June 7. 2007
Before I begin... Yesterday morning, I posted an article to the site at 6:04 AM and then at 1:06PM to the blog (www.aishamusic.wordpress.com) as evidenced by site records, teasing Paris about whining from jail, via messages and posts on TMZ, owned by her label affiliate and namesake Warner Bros.
Several hours later at 6:49 PM, TMZ posted about Paris's contact lenses, "Paris Behind Bars -- Don't It Make My Blue Eyes Brown. Paris Hilton is going au naturel. She's taken her contact lenses out and her eyes are now officially brown." For those of you who don't know, TMZ reads this site. They've come up in the site statistics and have poached numerous jokes from my sites, after I published new items to the sites. They are owned by Warner Bros, who I sued for copyright infringement click here.
Paris Let Out Of Jail Early Because She Has The Crazy Paris "Crazy Like Cruise" Hilton has been let out of jail early. According to Splash News, it's cause she's cuckoo. Well well well, another Kabbalah cult member has a psychotic break. First Britney, then Lindsay and now Paris Hilton has cracked up: "I was just listening to Ryan Seacrest on KIIS-FM here in LA (for work, I swear) and a woman, claiming to be an inmate at the Lynwood Correctional facility where Paris Hilton was just released from early this morning, alleges Paris was released due to schizophrenia and the amount of medication she was taking. Yeah, you read that correctly. Now, this could have been a prank call but if she is on meds for schizophrenia, it would explain a lot." - Splash News The reaction to her early release has been virulent. If she thought she was disliked before, it's nothing compared to what's being said now. The public believes she got special treatment and flouted the law. This is not good for the justice system. To each his own. If the justice system doesn't care about its name, it is to its own detriment. Still, give credit where credit is due, at least the sentencing judge followed the law. However, the early release doesn't look good. All that talk she spouted off before going to jail, about accepting the consequences for her actions, not wanting to be treated differently and wanting to show people how much of a person she is, showed just how little of a person she is in pulling no punches to get out of jail way before her time. The public does not respect her for it. Neither do I. She also fails to remember, it is the public who buys products. Sharpton Blasts Justice System Thu Jun 07 2007 11:45:47 ET - Reverend Al Sharpton, President of National Action Network, and one of the country's foremost leaders for civil rights, is blasting the justice system for what appears to be favoritism in the early release of Paris Hilton. "Though I have nothing but empathy for Ms. Hilton whom I have met and appeared with on Saturday Night Live the night I hosted in 2003, this early release gives all of the appearances of economic and racial favoritism that is constantly cited by poor people and people of color. There are any number of cases of people who handle being incarcerated badly and even have health conditions that are not released. I have served several sentences for civil rights and civil disobedience actions and I even fasted which caused health concerns to prison authorities who paid for a doctor to come see me daily rather than release me. This act smacks of the double standards that many of us raise - Drudge Report Ontario Now - Public Outrage Over Paris Hilton Release Ontario
Now, Canada - 48 minutes ago http://www.eontarionow.com/entertainment/2007/06/07/public-outrage-over-paris Paris was released due to “medical reasons” She will be on house arrest and be fitted with ankle and bracelet. Story developing… Earlier: Looks like she cut a deal. She is already out of jail - TMZ exclusively reports. A news conference will be held soon. I can’t wait to hear what they’re gonna jab about. This is NOT going to look good on the judicial system, no matter what they say, that’s for sure. Classic!! - That Other Blog Was Her Herpes Acting Up? Paris Hilton was let out of jail this morning for “medical reasons”. She was sentenced to 45 days but only served less than 72 hours. Was her herpes acting up in the cell, why do you think the skank was let out that quick? - Bossip |
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