Professional Cyclist Contracts
Coronavirus Twice Confirming Previous Site Claims About
ReinfectionDecember 3. 2020

Fernando Gaviria
Colombian cyclist named Fernando Gaviria
has become reinfected with the coronaviruis (COvid-19).
It was previously thought in the mainstream that
becoming infected once provided immunity, where one
would not have to worry about reinfection.
However, as I stated on the site in May
2020 (Prince Charles Needs To Be Careful
To Avoid Becoming Sick Again With The Coronavirus), one can
become reinfected with the virus and it won't be the
virus simply "shedding" as some thought (Man In Hong Kong Contracts
Coronavirus For A Second Time Confirming Previous Site Claims).
In August, 3-months after my May article
on the subject, it was announced a man in Hong Kong
became reinfected with the coronavirus. Weeks after that
case occurred, it was discovered a woman in Arizona had
become reinfected with the coronavirus.
The Pro Cyclist Who Caught Covid Twice
Eight months after his first bout with the
virus, Colombia’s Fernando Gaviria tested positive again
in October, making him one of the world’s first known
cases of apparent reinfection.
Dec. 2, 2020 9:28 am ET - Back in
February, when the sports world was still wondering how
severe an outbreak of something called Covid-19 might
be, a Colombian cyclist named Fernando Gaviria was
finding out for himself.
Gaviria was doing his job, racing bikes
in the United Arab Emirates, when he became one of the
first international athletes to contract the
coronavirus. The symptoms were harsh enough to land him
in hospital for two weeks. “Back then we knew very
little about the virus,” he wrote in an email.
By the time Gaviria was healthy enough
to leave Abu Dhabi, his world was a more uncertain
place. The sports calendar had been scrubbed. Entire
countries were shutting down. But Gaviria’s virus ordeal
seemed to come with a personal silver lining. Prevailing
wisdom suggested he’d at least be immune for the
foreseeable future.
That future lasted barely seven months.
In October, Gaviria tested positive a second time. His
reaction was sheer disbelief. “I was completely
asymptomatic and felt OK,” he wrote...