Rihanna Cutting Up Cocaine On Her
Bodyguard's Head In Public And Lying About It Is Disgraceful
April 20. 2012

Rihanna doing cocaine off her bodyguard's head at
Coachella music festival as thousands crammed the park
For many months the Judiciary Report has maintained Rihanna is a drug
addict. The site restated it last week on April 13, 2012, in stating she
is a "raging cocaine addict" (Rihanna And Madonna's Kabbalah Committed Copyright Infringement In
Stealing The Film Battleship).
On March 5, 2012, in the Judiciary Report article
Rihanna Uses Mean Racial Slur In Reference To Chris Brown's
Girlfriend Karrueche Tran (Photo) the site stated, "Between
crazy Kabbalah and her other vices, Rihanna's mind is gone. My
source that has given me other exclusives in the past also informed me, Rihanna likes to have little cocaine parties in her hotel room. She
better check herself into rehab before she overdoses."
Fast-forward to April 19, 2012 and photos are released showing
Rihanna attending the Coachella Music Festival, where she publicly
proved the Judiciary Report right. Rihanna sat on her bodyguard's
shoulders in a lewd manner, placed a large quantity of cocaine on his
head and began to break it up for consumption.
It is one of the most disgraceful spectacles I have ever seen
regarding a (so-called) singer. I know people struggle with addiction
and it is difficult, but most have the decency to do so behind closed
doors, so as to refrain from negatively influencing others (but they
still need rehab).
Rihanna didn't even care enough about the young, impressionable
people out there to take that mess inside. She went straight outdoors
for all to see, flaunting her cocaine use. That is so foul. Millions of
preteens and teens saw the photos online this week, as it appeared on
Twitter and was reposted on many other websites, who had to back up why
they stated she was using cocaine out in the open. God only knows the
impact her behavior will have on kids looking on at her disgraceful
conduct. Do not follow her example, because it will ruin your life.
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