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Robert Mueller Testimony In Congress Exposed The Fact He Is Struggling With Dementia And Senility (Video)

July 25. 2019

Robert Mueller

Former FBI Director turned Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, made a disastrous appearance in Congress yesterday, regarding the debunked Russian Collusion case against President Donald Trump. Democrats hoped Mueller’s appearance would give them the ammunition they needed to impeach Trump but it completely backfired.

Mueller could not recall the facts and events in his own investigation. Mueller could not even recall which U.S. President appointed him as a prosecutor. He stated Bush. It was actually Ronald Reagan. How do you forget something like that if you are mentally sound. Democrats looked horrified and stunned.

Mueller spent the hearing with his hands and head shaking. Mueller’s head kept moving left to right in a slow manner when he was spoken to, showing the clear signs of a neurological problem. I know people his age and they don’t move their heads so poorly. Mueller kept leaving his mouth open, when he was not speaking, in the manner people with Alzheimers and Parkinsons do (both neurological conditions). He looked lost and confused. He also could barely get up. When he had to stand up to swear in, he was slow, shaky and sighing.

For months I’ve stated on this site that Mueller is sick (physically). Most recently, I stated it on May 30, 2019 when I wrote, "A sickly looking Mueller gave a press conference" (Robert Mueller Resigns And Refuses To Testify In Congress). For years I've also referred to him on this site as an evil madman (here and here).

Yesterday during the congressional hearing, Twitter was dominated by many tweets pronouncing Mueller "senile." People expressed shock and outrage that what has been deemed the most important modern day U.S. government investigation has been spearheaded and mismanaged by a mentally unfit man, Mueller. This is why he did not want to testify in Congress, then they kept delaying it. To think they let this mentally unfit, evil man ruin so many people’s lives for years.

I’ve been stating on this site for years that there is something wrong with Mueller in the head. I have correctly characterized him as a psychopath wasting taxpayer money on a number of law enforcement matters that harmed innocent people. However, people believed what they wanted to and to the detriment of the country, in letting a dangerous, mentally unfit man run loose with madness.

Years prior to the Trump investigation, I saw his terrible handiwork at the FBI up close and it was sick and vile on every level. The man did and ordered agents to do some very psychopathic and disturbing things. When the Russia collusion investigation was announced, I expressed disgust that such a man was brought back as Special Counsel and warned it would end in shambles, as I knew Mueller to be a psychopathic con artist wasting taxpayer money and perversely spying on innocent people for political and financial gain. Now the Russia investigation has ended in shambles.

“During the hearing, Mueller even corrected claims by Democratic Congressman Ted Lieu that his report did not exonerate Trump, leaving egg on the Democrats’ faces. Mueller embarrassingly stated, ‘Now before we got to questions, I want to go back to one thing that was sad this morning by Mr. Lieu who said, and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the president because of the OLC opinion.’ That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report, and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

The mainstream press and Democrats were absolutely deflated by Mueller’s statement. The whole testimony was a mammoth mess. Political pundits on both sides of the aisles branded Mueller’s testimony “a disaster” for the Democrats. Mueller’s friend, David Alexrod stated, “This is delicate to say, but Mueller, whom I deeply respect, has not publicly testified before Congress in at least six years. And he does not appear as sharp as he was then. And it helps explain why Mueller wanted his aide nearby. This is very, very painful.”

You know what it reminded me of, the movie “Weekend at Bernies” where a man was being propped up and dragged around, in trying to give a false impression about his condition. When I think about the severe mental abuse Mueller ordered against various people without cause, such as Dr. Bruce Ivins, which led to him having a mental breakdown and committing suicide, I have no sympathy for the former FBI Director. Now Mueller’s mind has turned to mush like some of his victims. You reap what you sow.

$30,000,000 in taxpayer money has gone up in smoke, while Mueller took America for a terrible ride and now with nothing to show for it. What we have learned is the Russian government is an enemy of America. Duh! I and many others in the world could have told you that for free. Much like the U.S. government is an enemy of Russia. Once again, the world has known these things for decades. It’s in history books. It is taught at universities worldwide. World governments have files on it.

Russia has meddled in America and America has meddled in Russia. This is not news to the world. It did not warrant this crapfest of an investigation that got Democrats’ hopes up in vain only for them to end up crushed and dangerously desperate, while Republicans have been terrorized as “commies.”

In many ways Putin won. Mueller’s clandestine conduct for nearly 3-years, in stretching things out and lapping up the butt kissing from the left, caused so many false narratives to be written and accusations wantonly tossed about, that it has placed a mammoth wedge down party lines. It created a hysterical paranoia. Only for you to discover Muller is a senile old madman like I’ve stated all along.


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