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Rupert Murdoch Is A Hypocrite For Breaking Up Many Marriages Through His Tabloids When He Is A Philanderer July 28. 2011 Rupert Murdoch and his latest wife Wendi Murdoch Rupert Murdoch's tabloid newspapers the News of the World and The Sun (UK) have broken up many marriages in Britain. The newspapers specialize in a form of gutter journalism that aims for the jugular, in gaining maximum exposure for printing people's secret, personal failings in their marriages (infidelity) and families, via illegal wiretapping and hacking (phone hacking) in a story I broke first in 2005, due to having my privacy invaded (Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes). Murdoch and his newspapers have destroyed thousands of people's lives with the reckless and invasive items they've printed, breaking stories on cheating scandals that humiliated scores of wives and children, not to mention politicians and entertainers that were caught flatfooted. Murdoch can dish it, but he can't take it. Knowing what I know about Murdoch, in that he has cheated on ALL his wives, I find it very hypocritical that none of his dirt ever made it into the newspapers. Why has no one gone public with that (oh wait, someone just did *raspberry*). James Murdoch lied to the British Parliament this month, but former News Corp employees have refuted his testimony Don't worry, Wendi won't leave him, so this revelation won't break up their marriage. She's there for the money. But make no mistake, let him drop dead soon and she'll hook up with a young stud with muscles that would put hulk to shame. And let's not even talk about the tumultuous time in Murdoch's life when his eldest son, Lachlan, who some say is gay, left News Corp, leaving butch papa Murdoch none too pleased and saying some unflattering things to colleagues about it all. Was that supposed to be a secret? Oops. Meanwhile, Murdoch all but emasculated Lachlan, trying to turn his heir-apparent into a ruthless businessman. Then, there's James (another philanderer) and Elisabeth, who so wanted to please daddy Murdoch, they broke the law and resorted to sheer ruthlessness in business, all in the name of money. You really shouldn't do things like that, because it could land you in prison. Then again, the Murdochs' confidence comes from bribing law enforcement in different countries (and it is going to fail and backfire on the family with a forthcoming scandal). Rupert Murdoch and his underachieving daughter, Elisabeth Murdoch, who has turned to illegal activity to get ahead at her company Shine (Photo Credit: David Parker) Murdoch, you may have succeed as a businessman, albeit disgracefully so, but you've certainly failed as a father and husband. Cheating on your wives and teaching your kids to break the law for profits is plain wrong. Maybe you should publish the truthful and salacious stories about your abusiveness and personal failings as a husband, father and businessman, rather than hacking people's phones and computers for financial gain. You know, before somebody else beats you to it. Go ahead, I'm giving you a head start, because I tend to be quite tactless regarding exclusives, where criminals such as yourself are concerned, but at least you could pretty up your worst dirty secrets for public consumption. RELATED ARTICLES Fox News Has A Secret Phone Hacking Department In The Building Says Former Employee Senator Demands FBI Investigate Rupert Murdoch For Hacking Rival & Stealing Their Copyrights News Corp Employees State James Murdoch Lied In Parliament About The Phone Hacking Scandal News Corp And Insider Trading In The Phone Hacking Scandal Australian Prime Minister Slams Rupert Murdoch And News Corp A Second News Corp Whistleblower Died Rupert Murdoch Illegally Accessed The Medical Records Of The Prime Minister's Sick Child Delusional Rupert Murdoch Thinks The Public Adores Him Rupert Murdoch Executive Admitted To Bribing The Metropolitan Police (Video) The Head Of The Wall Street Journal Resigns Due To Rupert Murdoch Phone Hacking Scandal Privacy Invader Rebekah Brooks Resigns From Rupert Murdoch's News Company The FBI To Investigate Rupert Murdoch's News Corp Report: Rupert Murdoch To Relaunch News Of The World As The Sun On Sunday Rupert Murdoch's News Corp In Trouble As More Employees Are Arrested And News Of The World Closes Rebekah Brooks Played Sex Games In The Office With Rupert Murdoch Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes The FBI Corruptly Granted "Sovereign Immunity" In The Aisha v. FBI Case Madonna's Connection To Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal |
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